TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The term of apprenticeship shall be as established by these apprenticeship standards in accordance with the schedule of work processes and related instruction as outlined in Appendices attached hereto.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The term of apprenticeship shall be as established by these apprenticeship standards in accordance with the schedule of work processes and related instructions as outline in Appendices attached hereto. Each phase of the scheduled hours of shop training will be considered complete if it is within (plus or minus) 10 percent of the figure shown in the Appendix. Not more than 5 percent of the total time may be assigned to optional work as set forth in the standards. Deviations from the limitations of this paragraph may be approved by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The term of apprenticeship shall be 8,000 hours mechanical and 9,000 hours electrical of reasonable continuous employment at the trade, including a minimum of 144 hours per year of related instruction.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The term of apprenticeship shall be nominally four (4) years in length, but shall be based on the number of hours actually worked. The shop schedule shall be divided into eight (8) periods of 916 hours each.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. New applicants for union membership, who cannot demonstrate a minimum of 4,000 hours of experience as a Construction Craft Laborer shall enter the Laborers Apprenticeship Program (Apprenticeship Program). If an applicant is designated a journey-level Laborer by a referring Individual Employer who states in writing that the applicant’s knowledge and experience warrants journey-level status, such Employees shall be considered provisional journey-level Laborers and may retain that status so long as they are employed by the designating Individual Employer. Any provisional journey-level Laborer who is laid-off or otherwise discharged prior to working 4,000 hours may not be placed on a journey-level out of work list until assessed by the Apprenticeship Program.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. Each apprentice shall be required to satisfactorily complete the three-year course of study provided by the NJATC as a minimum requirement for completion of their related classroom training. The JATC may also elect to require additional training options that are provided for in the National Guideline Standards. The total term of apprenticeship shall not require more than three years of related training.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The term of apprenticeship shall be established by the MAESD and OCOT, these standards of apprenticeship in accordance with the schedule of work, processes and related instruction as outlined in #12 – Wages, shown below.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The standard term of apprenticeship includes training hours and related and supplemental instruction (RSI) hours; RSI includes both classroom and related instruction that may include employer provided training. The total term of the apprenticeship shall be 8500 work training hours and a minimum of 1,128 classroom hours, and shall be completed within four years and six months (4 ½) years.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The terms of apprenticeship shall be as established by the Standards of Apprenticeship in this agreement and in accordance with the schedule of work processes and related instruction. The first 500 hours of employment for every apprentice shall be a probationary period to determine their suitability to learn their trade. During this probationary period, the apprenticeship agreement with the apprentice may only be cancelled by the Company or the apprentice, after consultation with the WLJAC. The registration agencies shall be advised of such cancellations. The apprentice shall then exercise his/her seniority into the classification from which promoted.
TERM OF APPRENTICESHIP. The long term of apprenticeship shall conform to the Commission-Union Agreement.