Subject and Purpose of the Contract. The purpose of this Contract is the successful implementation and operation of the pilot project “Electronic Registration of Patients in Jihlava Hospital“. A detailed description of this project is given in Appendices Nos. 1 and 2.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1.1. The subject of the present Contract is the regulation of conditions, rights and obligations between the SAS and the Beneficiary of the Project financing defined in Art. 1.2. of cContract herein carried out by the Beneficiary within the IMPULZ Programme.
1.2. The purpose of this Contract is to finance an approved project within the IMPULZ Programme, which is described in detail in Annex No. 1 hereto in the Contract and which is in more details identified by the following data (hereinafter referred to as the "Project"):
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1. The Contracting Parties agree, in accordance with the Copyright Law, on the arrangement of the relations arising from creating, using and distributing the Author’s work.
2. As is stipulated in this Contract, the Author undertakes to create, in return for remuneration, a lecture for the Order Party which shall be the outcome of the Author’s own intellectual creative work.
3. The Author hereby undertakes to perform the work agreed upon as a specialist lecture of the content and extent as agreed upon, at the stipulated time and venue.
4. The Author entitles the IP SAS to use, publish, print, copy and otherwise process the submitted output for the needs of projects and educational activities carried out at the IP SAS, and to further distribute it to the third party in accordance with a discretion of the IP SAS while quoting the Author’s name, and do so with no consideration and without the author’s further consent and for unlimited duration of time.
5. The topic of the lecture is
6. Stipulated time, place and manner of performance of the lecture: the Author undertakes to create the work in person and to perform it in person at the next event: IP SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 11 Bratislava
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1. In compliance with the Copyright Act, the Contracting Parties hereby agree on the terms and conditions arising in connection with producing and using the “work”
2. The Author hereby undertakes to produce for the Commissioner, against consideration, the work resulting from the Author’s own intellectual creative effort.
3. The Author hereby undertakes to perform for the Commissioner the online workshop with the topic “Using plays in teaching of German as a foreign language”; the details of its extent, duration, time and venue are to be agreed upon between the Parties hereto.
4. The Commissioner shall be entitled to use the work for educational and research purposes, without requiring the author´s further consent, and for an unlimited period of time.
5. The date and the time of the accomplishment of the work: 6.11.2020, in the duration of 2 teaching hours (90 min).
6. The manner of performance: the Author undertakes to produce the work in person.
7. The Commissioner undertakes to provide the necessary technical devices (room, equipment, the sound technology, the projection facilities, etc.). The Author undertakes to follow the Commissioner’s instructions.
8. The Commissioner may in reasonable cases change the time for the performance of the work. In such case the Author shall perform the work in the time as instructed by the Commissioner.
2. Nárok na odmenu vzniká autorovi splnením všetkých zmluvných podmienok uvedených v čl. II. tejto zmluvy. 3. Objednávateľ sa zväzuje vyplatiť autorovi odmenu riadne a včas.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1. The Contracting Parties agree, in accordance with the Copyright Law, on the arrangement of the relations arising from creating, using and distributing the Author’s work.
2. As is stipulated in this Contract, the Author undertakes to create, in return for remuneration, a specialist work for the Order Party which shall be the outcome of the Author’s own intellectual creative work (hereinafter “peer review”).
3. The Author hereby undertakes to deliver the work agreed upon as a peer review of the content and extent as agreed upon, at the stipulated time and venue.
4. The Author entitles the Faculty of Arts to use, publish, print, copy and otherwise process the submitted output for the needs of projects and educational activities carried out at the Faculty of Arts, and to further distribute it to the third party in accordance with a discretion of the Faculty of Arts while quoting the Author’s name, and do so with no consideration and without the author’s further consent and for unlimited duration of time.
5. The content of the peer review is written form of the peer review of the habilitation monograph of Xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, PhD. entitled The Tibetan Version of the Scripture on the Ten Kings and The Quest for Chinese Influence on the Tibetan Perception of the Afterlife.
6. Stipulated date of delivery: June 30, 2014
7. Stipulated manner of performance: the Author undertakes to create the work in person.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. The purpose of this contract is to establish the rights and obligations of the contracting, subsequent, or performing carrier (as relevant) in the performance of international freight transportation and carriage. Furthermore, the possibility of short-term lease of locomotives beyond the scope of cooperation in joint transports. See Article 4 of this contract. The Provider declares that the locomotives are in a condition corresponding to their age, wear, and in a technical condition enabling their proper use in accordance with the purpose for which they will be used by the User. The locomotives are transferred for temporary use to the User with all components and accessories. The locomotives are provided to the User exclusively for the purpose of partial uses (performances), which are understood as: Leading pre-agreed freight trains from a specific railway station, to be specified on an operational basis and based on approved routes of infrastructure upon the request of the Provider and the User. Neither party to the contract shall have the right to assert or enforce a lien on the locomotive or freight cars owned by the other party to the contract. For all mutual transports and short-term leases of locomotives (see clause 4 of this contract), commercial and price conditions must be agreed in writing between the contracting parties before their commencement. This Contract does not regulate the obligation to pay fees for the use of locomotives by the other party to the contract, as these are always taken into account in the relevant agreements for the specific transportation project. The contracting parties are obliged to have all necessary permits for the performance of transports and traction performances under this contract and are obliged to inform about any change or revocation of these permits. Both contracting parties have liability insurance of a railway transport company. This must be provided upon request or in case of a change in the amount of insurance coverage, to the other party to the contract.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. The subject and purpose of this Contract is to determinate the rights and duties of the Parties applicable to the Service provisioning according to this Contract.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1. In compliance with the Civil Code, the Contracting Parties hereby agree on the terms and conditions arising in connection with producing and using the “work”.
2. The Contractor hereby undertakes to produce work for the Commissioner for the agreed remuneration.
3. The Contractor undertakes to provide the following work for the Commissioner: project management of the Xxxx Xxxxxx Institute operating within Department of East Asian Studies at the Commissioner (hereinafter as the “Institute”) (hereinafter as the “work”).
4. Work shall include following activities:
a) preparation of the budget for the operation of the Institute;
b) drawing up a six months plan of activities for the Institute;
c) preparation of partial and final reports on operation of the Institute;
d) to organize events prepared with participation of spolupodieľa Inštitút.
5. Dielo pozostáva z čiastkových plnení v zmysle bodu 0 xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxx realizované v období od: 25.08 – 31.12.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. 1. The subject of this Contract is the regulation of the mutual rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties arising from direct representation of the Mandator in customs procedures in accordance to Article 5 of Council Regulation No. 2913/92, which establishes The Customs Code of the community as well as according to Sec. 25 of Act No. 199/2004 Coll., Customs Act as amended.
2. The Mandatary agrees to perform all legal acts on behalf and at the expense of the Mandator, ensuring the release of individual consignments imported, exported or transported by the Mandator under the customs regime required by the Mandator in the branch of the Bratislava Customs Office in Xxxxxxxxxx – 0 Xxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx in the relevant branches of the Bratislava Customs Office and for this the Mandator agrees to pay them the agreed remuneration.
Subject and Purpose of the Contract. The subject of this Contract is the stipulation of the terms and conditions for the Project, the Contracting Parties’ roles and responsibilities, as well as their mutual rights and obligations in the implementation of the Project under paragraph 2 of this Article II of the Contract.