TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The Account Holder may terminate the Framework Agreement ipso jure which will entail closing his Payment Account by any means after complying with a (1) one-month notice period. The Account Holder must maintain sufficient Funds to ensure successful completion of the pending Payment Transactions during the time necessary for settling them and payment of the fees owed by the Account Holder. Lemonway may automatically terminate the Framework Agreement which will entail closing the Payment Account by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt following a (2) two-month notice period. In the event of a serious breach by a Party, the Framework Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect. Serious breach by the Account Holder is understood as: communication of false information; exercise of unlawful activity, contrary to common decency, money laundering or terrorist financing; threats against Lemonway’s employees or the Partner’s employees; failure to pay; breach of an obligation by the Account Holder hereunder; termination of the relationship between the Account Holder and the Partner; termination of the relationship between the Partner and Lemonway; over- indebtedness or, for legal entities, appointment of an ad-hoc representative, an insolvency administrator, initiation of insolvency or liquidation proceedings. Serious breach by Lemonway is understood as: communication of false information; breach of an obligation hereunder; appointment of an ad-hoc representative, an insolvency administrator, initiation of insolvency or liquidation proceedings. In the event of a change in the applicable regulations and the interpretation made thereof by the relevant regulatory authority, affecting the capacity of Lemonway or its employees to execute the Payment Transactions, the Framework Agreement will automatically be terminated. The Account Holder will no longer be able to send a Payment Order as of the effective date of the termination. The Account may be kept open for a period of 13 months to cover any disputes and subsequent claims. Payment Transactions initiated before the effective date of termination will not be affected by the request for termination and must be executed under the terms of the Framework Agreement. The termination of the Framework Agreement shall result in the definitive closure of the Payment Account. Closing a Payment Account may not give rise to any compensation, whatever may be the damage caused by the closing of this Payment Account. U...
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 16.1 KPLC, without prejudice to any remedy for breach of the Framework Agreement, may terminate this Framework Agreement immediately, by notice In Writing to the Supplier, if:
(a) in the judgement of KPLC, the Supplier has engaged in Fraud and Corruption, or
(b) during the Term of the Framework Agreement, the Supplier ceases to be qualified or eligible as per FWAGP 4. or
(c) the Supplier purports to assign, or otherwise transfer or dispose of this Framework Agreement, in whole, or in part, without the prior written consent of KPLC, or
(d) the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
16.2 KPLC may terminate this Framework Agreement, in whole or in part, by noticeIn Writing sent to the Supplier, at any time, for its convenience. Thenotice of termination shall specify that the termination is for KPLC’sconvenience, the extent to which the performance of the supplierunder the Framework Agreement is terminated, and the date uponwhich such termination becomes effective.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 13.1 This Framework Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect at any time by either party serving written notice of termination to the other, in the event that:
(a) either party is in material breach of this Framework Agreement and such breach is incapable of remedy; or
(b) either party fails to remedy its material breach of this Framework Agreement which is capable of remedy within 14 days of being given notice to do so by the other party; or
(c) an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up of either party, or either party has a receiver or administrator appointed of the whole or any part of its assets or undertaking, or circumstances arise which entitle the court or a creditor to appoint a receiver or manager or which entitles the court to make a winding up or administration order, or makes an arrangement with creditors or if the either party is unable to pay its debts as and when they fall due; or
(d) where the other party is the Supplier, that party suffers a change of control (as defined in Section 840 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988).
13.2 In addition to clause 13.1 above, GroupM may terminate this Framework Agreement in the event that, and in the reasonable opinion of GroupM, the Supplier consistently fails to meet the performance standards expected of it in delivering the Service and as laid out in the SLA.
13.3 In the event that GroupM terminates the Framework Agreement in accordance with Clauses 13.1 or 13.2 above, each Operating Company who has entered into an Enrolment Agreement shall be entitled, within a 30 (thirty) day period of the date of termination of the Framework Agreement, to terminate the Enrolment Agreement entered into by it with the Supplier with immediate effect, failing which the Enrolment Agreements shall continue for the remainder of the intended term of the Enrolment Agreements. For the avoidance of doubt, the Supplier shall not be entitled to cease the provision of the Service during the Term of the Enrolment Agreement to any or all Operating Companies in the event that the Framework Agreement is terminated, unless and until all Operating Companies opt for the provision of the Service by the Supplier to be terminated.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 2.4.1 The LGOPC may, by written notice, terminate this Framework Agreement (without recompense to the Economic Operator) thus ending the participation of the Economic Operator in the Framework Agreement, in the following circumstances: • if the Economic Operator breaches the terms of this Framework Agreement; or • if the provisions of Regulation 73 of the Regulations apply; or • if the provisions of Regulation 57 of the Regulations apply to the Economic Operator and/or its subcontractors; or • if the Economic Operator fails to provide: (a) the requisite evidence of compliance with the declarations submitted in its ESPD; or (b) renewed and updated self-declarations, when requested to do so by the LGOPC and/or a Contracting Authority; or • if any statement made by the Economic Operator in connection with the procedure by which this Framework Agreement was entered into was: (a) untrue when made or subsequently ceases to be true; or (b) was materially incorrect, inaccurate, or misleading (whether intentionally so or not).
