Employer Grievances Sample Clauses

Employer Grievances. Any grievance instituted by the Employer may be referred in writing to the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee within ten (10) full working days of the occurrence of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance. The Grievance Committee shall meet with the Employer to consider the grievance. The Grievance Committee will render its decision in writing within twenty-five (25) working days of receipt of the grievance. If final settlement of the grievance is not reached the grievance may be referred, by either Party, to a Board of Arbitration as provided in Article 8 at any time within thirty (30) calendar days thereafter, but no later.
Employer Grievances. Port grievances will be initiated at Step 2.
Employer Grievances. It is understood that the Employer may at any time file a grievance with the representative of the Union and request a meeting with her/him to discuss any complaint concerning the interpretation, application or alleged violation of this Agreement by the Union or by any employee. If such grievance by the Employer is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties it may be referred to arbitration as set forth in Article 8 below.
Employer Grievances. It is agreed and understood that the Employer, in lodging a Grievance with respect to the conduct of, or an alleged violation of the Collective Agreement by an employee covered by this Agreement, Officer of the Union, Committee Member or Xxxxxxx, may submit such Grievance in writing within five (5) working days of the occurrence giving rise to the Grievance. Such Grievance shall commence at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
Employer GrievancesThe Employer may grieve against the Union by forwarding a grievance in writing on letterhead to the President of the Union within twenty (20) days of the date the events giving rise to the grievance occurred or within twenty (20) days of the date upon which the Employer knew or ought to have known of the events giving rise to the grievance. No later than ten (10) days following receipt of the grievance, the President of the Union or designate shall meet with the Employer and shall make every attempt to resolve the grievance. The President of the Union or designate shall convey the reply to the grievance within five (5) days from the meeting.
Employer Grievances. (a) Step 1 of an Employer Grievance will be in writing and will set forth the information listed in Article 26.7(a)(ii), except 26.7(a)(ii)(4). The grievance will be addressed to the President of the Association. Within ten (10) working days following receipt of the grievance, a representative of the Association will meet with the Xxxxxxx, and will make every reasonable attempt to resolve the grievance. (b) In the event that a settlement is not reached within twenty (20) working days of the date of the first meeting hereunder, the President of the Association will, within ten (10) working days thereafter, forward in writing to the Xxxxxxx, reasons for denying the grievance. (c) If the grievance is resolved, the resolution will be put in writing by the President of the Association within ten (10) working days of the meeting at which the grievance was resolved. The resolution will be signed by the President of the Association and the Xxxxxxx. A copy will be sent to the Xxxxxxx. (d) If a grievance is denied at Step 1, within ten (10) working days of receiving the written reason(s) the Employer may submit to the Association notification of intent to proceed to Step 2. The Association has ten (10) working days to respond to the Employer's intent to proceed to Step 2. If the Association declines the intent to mediate, the Employer may proceed to Step 3. If the Association agrees to mediation, the parties will follow the procedure beginning with Article 26.7(b)(ii).
Employer Grievances a) Failing settlement at the Informal Stage, the Employer may lodge a formal grievance with the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx within 10 days of the date on which the events giving rise to the grievance occurred, or within10 days of the date upon which the Employer knew of the events giving rise to the grievance, whichever is later. b) An Employer grievance shall be in writing and shall specify the Article or Articles alleged to have been violated and the remedy sought. c) No later than 5 days following the receipt of the grievance, the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx shall meet with the Associate Executive Director (Administration & Finance) and shall make every reasonable attempt to resolve the grievance. d) If the grievance is resolved at this stage, such settlement shall be reduced to writing and countersigned by the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx and the Associate Executive Director (Administration & Finance) within 5 days of the meeting at which resolution was reached. e) In the event that the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx and the Associate Executive Director (Administration & Finance) cannot resolve the grievance within 10 days of the meeting specified in11.06.2(c), the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx shall forward in writing to the Associate Executive Director (Administration & Finance) the reasons for denying the grievance.
Employer Grievances. The University may lodge a formal complaint with the President of the Union on the ground that the provisions of this Agreement have been contravened by the Union. Such a complaint shall be made: (a) In writing; (b) within ten (10) working days from the action giving rise to the complaint or from the time the University became first aware of such action or of a situation unacceptable to the University and alleged to have been caused by the Union or its members; and, (c) with specific reference to the provisions of this paragraph and the requested remedy. The designated representatives of the University and of the Union shall meet within ten
Employer Grievances. It is understood that the Employer may bring forward, at any meeting held with the Association Committee, any complaint and that, if such complaint is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may be treated as a grievance and reduced to writing, and the written grievance sent to the President of the Association or her designated representative. Such complaint must be raised within five (5) days from the date the cause of the complaint occurs or within five (5) days from the date the Employer should have known of the occurrence of the event on which the complaint is based. If such complaint is not settled to the satisfaction of the Employer, the President of the Association or her designated representative shall, within ten (10) days after the mailing or delivery of the written grievance by the Employer, give a reply in writing to the Employer. If the written reply has not settled the grievance to the satisfaction of the Employer or if no written reply is received by the Employer within ten (10) days after the mailing or delivery of the written grievance to the President of the Association or her designated representative, the Employer may, within ten (10) days after receipt of the reply or within twenty (20) days after the mailing or delivery of the grievance, in case no written reply is received, refer the grievance to arbitration, in accordance with Article 11.5 of this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Employer shall comply with the time limits set out in this clause, respecting any Employer grievance; otherwise, the grievance shall be deemed to have been abandoned. Time limits shall be computed by excluding Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.
Employer Grievances. Where the Hospital believes the Union through its agents, representatives, or members are not in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Hospital may file a Step 3 grievance with the Union President. A Hospital Step 3 grievance will be initiated in writing and signed by the Director of Labor Relations or designee. To be timely, the Hospital’s grievance must be filed within the same timeframes set for filing grievances at Step 1 in this procedure. The Union President will have the same investigatory powers granted to the Hospital at Step 3 and will complete the investigation and render a response in accord with Step 3 timelines. If the grievance is not settled to the Hospital’s satisfaction, the Hospital may advance the grievance in accord with the provisions of Step 4 and Step 5. All communications regarding Hospital grievances and step advancement shall be sent to the Union President at xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx. This Section does not preclude the Employer from filing a prohibited practice charge with the Public Employer Employee Relations Board on issues over which the Board has jurisdiction.