Regular Workweek Sample Clauses
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek for employees shall consist of no more than five consecutive days from Monday to Friday, inclusive.
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours of work within the workweek.
Regular Workweek. The regular or standard workweek is defined as the number of hours of work performed in a seven (7) day period beginning Sunday (12:01am) and ending Saturday (midnight). The regularly scheduled workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours with fixed starting and ending times (currently Monday and Friday, respectively).
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek for full-time employees who work 1,872 hours per annum shall consist of schedules of four (4) consecutive days with three (3) consecutive days off. Exception: this section shall not apply to employees transitioning from one work schedule to a different work schedule as a result of shift•bidding or change in shift as may be permitted under Section 2 of this Article, a bid relief position defined in Article 9 Section 7 (D) (Non-Supervisor Agreement Only), or promotion, or reclassification.
Regular Workweek. The normal workweek for Police Unit employees shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour days or a minimum total of forty (40) hours. Where operational requirements of a department require deviations from the present schedule, the City Manager may institute alternate work schedules, consistent with provisions of the State Law.
Regular Workweek. Except for employees employed in continuous operations, a "regular workweek" shall be five (5) consecutive regular workdays in a workweek. A continuous operation is an operation that functions seven (7) days a week. Employees assigned to the Communications Center shall not be regularly scheduled in excess of forty (40) hours in a workweek.
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek for a full-time Employee shall consist of forty (40) hours of work over five (5) work days in the workweek. Except as otherwise agreed between the affected Employee and the Employer, the regular workday for an Employee shall not be more than eight (8) hours of work. For the purpose of this provision and computing the pay of Employees, the workweek shall consist of seven (7) consecutive calendar days commencing at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday and ending at midnight the following Saturday. There are two (2) workweeks in a payroll period. The Employer hereby expressly reserves the right to determine each Employee’s work schedule and hours of work, and the right to assign Employees additional hours before or after their regularly scheduled hours of work. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer agrees:
1. That Employees hired on or before November 1, 2002 shall not be required to (but may if they and their supervisor so agree) work:
a. more than two (2) weekend days every four (4) weeks;
b. more than one (1) Sunday every four (4) weeks; nor
c. both a Saturday and a Sunday on the same weekend. (Note: It is expressly agreed that this provision shall not prohibit an Employee and the Employer from mutually agreeing to the Employee working a Saturday and Sunday on the same weekend in fulfillment of the Employee’s weekend work obligations as herein provided.)
2. That Employees hired on or before November 1, 2002 who are required to work on Sundays shall be provided a minimum of six hours work on such Sundays, regardless of the hours the facility they are assigned is open to the public.
3. That Employees hired on or before November 1, 2002 shall not be required (but may if they and their supervisor so agree) to work more than two weeknights a week or a split shift.
4. That Employees hired on or before November 1, 2002 shall not be required to work on the Sunday immediately preceding both Memorial Day and Labor Day of a calendar year.
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek of thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours shall consist of five (5) consecutive workdays.
Regular Workweek a. The regular workweek shall commence Sunday and extend through Saturday, eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days per week for a total of forty (40) hours, which includes authorized absences with pay.
b. The hours of work, including authorized absences with pay, of all part-time employees shall be established by the appointing authority but shall normally be less than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week.
Regular Workweek. The regular workweek shall con- sist of forty (40) hours per week and such additional time as may from time to time be required in the judgment of the City to serve the citizens of the City. The regular workweek shall consist of five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour workdays. The regular workday shall consist of eight (8) consecutive hours of work within a twenty-four (24) hour period which may be interrupt- ed by a one-half (½) hour lunch break. Employees granted one-half (½) hour for lunch will have their regular workday end eight and one-half (8½) hours from the beginning of their normal shift hours. The present practice of working through lunch and leaving one-half (½) hour early shall continue.