SCOPE OF CONTRACT SERVICES. Select one of the following Paragraphs: The various Tasks to be performed by the Consultant for this Project are described more specifically in Attachment ***, attached and made a part of this Contract. The various Tasks to be performed by the Consultant for this Project are described more specifically as follows: The services to be rendered for this Project shall consist of the following Stage(s) and Part(s): Adjust as necessary, list all Stage(s) and Part(s) for this particular project; delete all others: Stage 0: Feasibility Studies Part I: Feasibility Study Part II: Environmental Inventory Stage 1: Planning/Environmental Part I: Corridor Study Part II: Line and Grade Study Part III: Environmental Evaluation Categorical Exclusion Environmental Assessment (EA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part IV: Conceptual Design Part V: Scope and Budget Development Stage 3: Design Part I: Surveying Services
SCOPE OF CONTRACT SERVICES. The XXXX Contractor’s preconstruction services consist of working with the Program Management Team, the Design Team, and Independent Cost Estimator (ICE) in the design phase to assist in the completion of a comprehensive set of construction plans and specifications by performing constructability reviews, phasing and sequencing suggestions, developing and updating an open-book cost model, assessing appropriate means and methods, designing temporary works, developing a construction schedule for maximum contract days, and providing input into the development of innovative time savings and cost savings ideas for Project design. The XXXX Contractor also provides opinions of probable construction costs (OPCCs) at designated milestones and a mutually acceptable Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) as part of the preconstruction phase of this Project. If CPRA and the XXXX Contractor are able to reach an agreement on a GMP including constructability, construction phasing and sequencing, and the maximum number of contract days to complete the Project, as per L.R.S. 38:2225.2.4, CPRA may then enter into a Construction Services Contract with the XXXX Contractor. If a GMP is not successfully negotiated, the Project will be put out to bid as a traditional design- bid-build (D-B-B) contract. The full XXXX Scope of Services for this Project is presented in Exhibit B. The XXXX Contractor provides at a minimum the following to assist in the development of the Project plans: • An estimate of the quantities of materials, labor, and equipment needed for construction of the Project (a cost model); • A logical CPM schedule in accordance with the CPM specifications; • Advice as to the availability, cost, and capacities of materials, labor, and equipment; • Risk identification services, methods to mitigate, and innovative approaches; • Constructability reviews, phasing and sequencing reviews, and other input; and • A final GMP schedule with maximum days. • Attends partnering workshops, risk and innovation meetings, cost model development meetings, as well as cost and schedule reviews. The deliverables to be provided by the XXXX Contractor during the preconstruction services are included in the detailed scope of services in Exhibit B.
SCOPE OF CONTRACT SERVICES. The various Work Tasks to be performed by the Consultant under this Contract are described in Attachment No. 1 (NLCOG Request for Qualifications) and No. 2 (Alliance Transportation Group LLC. Regional Active Transportation Plan Proposal dated September 5, 2023), attached hereto and made a part hereof. The basic services to be rendered for this project are identified as follows with further detail described in Attachment No.1 The Northwest Louisiana Regional Active Transportation Plan includes the following key tasks:
SCOPE OF CONTRACT SERVICES. The Consultant shall perform professional right of way services at proposed sites throughout the State of Louisiana, whether in combination or severally, contained in a T.O. issued for such services, said services being those detailed in Exhibit A (Scope of Right of Way Services), attached hereto and made a part hereof. A T.O. is the exclusive mechanism by and through which services will be performed under this Retainer Contract. This Retainer Contract does not, in and of itself, provide for the performance of any particular professional right of way services or right of way deliverables, or for payment for such. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that this Retainer Contract does not guarantee that DOTD will enter into a T.O. with Consultant for any services during the term of this Retainer Contract. During the term of this Retainer Contract and any T.O.s issued in connection herewith, the Consultant must at all times and all phases ensure quality and adhere to established professional right of way service practices, policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines in the performance of right of way services and the preparation of right of way deliverables. To accomplish this, and in order to provide a mechanism by which all contracted professional right of way services and deliverables can be subjected to systematic and consistent review, the Consultant shall develop, implement, maintain, and operate under and within a Quality Control/Quality Assurance (“QC/QA”) program approved by DOTD. The DOTD shall provide limited input and technical assistance to the Consultant.
SCOPE OF CONTRACT SERVICES. The various Work Tasks to be performed by the Consultant under this Contract are described in Attachment No. 1 (NLCOG Request for Qualifications) and No. 2 (Alliance Transportation Group LLC. Northwest Louisiana Safe Streets and Roads for All Regional Action Plan Proposal dated March 21, 2024), attached hereto and made a part hereof. The basic services to be rendered for this project are identified as follows with further detail described below: Northwest Louisiana Safe Streets and Roads for All Regional Action Plan Scope of Services


  • Contract Services The Provider Agency shall provide services to eligible persons in accordance with all specifications contained in this Contract.

