Subject of Agreement. 1.1. Tour operator provides the Tourist a Tourist product or a Tourist Service for agreed price and Tourist receives the purchased services within the prelimenary agreed dates.
Subject of Agreement. The scheme owner embodies the vehicle of the QS scheme. The requirements of the QS scheme are set down in the respectively valid version of the QS scheme manual, which also includes the style guide for the QS certification mark.
Subject of Agreement. The SELLER agrees during the Delivery Period to make available for delivery and sell at the Delivery Point, and the BUYER shall take and pay for, or pay for if made available but not taken certain quantities of Natural Gas, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this GSA.
Subject of Agreement. 1.1. The Author shall transfer to the Licensee an exclusive license for the usage of the Article in the original and English version of the Journal in the following ways:
1.1.1. Translating the Article from the original language into Russian (hereinafter, the “Translation of the Article”), in case the Author submits the Article to the Journal in another language.
1.1.2. Reproducing the Article or the Translation of the Article, that is, copying the Article, the Translation of the Article, or certain parts of these in any material form, as a certain piece of work and/or as a part of journals and/or databases, or otherwise. Electronic record of the Article or the Translation of the Article, including record into computer memory, shall be considered to be reproduction.
1.1.3. Distributing the Article, the Translation of the Article, or certain part of these by any sale or other disposal of copies of it as a certain piece of work and/or as a part of journals and/or databases, or otherwise.
1.1.4. Bringing the Article and the Translation of the Article to the public knowledge in such a way that any person can get access to the Article or the Translation of the Article in any place and at any time at one’s own discretion, including via the Internet.
1.1.5. Providing scientific and style editing of the Article.
1.2. The Licensee has a right to delegate without additional consent of the Author all or any rights transferred to them by the Author in accordance with the Agreement to the publisher of the Russian version of the Journal and the publisher of the English version of the Journal.
1.3. The Author shall transfer to the Licensee an exclusive license provided for by this Agreement all over the world for the valid period of the author rights.
1.4. The author rights as indicated in paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 of the Agreement are transferred from the Author to the Licensee in the case and from the moment of taking decision by the Licensee about publishing the Article or the Translation of the Article in the Journal.
Subject of Agreement. 1. The Executor agrees to perform for the Customer, various design services in accordance with the requirements of the Customer till 16th of April 2020 and at address: Xxxx Xxxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxx 0000, Xxxxxx.
2. The Executor shall render diligently and competently all design services, including but not limited 3D Design, modeling of interiors projects, which shall be necessary or advisable for the expeditious, economical and sound design and construction of the undertaking. The enumeration of specific duties and obligations to be performed by the Executor hereunder shall not be construed to limit the general undertakings of the Executor.
3. The Executor shall furnish, employ and have exclusive control of all persons to be engaged in or about the services performed under this agreement; and shall prescribe and control the means and methods of performing such services by adequate and proper supervision. All persons employed by the Executor in and about the performance of any such services shall be agents, servants or employees of the Executor, and neither the Executor nor any of such agents, servants or employees shall be deemed to be agents, servants or employees or the Customer for any purpose whatsoever; the Executor being, and always acting as, an independent contractor hereunder, and being responsible as an independent contractor to the Customer.
4. The Executor agrees to provide all labor, supervision and the usual office supplies necessary or desirable for the full and satisfactory performance of the services hereunder.
5. All drawings, plans, specifications, models and other design matter required to be submitted by the Executor under this agreement shall conform to the applicable practices and instructions as furnished to the Executor by the Customer.
6. All drawings, plans, specifications, models and other design matters related to the services rendered hereunder shall be the sole property of the Customer if the work is to be executed, and shall be delivered to it by the Executor upon request.
7. All work performed under this agreement shall be done in a thorough and xxxxxxx like manner and in accordance with the latest applicable Industry Code, local and state laws, rules, regulations and orders or regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and current Customer practices. All work in the field shall be staked and properly marked by the Customer.
8. The Executor shall be responsible for coordinating the work hereunder with other subagents or municipalit...
Subject of Agreement. Unless otherwise specified in the Election Sheet, this General Agreement (which includes its Annexes and the election sheet ("Election Sheet")) governs all transactions the Parties shall enter into for the purchase, sale, delivery and acceptance of Natural Gas including Options on the purchase, sale, delivery and acceptance of Natural Gas (each such transaction being an "Individual Contract"). The Parties enter into this General Agreement and into Individual Contracts on the understanding that all Individual Contracts and this General Agreement shall form a single agreement between the Parties (collectively referred to as the "Agreement") and that the Parties would not enter into Individual Contracts if this was not the case. The provisions of this General Agreement constitute an integral part of, but may be supplemented by the terms of, each Individual Contract.
Subject of Agreement. The subject of this Agreement is End User’s purchase of Scores produced from the Experian/Fair, Xxxxx Model from Provider.
Subject of Agreement. 2.1 The Lessor undertakes to provide the Lessee with the right of temporary possession and use of the Facility for the Lessee’s Payments.
2.2 The Building ownership in common belongs to the Lessor on the basis of the Purchase and Sale Agreement dated June 07, 2018 series 78 AB No. 5102106-5102109 under ownership in common, which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate issued by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Saint Petersburg on March 05, 2020 (registration record 78:14:0007533:2320-78/034/2018-6). The Land Plot is owned by the Lessor on the basis of [], which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate issued by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Saint Petersburg on [specify] (registration record: [specify]).
2.3 The term of possession and use of the Facility is four (4) years and eight (8) months from the date of the Delivery and Acceptance Certificate signing. The Agreement as a long-term lease agreement is subject to state registration by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in Saint Petersburg. The Parties have established that until the moment of state registration, this Agreement is valid as a short-term lease agreement concluded for three hundred and sixty (360) calendar days, and enters into force from the date of its signing by the Parties. If three hundred and sixty (360) calendar days from the date of the Agreement signing by the Parties expire, but the Agreement is still not registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the validity of the Agreement is automatically extended for the next three hundred and sixty (360) calendar days without the need to sign an additional agreement on prolongation. A number of the Agreement prolongations may not exceed the period specified in paragraph 1 of this clause of the Agreement. In accordance with Article 425 of the RF Civil Code, the Parties have agreed to extend the effect of the Agreement as a long-term lease agreement to the Parties relationship established from the date of its signing after the state registration of the Agreement as a long-term lease agreement.
2.4 The Lessor undertakes to deliver, and the Lessee undertakes to accept the Facility until 01.05.2020 under the Delivery and Acceptance Certificate.
2.5 The Lessee has the right to use the Facility for...
Subject of Agreement. 2.1 This Agreement governs the carrying out of the Project by Contractor and the financial support granted therefor by AO Foundation. The Project does not include patients or healthy volunteers.
2.2 AO Foundation hereby names insert name of AO responsible, to be responsible for all administrative, scientific and technical questions addressed by Contractor. AO Foundation shall not take over any responsibility for carrying out the Project.
2.3 Contractor hereby names name to be inserted by Contractor as Principal Investigator of the insert name of project as described in the Full Proposal.
Subject of Agreement. [ ] § 1.1 shall apply, or