2.4.2 At any time during the term of the Framework Agreement, the LGOPC, acting in its sole discretion, may, by giving written notice, collapse the Framework Agreement and therefore end the Framework Agreements with all economic operators appointed thereto without recompense.
2.4.3 The termination of this Framework Agreement does not affect the validity of any sRFT Contract then in force unless and until the Contracting Authority terminates that sRFT Contract.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The framework agreement terminates, without going to court or other formalities, in the following situations:
(1) if the student is expelled;
(2) if the student fails to respect the obligations and conditions of the current framework agreement;
(3) with the approval of the practicum organizer and practicum host organization. In the first situation, termination occurs through the adoption of the expulsion decision by the Administrative Board of the University.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT a. The Procuring Agency may terminate this Framework Agreement immediately, by notice in Writing to the XX Xxxxxx, if:
i. in the judgement of the Procuring Agency, the XX Xxxxxx has engaged in Fraud and/or Corruption, or
ii. during the Term of the Framework Agreement, the XX Xxxxxx (including any subcontractor), Goods and/or Related Services become in-eligible, in breach of paragraph 13 of this Section, or
iii. the XX Xxxxxx purports to assign, sub-contract, or otherwise transfer or dispose of this Framework Agreement, in whole, or in part, in breach of paragraph 2 of this Section, or iv. the XX Xxxxxx becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. If the Framework Agreement is terminated, this Referral Module will be automatically terminated.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 19.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies to which it may be entitled, TII shall be entitled at any time to terminate this Framework Agreement without liability to the Supplier by giving written notice to the Supplier to take effect immediately or on the date specified in the said notice if:
19.1.1 the Supplier commits a material breach of any term or condition of this Framework Agreement or the relevant Mini-Competition Contract or fails to perform any obligation or responsibility hereunder, and if such breach is capable of being remedied, fails to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of the notice given by either TII or a Framework Purchaser requiring the Supplier to do so;
19.1.2 the Supplier delivers Products that do not meet the requirements of this Framework Agreement, the Specification and/or a Mini-Competition Contract including the Delivery Date;
19.1.3 the Supplier contravenes any of Clause 6;
19.1.4 the Supplier contravenes Clause 20;
19.1.5 the Supplier has reached Level 3 under the Performance Measurement Table as described in Clause 18;
19.1.6 the Supplier becomes bankrupt, or convenes a meeting for the purposes of, proposes to make or makes any composition or arrangement with, or conveyance or assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or any application is made under any bankruptcy act for the time being in force for a sequestration of its estate, or a trustee is granted by it on behalf of its creditors, or if the Supplier, being a company, enters into a voluntary or compulsory liquidation (other than for the purpose of an amalgamation or reconstruction the terms of which have been agreed by the relevant Framework Purchaser or TII ), or if a receiver or examiner is appointed over any of its assets, or if the Supplier is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of Section 570 of the Companies Act, 2014, or the Supplier takes or suffers any analogous action under any other applicable law;
19.1.7 TII or Relevant Purchaser reasonably believes that any of the events mentioned in the clause above or any analogous event is about to occur in relation to the Supplier in any jurisdiction and notifies the Supplier accordingly;
19.1.8 the Supplier ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business;
19.1.9 the Supplier is struck off the register of companies;
19.1.10 any representation or warranty made by the Supplier in connection with this Framework Agreement or a Mini-Competition Contract shall in the opinion of either TII or a F...
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. Effective as of completion of the Closing, the Parties hereby absolutely, irrevocably and unconditionally terminate that certain “Term Sheet for the Framework for Joint Pursuit of Satellite Service Opportunities” dated as of December 6, 1998 (the “Framework Agreement”), including without limitation all clauses or provisions thereunder which may, by their terms or otherwise, survive or continue in effect following termination or expiration of the Framework Agreement.
TERMINATION OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 15.1 In the event of non-fulfilment by the Juventus Official Fan Club of the obligations and conditions set forth in Articles 5.2.1 (payment of fees), 6 (commitments of the Juventus Official Fan Club), 8 (non-competition agreement), 9 (use of signs) badges), 14 (Code of Ethics) of this Framework Agreement, Juventus shall be entitled to terminate the Framework Agreement with immediate effect pursuant to article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, subject to compensation for damages or any other legal remedy, by means of a communication to be sent by registered letter or by certified email to the address shown in the CLUB FILE on the JOFC portal.
15.2 In all other cases involving non-compliance by a Juventus Official Fan Club, Juventus shall have the option to order the Juventus Official Fan Club to comply by sending a communication, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, setting a deadline of no less than 15 (fifteen) days, expressly indicating that the failure to rectify the breach by the set deadline shall be grounds for legal termination of the Framework Agreement. Should the Juventus Official Fan Club not rectify the breach by the given deadline, the Framework Agreement shall be considered legally terminated at the expiry of the notice period without need for any further communication.