Stocktakes. Including:
a) arranging at least two sessions each year involving the Managing Director and the managing directors of the three other regions in Wales to discuss, and challenge and review, all Welsh Government and Estyn performance data and intelligence on each region in Wales with a view to building on each region’s self- knowledge and the expertise available regionally
b) an annual challenge and review session chaired by the Minister for Education and Skills to review progress by each Welsh consortium on school improvement in each region. The Consortium will be represented by the chair of the Executive Board, the Managing Director and the Joint Committee, and the Managing Director will prepare a report on proceedings
c) implementing the actions and priorities agreed by the Consortium and the Authorities arising out of the challenge and review sessions and including them in the Business Plan The Minister for Education and Xxxxxx will have the power, in consultation with the Joint Committee, to make alternative arrangements for school improvement and Consortium functions where she reasonably believes that the Consortium lacks the capacity or will to deliver its functions adequately
1. Membership of the Joint Committee shall may consist of the leader for the time being of each Authority or its education portfolio holder
2. Each Member of the Joint Committee shall hold office until that Member:
a) dies; or
b) resigns; or
c) is disqualified in accordance with section 80 of the Local Government Act 1971; or
d) ceases to be a member of the Authority she represents; or
e) is suspended; or
f) the Authority which the Member represents decides that another Member should act in her place
1. Overall responsibility for successful attainment of the Objects for delivery by the Consortium under the direction of the Executive Board
2. Consulting with, advising and directing the Executive Board and the Consortium on strategic and financial issues concerning the identification and attainment of the Objects
3. Appointing members (including a representative of the Joint Committee) and the Chair of the Executive Board
4. Appointing (in consultation with the Executive Board and Welsh Government) the Managing Director
5. Appointing senior staff and dealing with Human Resources and disciplinary issues
6. Meeting (normally) not more than once in each school term to oversee the work of the Consortium to include considering reports from the Managing Director on outcomes and monitori...
Stocktakes. The Company has a requirement to conduct Stocktake counts twice per year. Once at the end of June and again at the end of December. To meet business needs the Company requires to make attendance at each Stocktake for permanent employees a condition of employment. Payment for these days would be at ordinary rates for the normal day plus the applicable overtime rates for any overtime required to be worked to complete the Stocktake.
Stocktakes. Accurately count/record and identify goods held in store area. Report inaccuracies.
Stocktakes. 16.1 All Employees are requested to participate in stocktakes as directed by the Company in order to ensure that there is a sufficient crew at each monthly stocktake. An annual roster will be prepared by the Company and communicated to Employees in the first quarter of each year which will detail the number, date, time and expected duration for each monthly stocktake and the names of Employees assigned to perform work for those stocktakes.
16.2 Stocktakes may take place outside ordinary hours of work and on any day, including the weekend. In this event, the stocktake will be deemed to be reasonable overtime and, subject to subclause 16.3, will be paid at overtime rates in accordance with Clause 15 of this Agreement.
16.3 All time worked by an Employee at the Company’s direction on a stocktake on a Saturday will be paid at double the Employee’s ordinary rate of pay.
Stocktakes. Employees will be required to make themselves available on two Saturday’s per annum for the purpose of undertaking stocktakes. A roster system will be developed in order to share the requirement to attend the stocktake. Employees will be paid a minimum of 4 hours overtime payment on each of these occasions.