Structure and content. 4.1. The project participants should seek to ensure that the collaboration agreement has a logical structure and that the language is as easy as possible to understand.
4.2. It should be sought to use definitions in the collaboration agreement where this makes sense. Furthermore, whenever possible, it should be sought to apply the same definitions as in the Investment Agreement.
4.3. It is a prerequisite for the successful completion of the project that project participants make relevant background knowledge available to the project, including to other project participants for performance of project tasks.
4.4. Hence, the project participants should ensure that the collaboration agreement includes a sufficiently precise description of the background knowledge which each project participant must make available in connection with the project and its implementation. The agreement must describe the terms and conditions on which such background knowledge is made available.
4.5. It is a requirement that the collaboration agreement includes provisions regulating the individual rights of project participants in relation to the results and derived intellectual property rights arising out of the project (foreground knowledge). Consequently, the collaboration agreement should include a sufficiently precise description of the foreground knowledge arising out of the implementation of the project.
4.6. Furthermore, the project participants must decide how the rights to foreground knowledge are to be distributed among the project participants, i.e. who obtains ownership of the results and derived intellectual property rights. Where rights are held by two or more project participants jointly, the collaboration agreement must take into account how such joint ownership is exercised, including in relation to ensuring protection of the rights and in relation to the individual project participant’s access to exploit the rights, including through commercialisation.
4.7. The project participants must decide upon and describe the extent to which and how each project participant can obtain access to exploit foreground knowledge owned by another project participant, both in respect of the implementation of the project and in relation to commercialisation of the rights and their use in further research.
4.8. In this context it should be noted that block exemption for certain categories of research and development agreements (Commission regulation (EU) no. 1217/2010 of 14 December 20...
Structure and content. For each Master’s programme a Danish and a Chinese Head of Educational Programme (HEP) coordinate the educational activities and oversee the development of lesson plans and curricula. All educational programmes must be based on the latest knowledge in relevant scientific fields and employ teaching methodologies that encourage creative thinking, interdisciplinary approaches, and innovation.
Structure and content. For each PhD student a Chinese and a Danish supervisor shall be appointed, one of which has the role of principle supervisor. The principal supervisor shall be a recognised researcher within the relevant field and affiliated with the SDC. It is possible to appoint additional supervisors, who are qualified within the relevant field.
Structure and content. The central issues that should determine the structure and content of professional development opportunities are what teachers, mentors, and evaluators identify as needs and as the most effective, efficient way to meet those needs. Fhe range of possibilities for
Structure and content provides background information regarding Chesapeake Bay tidal-water quality problems caused by excess nutrients and sediments. Chapter III demon- strates that two factors–natural conditions and irremediable, human-generated conditions–provide sufficient evidence that the current designated uses cannot be met in certain portions of the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. Chapter IV provides information that jurisdictions may use in adopting refined tidal- water designated uses based on the habitat quality needs of the plants and animals that inhabit the different Chesapeake Bay tidal-water habitats and the Bay and its tidal rivers’ natural physical processes and features. The refined designated uses are subcategories of current aquatic life protection uses, protected by new Chesapeake Bay regional criteria for dissolved oxygen and, where appropriate, chlorophyll a and water clarity (U.S. EPA 2003a). This chapter also presents the scientific basis under- lying the geographic and temporal extent (‘boundaries’) of the refined designated uses and documents that the refined designated uses protect uses existing since November 1975, as required by the EPA Water Quality Standards regulation. Assessments of the technological attainability of the refined designated uses— migratory spawning and nursery habitat, open-water habitat, deep-water habitat and deep-channel habitat—were conducted by comparing model-simulated water quality responses (measured as dissolved oxygen criteria attainment) of four level-of-effort scenarios (or tiers) to the nutrient and sediment reductions accomplished at each level. The water quality responses are summarized in Chapter V in a series of ‘attain- ability tables,’ that show which Chesapeake Bay tidal waters achieve attainment for dissolved oxygen for each of the recommended refined designated uses. Attainability of the shallow-water habitat designated use is assessed by examining the historical and recent distributions of underwater bay grasses. The Technical Support Document is a compilation of basinwide guidance on UAA- related analyses and was assembled collaboratively by the relevant jurisdictions; it does not represent a regulation or a set of mandatory requirements. The EPA encour- ages jurisdictions to use the information in this document and, when appropriate, to perform additional analyses relevant to their respective water quality standards development process. The general descriptions provided here may not apply to a...
Structure and content of the procurement