School Obligations. 11.1 While students are in the school building Amity undertakes to act in loco parentis in respect of their education and welfare. This obligation will apply during school hours and at other times when the student is participating in activities organised by Amity.
11.2 If a student requires urgent medical attention while under Amity’s care, Amity will immediately contact the Parents.
11.3 Amity will monitor student’s progress at Amity and produce regular written reports. Amity will advise Parents of any concerns about a student’s progress. Amity will not undertake to diagnose special educational needs, for example, dyslexia or other specific conditions. Parents must arrange a formal assessment. Parents may be asked to withdraw their child without being charged fees in lieu of notice if, in the opinion of the Head of School, the School cannot provide adequately for the child’s special educational needs.
11.4 In line with the law and good practice, Amity looks to implement positive behaviour intervention strategies. In an emergency, the employment of physical restraint could be utilised as a last resort in order to avert immediate danger to the individual student or another person. In any situation where this has been deemed necessary, Amity would internally investigate the situation and share with parents the rationale for the restraint.
11.5 Amity reserves the right to contact the local authorities if a student is not collected at the end of the school day. Equally, if a student is absent without notification to the school, the local authorities may be contacted.
School Obligations. 4.1 I/We take cognisance of the limitations of the Academy’s resources which limit its ability to provide high quality education to children with special educational needs. To the extent that, in the reasonable opinion of the Principal, the Academy can no longer, provide adequately for my/our child, the School may not offer enrolment and may request transfer of the said child to relevant institution.
4.2 I/We support the academy in all of its policies and regulations. I/We will co-operate with staff and strictly direct our child to obey every rule as directed by scriptural principles. I/We have read the above information and agree to abide fully with all the policies of the Academy as adopted and published from time to time and agree to abide by these policies. The Academy undertakes to make copies of all policies available on request and free of charge, or on the Academy's website.
School Obligations. School shall be solely responsible for its own compliance with (i) all applicable State, local, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to all applicable education and special education laws and regulations; and (ii) all School and school district policies and procedures.
School Obligations. 5.1. During the Term, the School undertakes to run the Jump Rope for Heart Program at the School during regular school hours and actively promote student participation in the Program.
School Obligations. School and users of Student Services will take reasonable precautions to secure usernames, passwords and any other means of gaining access to the Student Services and to Student Data. School will notify Adobe promptly of any known or suspected unauthorized access to School's account and/or to Adobe's systems or services. School will assist Adobe in any efforts by Adobe to investigate and respond to any incident involving unauthorized access to the systems.
School Obligations. FOCIL's obligations to convey or cause to be conveyed the school site and school play-yard pursuant to Section 4.5 of the South OPA; or
School Obligations a. The School will be responsible for the care of the Student on School grounds or at events and excursions sanctioned by the School on usual School days between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. Parents are responsible for the supervision and safety of the Student outside of these hours.
b. The School will endeavour to educate the Student with due care and skill, acting in the best interests of the Student individually where possible, and the student body generally.
c. The School will use its best endeavours to provide all students with an environment that is safe, compassionate, caring and fosters their individual growth.
d. The School will ensure that School Policies and rules are accessible to the Student and to Parents via the School website.
School Obligations. 1. Aspire will adhere to the agreements and obligations outlined in the lnterlocal Agreement fortheDelivery of Dual Enrollment Coursework.
3. Aspire win pay for purchase of textbooks and required course materials (such as licenses, lab equipment, peraonal protective equipment, supplies, etc.)
School Obligations. 11.1 While students are in the school building Amity undertakes to act in loco parentis in respect of their education and welfare. This obligation will apply during school hours and at other times when the student is participating in activities organised by Amity.
11.2 If a student requires urgent medical attention while under Amity’s care, Amity will immediately contact the Parents.
11.3 Amity will monitor student’s progress at Amity and produce regular written reports. Amity will advise Parents of any concerns about a student’s progress. Amity will not undertake to diagnose special educational needs, for example, dyslexia or other specific conditions. Parents must arrange a formal assessment. Parents may be asked to withdraw their child without being charged fees in lieu of notice if, in the opinion of the Head of School, the School cannot provide adequately for the child’s special educational needs.
11.4 In line with the law and good practice, Amity looks to implement positive behaviour intervention strategies. In an emergency, the employment of reasonable physical restraint could be utilised as a last resort in order to avert immediate danger to the individual student or another person. In any situation where this has been deemed
11.5 Amity reserves the right to contact the local authorities if a student is not collected at the end of the school day. In accordance with Dutch law, Amity is required to report any unauthorised student absence to the local authorities.
School Obligations. 3.1. The School shall provide Wonde with: (i) all necessary cooperation in relation to this agreement; and (ii) all necessary access to such information as may be required by Wonde.
3.2. The School shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to its activities under this Agreement.