STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board herewith agrees with the Association to pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) on behalf of the individuals in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be picked up and paid on behalf of each individual shall be the employee’s contribution. The individual’s annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked up and paid by the Board.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all individuals in the bargaining unit.
3. No individual covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
4. The pick-up shall apply to all compensation including supplemental earnings.
5. For federal and state tax purposes, the W-2 form shall show the total amount of compensation reduced by the employee’s contribution. For STRS purposes the total amount of compensation shall not be reduced.
6. STRS pick-up shall in no way affect unemployment compensation, sick leave, workers’ compensation, severance pay, daily rate of pay, or any other calculation based on salary.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. Annuitization of the employee’s share of retirement shall be as follows: The Alliance Board of Education shall designate each employee’s mandatory contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio as “picked up” by the Board as interpreted by the Internal Revenue Service Rulings 77-462 and 81-36. Contributions “picked up” shall continue to be designated as employee contributions as permitted by Attorney General’s Opinion 82-097. In order that the amount of the employee’s income reported by the Board as subject to federal and Ohio income tax shall be the employee’s total gross income reduced by the then current percentage amount of the employee’s mandatory State Teachers Retirement System contribution which has been designated as “picked up” by the Board, and that the amount designated as “picked up” by the Board shall be included in computing final average salary, provided that no employee’s salary is increased by such “pick up”, nor is the Board’s total contribution to the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio increased thereby.
1. The amount to be picked-up and paid on behalf of each employee shall be the percentage required by STRS of the employee. The employee’s annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked-up and paid by the Board.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit.
3. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pickup.
4. The pick-up shall apply to all compensation including supplemental earnings.
5. For Federal and State tax purposes, the W-2 form shall show the total amount of compensation reduced by the percentage required of the employee by STRS. For STRS purposes the total amount of compensation shall not be reduced.
6. STRS pick-up shall in no way affect unemployment compensation, sick leave, workers’ compensation, severance pay, daily rate of pay, or any other calculation based on appropriate salary schedule. (See Appendix A)
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board of Education of the Monroeville School District herewith agrees with the Monroeville Teachers Association to pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be picked up and paid on behalf of each employee shall equal the total mandatory employee contribution as established by STRS. The employee’s annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked up and paid by the Board.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit.
3. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
4. The pick-up shall remain effective and shall apply to all compensation including supplemental earnings thereafter.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board of Education of the Coshocton City School District herewith agrees with the Coshocton City Education Association to pick up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. In accordance with Board practice and resolution and with STRS and IRS guidelines, the Board will contribute to STRS both its employer contribution and an amount equal to each certificated employee’s contribution in lieu of payment by the employee, and such amount contributed on behalf of the employee shall be treated as deferred salary from the contract salary otherwise payable to the employee in cash. The employee’s stated contract salary, per the schedules printed in this contract, shall thus be treated as consisting of a cash component and a pick-up component, with the pickup component being equal to the amount of the employee’s required STRS contribution. The Board’s total combined expenditures for employees total contract salaries payable pursuant hereto, (including pickup amount), and its employer contribution to STRS, shall not be greater than the amount it would have paid for the employee’s contract salary per the salary schedule and the employer contribution payable thereon if this STRS pickup provision were not in effect. The Board shall compute and remit its employer contributions to STRS based upon total contract salary, including the “pickup.” The Board shall report for Federal and Ohio income tax purposes an employee’s gross income said employee’s total contract salary less the amount of the “pickup.” For municipal income tax purposes, it shall report as gross income said employee’s total contract salary, including the amount of the “pick-up.” The Board shall compute income tax withholding based on gross income as reported to each taxing authority.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board of Education of the Indian Lake School District herewith agrees with the Indian Lake Education Association to pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon behalf of the members in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board herewith agrees with the Association to pick up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon behalf of the members of the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be picked up and paid on behalf of each such member shall be 12.5% in 2015-2016 and 14% in 2016-2017. The member's annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked up and paid by the Board.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit.
3. No member of the bargaining unit covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
4. The pick-up shall apply to all compensation including supplemental earnings paid thereafter.
5. This benefit is of no additional cost to the Board.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board shall designate each employee's mandatory contributions to the State Teachers' Retirement System of Ohio as "picked-up" by the Board as contemplated by Internal Revenue Service Ruling 77-464 and 81-36, although they shall continue to be designated as employee contributions as permitted by Attorney General Opinion 82-097, in order that the amount of the employee's income reported by the Board as subject to Federal and Ohio Income Tax shall be the employee's income reported by the then current percentage amount of the employee's mandatory State Teacher's Retirement System's contribution which has been designated as picked-up by the board, and that the amount designated as picked-up by the Board shall be included in computing final average salary, provided that no employee's total salary is increased by such "pick-up", nor is the Board's total contribution to the State Teacher's Retirement System of Ohio increased.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. The Board of Education of the River Valley Local School District herewith agrees with the River Valley Teachers’ Association to pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit on the following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be picked-up and paid on behalf of each employee shall be one hundred percent (100%), of the employee’s compensation. The employee’s annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked-up and paid by the Board.
2. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit.
3. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
4. The pick-up shall become effective January 28, 1984 and shall apply to all compensation including supplemental earnings hereafter.
STRS PICK-UP WITH REDUCTION. 1. The Board of Education of the Aurora City School District, herewith, agrees with the Aurora Education Association to pick-up (assume and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS), upon behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit, on the following terms and conditions:
a. The amount to be picked-up and paid on behalf of each employee account. The employee’s annual compensation shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount picked-up and paid by the Board.
b. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit.
c. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick- up.
d. The pick-up shall apply to all compensation, including supplemental earnings.