STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. The Sporting Fees, Charges and Occupancy Agreement Policy complements other key strategies for the delivery of leisure opportunities across the municipality. These include: • Darebin Leisure Strategy 2010 – 2020 • Outdoor Sports Venue Infrastructure Policy 2012 • Outdoor Sports Venue Infrastructure Priority Plan 2013
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. In general terms, employment and investment are pursued either by (a) building on the Comox Valley's competitive advantages and capitalizing on the employment-generating and/or investment opportunities they create, or (b) removing or minimizing barriers that are restricting employment and investment opportunities. Each of the programs in this plan can be traced back to one of these two concepts - either building on advantages and opportunities or removing/minimizing barriers.
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. 7.1 Decisions under this MoU will be made by consensus. 7.2 SECCA will establish protocols for communication, reviewing and reporting the progress of collaborative activities and projects initiated under this MoU and agreed procedures for when there is no consensus.
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. This action supports your Board’s Strategic Framework by protecting vulnerable populations and providing community-appropriate levels of service.
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. In the proposed campaign, the strategic framework that will be used involves a public health education strategy known as "The Health Impact Pyramid". This framework for public health action is a "5-tier health impact pyramid", as illustrated in Figure 6. In this approach, addressing socioeconomic determinants are the foundation of creating impact on public health action, followed by interventions that change the context for health (such as providing easily accessible and accurate sources of breastfeeding help and resources), protective interventions with long-term benefits (e.g. breastfeeding for a greater length of time), direct clinical care, and at the top, counseling and education (Xxxxxxx, 2010).
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. The objective of the Regional Strategy is to provide the ESA-IO Regional Organisations and Member States with a comprehensive framework for capacity building and an effective Regional Plan of Action to address piracy and maritime security in the immediate, short, medium and long-term. To achieve this objective the strategy includes the promotion of intra- African and international partnerships and regional cooperation, the protection of sovereignty, countering criminality across regional waterways and associated infrastructure, and ensuring environmental governance. This ESA-IO Regional Strategy is consistent with and complementary to the existing international and regional maritime policies and specifically, it supports the AU African Maritime Transport Charter Plan of Action and Durban Declaration on Maritime Safety and Security adopted by the Heads of State and Government in October, 2009. The RS and RPA are in line with the Djibouti Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden from January 2009. Additionally, they are linked with the efforts of the UN Security Council and the mandated Contact Group against Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) to address cooperation, coordination and exchange between stakeholders along with resource mobilization, human resources development, action against money laundering, and development of harmonized legislation, procedures and instruments for dealing with piracy. The RPA will have immediate, short, medium and long term action to fight piracy and improve maritime security in the region and to establish and sustain conditions in the maritime domain to improve the political, social and economic conditions of the region. This Regional Strategy will be implemented in a 4-phase action plan. The time frame is defined as follows: 1. immediate term: 0 – 1 years 2. short-term: 2 – 5 years 3. medium-term: 6 – 10 years
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. Cayenta will develop and deliver to Penton an overall strategic framework for selecting, building and delivering standardized technologies for Penton-wide implementation.
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. This action supports the following areas of your Board’s Strategic Framework. Area of Focus: Safe & Healthy Communities Strategic Plan Category: 1001 -Support and sustain partnerships between public safety and partner agencies to enhance public safety in our communities
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. 7 .1 Within three months of the signing of this MoU, or at such later time as agreed between the parties, the parties must agree on a strategy for its management and oversight of the objectives. The agreed strategy will include the following processes: a) Communication strategy and process for regular communication between representatives of the parties in relation to this MoU; b) Decisions will be made by consensus; c) Procedures for reviewing and reporting the progress of collaborative activities and projects initiated under this MoU; and d) Procedures for identifying and prioritising new opportunities for collaboration.
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK. The IEA HIA strategy is to facilitate, coordinate and maintain innovative research, development and demonstration activities through international cooperation and information exchange. The IEA HIA is a task-shared agreement, meaning that the members share the actual work rather than the cost of executing the work. The R&D portfolio is developed on a democratic, bottom up basis by the Executive Committee. The governing body of the HIA, the Executive Committee, consists of member representatives. The annex or task is the basic unit of organization, followed by the sub-task. An Operating Agent manages each task and the actual work is performed by experts who are compensated directly by the members. The Secretariat manages the implementing agreement. The IEA HIA Secretariat office is located outside Washington, D.C. on the campus of the Federation of Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB), which has produced over 120 Nobel laureates. A summary of the IEA HIA’s 2004-2009 Strategic Plan follows.2 The 2004-2009 Five Year Plan has five focal points: collaborative R&D, independent analyses, industry participation, country membership and hydrogen with confidence. These are seen in Figure 1 below: This five-year plan has specific goals in Science and Technology, Market Environment and Outreach, which appear below: • Production • Storage • Systems