Suspension and Revocation Sample Clauses

Suspension and Revocation. You acknowledge and accept that ISRG may immediately suspend Your Certificate if any party notifies ISRG that Your Certificate is invalid or has been compromised. ISRG will determine, in its sole discretion, whether to revoke Your Certificate. If You or Your agent requests that Your Certificate be revoked, ISRG will revoke Your Certificate and update the Repository as soon as practical. If a request for revocation is signed by your Private Key, then ISRG will automatically deem the request to be valid. You also acknowledge and accept that ISRG may, without advance notice, immediately revoke Your Certificate if ISRG determines, in its sole discretion, that: (i) Your Certificate was not properly issued or was obtained through misrepresentation, concealment, or fraud; (ii) Your Certificate has become, or appears to have become, unreliable; (iii) the security of the Private Key corresponding to Your Certificate has been or may be stolen, lost, or otherwise compromised, or subject to unauthorized use; (iv) any information in Your registration with ISRG or Your request for a Let’s Encrypt Certificate has changed or has become false or misleading; (v) You have violated any applicable law, agreement (including this Agreement), or other obligation; (vi) Your Certificate is being used, or has been used, to enable any criminal activity (such as phishing attacks, fraud or the distribution of malware); (vii) Your Certificate is being used, or has been used, to intercept the traffic of others; (viii) You request revocation; (ix) ISRG is legally required to revoke Your Certificate pursuant to a valid court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; (x) this Agreement has terminated; or (xi) there are other reasonable and lawful grounds for revocation. ISRG will provide notice of revocation via email to the email address of record.
Suspension and Revocation. NMFS may apply sanctions to an FFV’s per- mit by revoking, suspending, or impos- ing additional permit restrictions on the permit under 15 CFR part 904, if the vessel is involved in the commission of any violation of the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Act, the GIFA, or this subpart; if an agent and a designated representative are not maintained in the United States; if a civil penalty or criminal fine imposed under the Xxxxxxxx-Ste- xxxx Act has become overdue; or as otherwise specified in the Xxxxxxxx- Xxxxxxx Act.
Suspension and Revocation. (a) Suspension will be imposed when: 1. The violation results in death of humans or domestic animals or pets, or injury requiring hospitalization to humans. 2. The violation results in serious harm to an ecological system, or contamination of water or soil requiring corrective action or monitoring to protect human health or the environment. 3. The compliance record of the violator shows two or more prior violations for similar major violations within the last three (3) years. 4. The licensee, certificate holder, permit holder or applicator has habitual intemperance or addiction to narcotics to the extent that it contributes substantially to the occurrence of violations of Chapter 482, F.S. 5. A person has obtained licensure of any kind under Chapter 482, F.S., and the Department subsequently determines that the person that is the holder of the licensure falls into any of the categories set forth in paragraph (6)(c) above that would be cause for denying licensure. 6. A licensee or certificate holder has been found by the Department to be in violation of Section 482.121, F.S. 7. When a permit holder pursuant to Section 482.0815(4) or (6), F.S., meets the conditions therein. (b) Revocation will be imposed when: 1. A violator does not comply with a suspension order, or if a licensee or certificate holder has been suspended twice in three years. 2. A person has obtained licensure of any kind under Chapter 482, F.S., and the Department subsequently determines that the person that is the holder of the licensure falls into any of the categories set forth in paragraph (6)(c) above that would be grounds for denying licensure under Chapter 482, F.S., and the person will not be able to correct or cure the grounds for denying licensure within a period of two years.
Suspension and Revocation. We may at any time, without prior notice, suspend or revoke your status as a registered Fetcher if: (a) you breach this agreement; (b) you breach any Standard GoFetch Contract with any Customer or are the subject of one or more complaints by any Customer; (c) we believe that you are likely to breach this agreement; or (d) we believe that you hold, or have previously held, any other registration as a Fetcher or Customer (whether in your own right or through or in co-operation with any other person) and have breached the relevant agreement with us or had the other registration revoked or suspended.
Suspension and Revocation a) Pursuant to Section 41 of the Act, the Licensor may suspend or revoke this License or any rights granted hereunder in their entirety or in part or with respect to Licensed Services or geographic areas, at any time, under any of the following circumstances: (i) In case of a serious and repeated breach of any of the terms and conditions of this license, provided that the Licensor has notified the Licensee in writing of its breach and that the Licensee has not remedied its breach within 60 (sixty) Days after having received such notification; save that the Licensor may not suspend or revoke this License if the Licensee's failure to fulfil its obligations is caused solely by an event of force majeure and shall have given the Licensor written notice of such force majeure event within ten (10) Days of the occurrence thereof; (ii) Where the Licensee does not comply with orders or directives which have been issued by the Licensor. (iii) Where any of the Licensee's representations or warranties contained in its application for this License shall prove to have been incorrect or untrue when made; (iv) Where the Licensee is engaged in or is supporting activities amounting to a treasonable offence under the Penal Code Act (Cap. 120); (v) Where the Licensee ceases to be an Eligible Person; (vi) Where the Licensee is dissolved or enters liquidation, bankruptcy or equivalent proceedings under the Insolvency Act 2011; (vii) Where the Licensee or any of its affiliates holds or acquires any direct or indirect interest in any other licensed operator without the approval of the Licensor. b) The Licensor shall prior to taking action to suspend or revoke the License, afford the Licensee a fair hearing in accordance with the Act and the Regulations. c) For purposes of this Article, a serious breach of the license will be deemed to occur where the licensee breaches the following articles; i. Article 4 on payment of fees. ii. Article 8 on obligations of the licensee. iii. Article 9 on interconnection and access. iv. Article 10 on the rate regime. v. Article 11 on competition rules. vi. Article 14 on Limitations regarding transfer of control. vii. Article 16 on Authorizations, permits and licenses. viii. Article 17 on Representation and Warranties ix. Article 20.6 on Inspections.
