Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection Sample Clauses

Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 13.1 TELEPHONE ACCESS (a) The Licensee shall comply with the FCC's Customer Service Obligations, at 47 C.F.R. 76.309(c)(1)(A)-(D), as may be amended from time to time, and attached hereto as Exhibit 6. Under Normal Operating Conditions, as defined, telephone answer time by a customer representative, including wait time, shall not exceed thirty (30) seconds when the connection is made. If the call needs to be transferred, transfer time shall not exceed thirty (30) seconds. These standards shall be met no less than ninety (90) percent of the time under Normal Operating Conditions, measured on a quarterly basis. (b) The Licensee shall maintain a business office that is conveniently located. The business- customer service office shall have a publicly listed local or toll-free telephone number. The office will be open during Normal Business Hours and any additional hours as Licensee deems necessary to accommodate the Subscribers of the Town.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 12.1 PAYMENT CENTER (a) At all times during the Final License, the Licensee shall operate and/or provide for a location within the Town for, among other things, payment of bills by Subscribers. (b) The Licensee shall offer Subscribers the option of receiving other services that are normally available at a full-service customer service office at the SubscriberÆs home including, but not limited to, return and/or exchange of equipment, in-person explanation of Cable System operation, etc.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 12.1---XXXX PAYMENT AND EQUIPMENT RETURN/EXCHANGE (a) For the entire term of this Renewal License, the Licensee shall maintain a xxxx payment and equipment return/exchange location within the Town. Said location may be operated by a thirpdarty. (b) There shall be no charges to the Town and no externalization, line-item and/or pass-through of any costs related to said xxxx payment and equipment return/exchange location.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 12.1---XXXX PAYMENT OFFICE: EQUIPMENT PICK-UP The Licensee shall have a location reasonably convenient to the Town, but in no case further than five (5) miles from the Natick Town Hall, that will be open during Normal Business Hours and accessible to Subscribers to make xxxx payments. For Subscriber equipment pick-up, the Licensee shall provide for one or more of the following methods: (i) having the Licensee’s representative(s) visit the Subscriber’s premises to pick-up or exchange Subscriber equipment,
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. 12.1 Customer Service Office… 54 12.2 Telephone Access 54
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 12.1 CHATHAM CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE (a) For the entire term of this Renewal License, the Licensee shall continue to operate its full-time customer service office in Chatham or the Town of Harwich. Said customer service office shall be open for walk-in business during Normal Business Hours. The customer service office shall be computer-interconnected with the Licensee’s main customer service office and shall, at a minimum, be staffed by at least one (1) customer service representative.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. Section 7.1 --- CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE (a) For the entire term of this Renewal License, the Licensee shall maintain, operate and staff a full-time customer service office within the Town of Medway or any contiguous Town, for the purpose of receiving customer inquiries and complaints made in person or by telephone, including without limitation, those regarding billing, Service, installation, equipment malfunctions and answering general inquiries.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. CONTRACTOR will afford consumers with the subscriber rights and consumer protection provisions identified within CONTRACTOR’S RFP Response, including all such provisions within § 5.5.4, § 5.18, Exhibit E (Welcome Guide), Exhibit F (Residential Rates), Exhibit G (Lifeline Filing), Exhibit H (Application for Services), Exhibit I (Business Rates), and Exhibit L (“Extension Agreement”). In addition, no later than 60 days before providing any Broadband Services or Optional Services over any Project Facilities, CONTRACTOR will post on its website, and follow, a privacy policy that discloses its privacy and security practices and reasonably assures customers that CONTRACTOR will use consumer data reasonably and compliance with all applicable laws.
Subscriber Rights and Consumer Protection. 12.1 Customer Service Office… 54 12.2 Telephone Access 54 12.3 Answering Service… 55 12.4 Installation Visits and Service Calls - Response Time 55 12.5 FCC Customer Service Obligations 56 12.6 Business Practice Standards 56 12.7 Complaint Resolution Procedures 57 12.8 Remote Control Devices 58 12.9 Loss of Service-Signal Quality 58 12.10 Employee Identification Cards 58 12.11 Protection of Subscriber Privacy 58 12.12 Privacy Written Notice… 59 12.13 Monitoring 59 12.14 Distribution of Subscriber Information 59 12.15 Information with Respect to Viewing Habits and Subscription Decisions 60 12.16 Subscribers’ Right to Inspect and Verify Information 60 12.17 Privacy Standards Review 61