STOPPAGE OF WORKThe Municipality may order the stoppage of the Work for any bona fide municipal purpose or cause relating to public health and safety or any circumstances beyond its control. In such circumstances, the Municipality shall provide the Company with a verbal order and reasons to stop the Work and the Company shall cease the Work immediately. Within two (2) business days of the verbal order, the Municipality shall provide the Company with a written stop work order with reasons. When the reasons for the Work stoppage have been resolved, the Municipality shall advise the Company immediately that it can commence the Work.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. 15:01 During the term of this Agreement, the Union shall not call nor authorize any strike, and no officer, official or agent of the Union shall counsel, procure, support or encourage any strike. Likewise, the Company shall not call nor authorize any lock-out, and no officer, official or agent of the Company shall counsel, procure, support or encourage a lock-out of its employees.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. The County may order the stoppage of the Work for any bona fide municipal purpose or cause relating to public health and safety. In such circumstances, the County will order the ongoing Work to be stopped until the unsafe condition is made safe or reason for the order is rectified. Such a work stoppage order by the County shall follow this procedure: The County shall provide the Company with a verbal order including the reason(s) for the Work stoppage, and the Company shall cease the ongoing Work immediately. If there is any excavation or any potentially dangerous condition, the Company shall take corrective action immediately to rectify such conditions. When the reasons for the Work stoppage have been resolved to the satisfaction of the County, the County shall advise the Company immediately that it can resume the Work. Within two (2) business days of the verbal order, the County shall provide the Company with a written stop work order with reasons. Coordination of Work. The Company shall use its reasonable efforts to minimize the necessity for road cuts, construction and the placement of new Equipment within the ROW by coordinating its Work and sharing the use of support structures with other existing and new occupants of the ROWs. Emergency contact personnel. The Company and the County shall provide to each other a list of 24-hour emergency contact personnel, available at all times, including contact particulars, and shall ensure that the list is kept current. Emergency Work by the County. In the event of an Emergency, the County shall as soon as reasonably practicable contact the Company and, as circumstances permit, allow the Company a reasonable opportunity to remove, relocate, protect or otherwise deal with the Equipment, having regard to the nature of the Emergency. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the County may take all such measures it deems necessary to address the Emergency and otherwise re-establish a safe environment, and the Company shall pay the County’s Costs that are directly attributable to the Work or the presence of the Equipment in the ROWs. “As-built” drawings. The Company shall, no later than 90 days after completion of any Work provide the Municipal Engineer with accurate “as-built” drawings, prepared in accordance with such standards as may be required by the Municipal Engineer, sufficient to accurately establish the plan, profile and dimensions of the Equipment installed within the ROWs. In the event that the Company fails to prov...
STOPPAGE OF WORK. (a) The Company, signatory to this Agreement, and the Union agree there shall be no strikes or lockouts during the life of this Agreement. (b) All controversies and disputes shall be settled through the Grievance Procedure. (c) There shall be no slow down or stoppage of work during the period when a grievance is being resolved. (d) Refusal to pass through a picket line which has not been held to be illegal shall not be construed as a violation of this Article. (e) The Company will not require any member of the Union to continue with the tow, if such tow has been brought through a picket line by other than Union Personnel.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. 2.1 There shall be no strike, lock-out, or stoppage of work while this agreement is in effect. 2.2 If a bargaining unit member is confronted by a picket line the Employer shall provide security when requested.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. There shall be no strike, lock-outs or stoppage of work while the provisions of this Agreement are in effect.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. There shall be no strike, lock-outs or stoppage of work while the provisions of this Agreement are in effect. (a) Refusal by employees covered under this Agreement to cross a picket line which they have established to be legal and which has been formed by locals belonging to Harbor) shall not constitute a violation of this article. Such employees who refuse to cross a picket line agree to take the ships to
STOPPAGE OF WORKThe Union will not cause and will undertake to dissuade its members from causing and nor will any employee of the Company take part in any strike either sit down, slow-down, stay-in, or any other kind of strike, or any other kind of interference or any other stoppage, total or partial, during the terms of this agreement. The Company will not cause, engage in, or permit a lock-out during the term of this agreement.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. There shall be no stoppage of work during the term of this Agreement by the employees by reason of any dispute between the Parties hereto or between the Employer and any employee. ARTICLE 20, MEDICAL SERVICES PLAN, EXTENDED HEALTH CARE & DENTAL BENEFITS In consideration of any employee contributing twenty percent (20%) of the monthly cost of the employee's participation in the British Columbia Medical Services Plan and Extended Health Benefits coverage, the Employer shall contribute the remaining eighty percent (80%) of the said monthly cost.
STOPPAGE OF WORK. If the Owner fails to pay Clearspan any amount due in connection with a Project when due, then Clearspan may, at any time thereafter, stop the Work on that Project until payment of the amount owing has been received.