Section 9.9.1 Sample Clauses

Section 9.9.1. 2 Upon recommendation of the immediate supervisor through administrative channels to the 3 Superintendent, and upon approval of the Board of Directors, an employee may be granted a 4 leave of absence for a period not to exceed one (1) year; provided, however, if such leave is 5 granted due to extended illness, one (1) additional year may be granted by action of the Board 6 of Directors.
Section 9.9.1. 45 In the event of a necessary reduction in the work force, the District shall layoff employees in 46 accordance with the provisions of Section 9.6 and 9.8. No new employees will be hired for 47 positions before such positions have been offered to all qualified employees on layoff status. 1 At any time a general reduction in force is necessary, the District will take these steps as early 2 as possible: 4 1. Positions to be eliminated will be identified. 5 2. Attrition data will be determined as accurately as possible. 6 3. Qualifications for remaining positions will be identified. 7 4. Remaining positions will be filled.
Section 9.9.1. In the event a classified employee is a party in Court action, he/she may be granted a temporary 3 leave of absence without pay.
Section 9.9.1. 7 In the event of a reduction in force (as opposed to reduction in hours), employees shall be 8 terminated based on seniority earned within the general job classification of Secretary/Clerical, 9 Paraeducator, and Professional Technical Specialist (as set forth in Appendix A). An employee 11 classification where he/she has had at least one (1) year experience during the last five (5) years 12 and retain seniority with that general job classification. Individuals who are employed in more 13 than one (1) general job classification shall accrue seniority in each general job classification in 14 which the individual is employed. If the District eliminates the job of a senior employee, said 15 employee may bump into the job of a junior employee in their general job classification. The 16 senior employee must have the appropriate qualifications for the job they bump into.
Section 9.9.1. In the event an employee is summoned to serve as a juror, or appear as a witness in court, or is named as a co-defendant with the District, such employee shall receive a normal days pay for each day of required presence in court; provided, however, that any compensation received for such service shall be paid to the District. Such repayment shall not exceed the employee’s normal daily pay less bona fide expenses. In the event that an employee is a party in the court action, such employee may request a leave of absence.
Section 9.9.1. Upon approval by the Board, such leave shall be granted for the period of actual illness or 3 injury up to one (1) year. If additional time is necessary, written application must be made to 4 the District and up to one (1) additional year may be granted at the discretion of the District.
Section 9.9.1. 41 Upon application to the District, such leave shall be granted for the period of actual illness or 42 injury up to one (1) year. If additional time is necessary, written application must be made to the
Section 9.9.1. In the event of a necessary reduction in the work force, the District shall layoff employees in 3 accordance with the provisions of Section 9.6 and 9.8. No new employees will be hired for positions 4 before such positions have been offered to all qualified employees on layoff status. At any time a 5 general reduction in force is necessary, the District will take these steps as early as possible:
Section 9.9.1. 17 Emergency leave must be approved by the superintendent/designee. 18
Section 9.9.1. 30 In the event of a reduction in force (as opposed to reduction in hours), employees shall be 31 terminated based on seniority earned within the general job classification of Secretary/Clerical, 32 Paraeducator, and Professional Technical Specialist (as set forth in Appendix A). An employee 33 who has changed general job classifications may retreat back to the most recent general job 34 classification where he/she has had at least one (1) year experience during the last five (5) years 35 and retain seniority with that general job classification. Individuals who are employed in more 36 than one (1) general job classification shall accrue seniority in each general job classification in 37 which the individual is employed. If the District eliminates the job of a senior employee, said 38 employee may bump into the job of a junior employee in their general job classification. The 39 senior employee must have the appropriate qualifications for the job they bump into.