  • PROJECT SERVICES Landlord shall furnish services as follows:

  • Attachment A, Scope of Services The scope of services is amended as follows:

  • Scope of Services The specific scope of work for each job shall be determined in advance and in writing between TIPS Member, Member’s design professionals and Vendor. It is permitted for the TIPS Member to provide a general scope description, but the awarded vendor should provide a written scope of work, and if applicable, according to the TIPS Member’s design Professional as part of the proposal. Once the scope of the job is agreed to, the TIPS Member will issue a PO and/or an Agreement or Contract with the Job Order Contract Proposal referenced or as an attachment along with bond and any other special provisions agreed by the TIPS Member. If special terms and conditions other than those covered within this solicitation and awarded Agreements are required, they will be attached to the PO and/or an Agreement or Contract and shall take precedence over those in this base TIPS Vendor Agreement.

  • EFT SERVICES If approved, you may conduct any one (1) or more of the EFT services offered by the Credit Union.

  • Payment for Project Services As full consideration for the Services to be performed by Contractor, City agrees to pay Contractor as set forth in accordance with the bid and not to exceed fee of 240,751.30 for the project. A monthly progress payment in the amount of ninety-five percent (95%) of the value of the work completed may be made every thirty (30) days upon application by the Contractor and certification by the Project Manager that such work has been completed. Partial payments will be made once each month as the work satisfactorily progresses and after acceptance by the authorized City representative. The progress estimates shall be based upon materials in place, or on the job site and invoiced, and labor expended thereon. From the total of the amount ascertained will be deducted an amount equivalent to five percent (5%) of the whole, which five percent (5%) will be retained by the City until after completion of the entire Contract in an acceptable manner. Any time after fifty percent (50%) of the value of the work has been completed, the City will make any of the remaining partial payments in full. No such estimates or payments shall be required to be made, when, in the judgment of the City Project Manager, the work is not proceeding in accordance with the provision of the Contract, or when in his judgment the total value of the work done since last estimate amounts to less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The cost of materials conforming to the plans and specifications (materials being those which are required to be contained and incorporated in a finished contract bid item) delivered to the project and not at the time incorporated in the work, may also be included in the estimate for payment. No such estimate or payment shall be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work or improper material. The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall not remove from the project any material that has been included in the estimate for payment. Final payment shall be made upon the Project Manager certifying that the Contractor has satisfactorily completed the work in conformity with the Contract Documents.

  • Autism Services This plan covers the following services for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. • Applied behavior analysis when provided and/or supervised by an individual licensed by the state in which the service is rendered. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount that you pay. • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services when rendered as part of the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. A benefit limit will not apply to these services. • Psychological and psychiatric services, and prescription drugs are also covered. See Behavioral Health Services and Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies for additional information. Coverage for autism spectrum disorders does not affect any obligation of a school district, a state or other governmental entity to provide services to an individual under an individualized family service plan, an individualized education program, or similar services required under state or federal law. Services related to autism that are furnished by school personnel are not covered under this plan.

  • SCOPE OF SERVICES/CASE HANDLING A. Upon execution by GPM, attorneys are retained to provide legal services for the purpose of seeking damages and other relief in the Litigation. Client provides authorization to seek appointment as Lead Plaintiff in the class action, while the Attorneys will seek to be appointed Class Counsel. If this occurs, the Litigation will be prosecuted as a class action. B. If you obtain access to non-public information during the pendency of the Litigation, you must not engage in transactions in securities. C. Attorneys are authorized to prosecute the Litigation. The appointed Lead Plaintiffs will monitor, review and participate with counsel in the prosecution of the Litigation. The Attorneys shall consult with the appointed Lead Plaintiffs concerning all major substantive matters related to the Litigation, including, but not limited to, the complaint, dispositive motions and settlement. Because of potential differences of opinion between Clients concerning, among other things, strategy, goals and objectives of the Litigation, the Attorneys shall consult with the appointed Lead Plaintiffs as to the courses of action to pursue. The Client agrees to abide by the decisions of the appointed Lead Plaintiffs, which shall be final and binding on all Clients. D. GPM is given the authority to opt the Client out of any class action proceeding relating to the claims authorized herein and/or pursue the Client claim individually in a group action, if the Client is not appointed Lead Plaintiff and GPM is not appointed Class Counsel. E. The Attorneys shall provide sufficient resources, including attorney time and capital for payment of costs and expenses, to vigorously prosecute the Litigation. F. Any recovery from defendants that the Attorneys are responsible for will be divided among class members based on the recognized loss by each class member as calculated by a damage allocation plan which will be prepared by a financial expert or consultant, provided to the appointed Lead Plaintiffs, be subject to the Court's approval and will account for such factors as size of securities ownership, date of purchase, date of sale and continued holdings, if any. Under the rules governing class action litigation, while the Lead Plaintiffs recover according to the same formula as other class members, the Court may approve, upon application therefore, reimbursement of the Lead Plaintiffs’ reasonable costs and expenses directly related to the representation of the class. Examples are lost wages and travel expenses associated with testifying in the action.

  • Marketing Services The Manager shall provide advice and assistance in the marketing of the Vessels, including the identification of potential customers, identification of Vessels available for charter opportunities and preparation of bids.

  • Hosting Services NCR Voyix shall furnish facilities, equipment, computer programs and services, as specified from time to time by NCR Voyix, that NCR Voyix deems necessary for operation and maintenance of the System (collectively, the “Hosting Services”).