Section 10.10.1 Sample Clauses

Section 10.10.1. 39 If there is employee movement from a higher paid position to a lower paid position or from a 40 lower paid position to a higher paid position within the employee’s classification due to the 41 bumping process or student need (example: Sign Language Interpreter to a Paraeducator 42 position or visa-versa), the employee shall retain their current rate of pay through the end of 43 that month before having their rate of pay adjusted accordingly for the remainder of the school 44 year. Employees shall maintain their current step on Schedule A.
Section 10.10.1 the District decide to layoff or reduce hours of any non-annual employee, the employee shall 10 be so notified in writing prior to the expiration of the school year, if the layoff or reduction in hours 11 is known. Otherwise, at least two (2) weeks notice shall be given.
Section 10.10.1. 2 Once per year, per building, additional work time of less than fifteen (15) hours per week shall 3 be offered within the building by seniority where current schedules are not disrupted. As often 4 as needed, additional work time of less than fifteen (15) hours per week will be offered within 5 the building by seniority where current schedules are not disrupted, for the duration school year
Section 10.10.1. An employee returning from an approved leave without pay will not necessarily be assigned to 6 the identical position occupied before the leave of absence. However, provided a vacancy 7 exists for which the employee is qualified, the employee shall be reinstated to a position 8 equivalent in duties and salary to that held at the time the request for leave of absence was 9 approved.
Section 10.10.1. 44 For flexibility in scheduling, the district has the option of adding up to thirty (30) minutes to a 45 position without going through the seniority line. Any time over thirty (30) minutes would be 46 offered to the most senior employees. Senior employees will be considered first for additional 47 time. Bus drivers are exempt from this section. 48 49
Section 10.10.1. Employees on layoff status shall have preferential status for substitute work within any 8 classification the employee is qualified.
Section 10.10.1. In the event of layoff, employees so affected shall be placed on a layoff list for a period of 10 eighteen (18) months. Employees on the layoff list should regularly check the District’s webpage 11 to learn of all job openings in the District. Employees on the layoff list shall have the status of 12 regular employees when applying for jobs.
Section 10.10.1. In the event of layoff(s), each classification may, at their option, select a “parking lot” 47 procedure to deal with the reduction in force.
Section 10.10.1. 30 Individuals whose names are on the reemployment list, who elect to accept a position with the 31 District which is substantially less than the position previously held, shall remain an active 32 name on the reemployment list.
Section 10.10.1. Personnel will be considered for placement based on Layoff Employment Pool seniority and