Suspension and Revocation. The Service may suspend or revoke the Permit for cause in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the time of such suspension or revocation (currently codified at 50 C.F.R. 13.28(a)). The Service also, as a last resort, may revoke the Permit in accordance with applicable regulations in effect at the time (currently codified at 50 CFR 17.22(c)(7) and 17.32 (c)(7)) if continuation of permitted activities would likely result in jeopardy to covered species. The Service will revoke because of jeopardy concerns only after first implementing all practicable measures to remedy the situation. In the event the Permit is revoked, the Service’s participation in this Agreement shall automatically terminate. DLNR may request that the Board suspend or revoke this Agreement for the reasons set forth in the applicable law (currently codified in HRS §195D-22(c)).
Suspension and Revocation. (1) The department may suspend or revoke in its entirety the department’s authorization of a Permittee’s Covered Activity if the department determines that: (A) Permittee or any person acting on behalf of Permittee, including its officers, employees, representatives, agents, or contractors and subcontractors, is not acting in compliance with this General Agreement. Noncompliance may include, but is not limited to, failure of Permittee to implement the Authorized Activity as prescribed in this General Agreement, or (B) The Authorized Activity was not eligible under the General Agreement. (2) Nothing herein precludes the department from pursuing an enforcement action against Permittee instead of, or in addition to, suspending or revoking the department’s authorization of a Permittee’s Covered Activity.
Suspension and Revocation. (1) Each Contracting Party shall have the right to suspend the exercise of the rights specified in Article 2 of the present Agreement by the airline(s) designated by the other Contracting Party, or to revoke the operating authorization, or to impose such conditions as it may deem necessary on the exercise of these rights: (a) in any case where it is not satisfied that majority ownership and effective control of said airline(s) are vested in the Contracting Party designating the airline(s) or in its nationals, or (b) in the case of failure by said airline(s) to comply with the laws or regulations of the Contracting Party granting these rights, or (c) in case the airline(s) otherwise fail(s) to operate in accordance with the conditions prescribed under the present Agreement. (2) Unless immediate suspension, revocation or imposition of the conditions mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article is essential to prevent further infringements of laws or regulations, such right shall be exercised only after consultations with the other Contracting Party. In such a case consultations shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of request made by either Contracting Party for consultations.
Suspension and Revocation. (a) Suspension will be imposed when: 1. The violation results in death of humans or domestic animals or pets, or injury requiring hospitalization to humans. 2. The violation results in serious harm to an ecological system, or contamination of water or soil requiring corrective action or monitoring to protect human health or the environment. 3. The compliance record of the violator shows two or more prior violations for similar major violations within the last three (3) years. 4. The licensee, certificate holder, permit holder or applicator has habitual intemperance or addiction to narcotics to the extent that it contributes substantially to the occurrence of violations of Chapter 482, F.S. 5. The licensee, certificate holder, permit holder or applicator has obtained licensure under Chapter 482, F.S., and the Department subsequently determines that the licensee, certificate holder, permit holder or applicator is or has been convicted in any state or federal court of a felony involving robbery, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, grand larceny, burglary, arson, murder, rape, assault with intent to kill, assault that inflicts grievous bodily injury, kidnapping, prostitution, child abuse, child pornography, sexual assault or indecent exposure, unless civil rights have been restored. 6. A licensee or certificate holder has been found by the Department to be in violation of Section 482.121, F.S. 7. When a permit holder pursuant to Section 482.0815(4) or (6), F.S., meets the conditions therein. (b) Revocation will be imposed when a violator does not comply with a suspension order, or if a licensee or certificate holder has been suspended twice in three years.
Suspension and Revocation. DFW may suspend or revoke in its entirety the Agreement if it determines that Permittee or any person acting on behalf of Permittee, including its officers, employees, representatives, agents, or contractors and subcontractors, is not in compliance with the Agreement. Before DFW suspends or revokes the Agreement, it shall provide Permittee written notice by certified or registered mail that it intends to suspend or revoke. The notice shall state the reason(s) for the proposed suspension or revocation, provide Permittee an opportunity to correct any deficiency before DFW suspends or revokes the Agreement, and include instructions to Permittee, if necessary, including but not limited to a directive to immediately cease the specific activity or activities that caused DFW to issue the notice.