SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Exhibitor agrees to withhold sponsoring hospitality suites/rooms or other functions during official show activities, including exhibit hours, social functions, educational seminars and any other related activity scheduled by Show Management.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Charitable and philanthropic activities.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. The Exhibitor agrees to obtain WISPA’s prior written approval before hosting any meetings, hospitality suites or other functions during any official Show activities or conference/exhibit hall hours.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Any social function or special event planned by exhibitor to take place during the Show must be pre-approved in writing by XXXXXX. Exhibitor agrees to not sponsor, host, offer or provide hospitality suites/rooms or other functions during official Show activities, including exhibit hours, social functions, educational seminars and any other related activity scheduled by SAAGNY/Promotions East and/ or Show Management. Distribution of exhibitor materials is not permitted to attendee sleeping rooms nor doors, meeting rooms or anywhere else in the Venue except in the specified exhibit space.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Participation in social activities is another important part of being an exchange student. I understand that I am expected to participate in school and club activities not only for my sake but also because my participation in these activities is one way that I can give something back to the high school that has agreed to host me. I agree that I will participate on a regular basis in at least two school activities or clubs.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Any social function or special event planned by an Exhibitor, to take place during the MEGA Conference, must be pre-approved by MEGA. Exhibitor agrees to withhold sponsoring hospitality suites/rooms or other functions during official conference and Mega Conference activities, including exhibit hours, social functions, educational seminars and any other related activity scheduled by MEGA. Distribution of Exhibitor materials unless otherwise agreed to by contract is not permitted to attendee sleeping room doors, MEGA meeting rooms or anywhere else in the hotel and/or exhibit facility except in the specified booth space.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIESMilitary Personnel and tl1eir Dependents may benefit from military mess ha:ls. canteens, shops and mil: ary social fac lities within the exist'ng capabilities under Receiving State's legislation. They may benefit from soc1ai facilities i the ganiscn (except for recreation camps), wr,ere the personr1el serve and which the Receiving State officially permits them to use, on a daily basis,
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. A clerical employee is paid the difference of his/her salary and his/her compensation for loss of earnings, is he/she participates in the meetings of a municipal council or municipal board or meetings of an election committee or caucus set forth by law for state or mu- nicipal elections. The difference shall be paid when the clerical employee has rendered an account of the compensation for lost earnings paid by the local authority. A clerical employee’s annual leave benefits shall not be reduced because of meetings being held during working hours.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. 12.1. You will enable and encourage the child/young person to pursue any cultural, leisure or vocational activities which are beneficial for the wellbeing of the child/young person.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. What pro-social activities is client involved in? Are there any pro-social activities client would like to take part in? SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Does client use drugs or alcohol? MEDICAL/MENTAL HEALTH: Is client currently involved in a treatment program? Yes No Would client consider attending counseling/treatment/support group if needed? Yes No Don't Know Has client experienced any significant trauma during his/her lifetime? Yes No Don't Know Has client had previous trauma screening? Yes No Don't Know Yes No Don't Know If so, please list: Is client currently involved in a substance abuse treatment program? Yes No Has a case plan been developed? (If so, please attach) MEDICAL/MENTAL HEALTH: Is client currently involved in a treatment program? Yes No Would client consider attending counseling/treatment/support group if needed? Yes No Don't Know Has client experienced any significant trauma during his/her lifetime? Yes No Don't Know Has client had previous trauma screening? Yes No Don't Know Yes No What are the priority areas you would like GRID to assist client with? Outreach Worker (mentoring) Housing Opportunities Provision/Job Placement Medical Education Clothing Transportation Identification Tattoo Removal Other: Additional information: V- AStatue tofhCoolorraidzoation Consent to Release Information xx,x(j(l,M Initial Request Date of Prior uest (if applicable}: Address of Agency 03 w. Colfaic Ave_, 13111 Floor Full Name Last Name Mailfng Address Oty State ci-0ne Zip Phone Typeofldentifier: Ds<H 0Sct-il0 Oa. Os.�a, Oo.111wer..,x.xx, Oc.a...11opon, D,o. Identifier: I Name Mailing Address Tvae of Identifier: <Choose Onel tdentlfiers: ' Authorizes: DDYC oOCcOEocw OoCcDocEw OOBH 0Oiscricl Probatton (!I JAC 0Oivet'slon IZ) S894 @Cour11yCou11 •@•fflQljM•iJi.j@ Coonlination orSentices 0EduScahdoooln<:1ades 0SllbTrstaeau-nenAt blueHistory 0 TreatmE'nt Screeos I!) Pre-Trial Xxx000X.xx D Other- ••li@$!,X.xx§J@IN.j4i.fiiffl From: ••fil4i,Mi1if@•M•fihdi,ld:i,H§nihFrom: To: Durallon or GRID Program lnwlvemenl To: Duration of GRID ram lnVCMment aSulgnathotruiz,xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Type o, pnnt name: Date_