Transmission encryption All data transmissions of County PHI or PI outside the secure internal network must be encrypted using a FIPS 140-2 certified algorithm which is 128bit or higher, such as AES. Encryption can be end to end at the network level, or the data files containing PHI can be encrypted. This requirement pertains to any type of PHI or PI in motion such as website access, file transfer, and E-Mail.
Connecting Transmission Owner’s Scope of Work and Responsibilities The Connecting Transmission Owner will design, construct, own, operate and maintain all Connecting Transmission Owner’s Interconnection Facilities, except as otherwise stated above and in the Project Specific Specifications. The Connecting Transmission Owner will complete all engineering reviews, field verifications and witness testing, etc. in accordance with the ESBs and the Project Specific Specifications. Connecting Transmission Owner shall provide the revenue metering CT/PT units and meter socket enclosure. The Connecting Transmission Owner shall: • provide, run, and wire both ends of the color-coded cable for the revenue metering instrument transformer secondary wiring; • perform all terminations; and • supply and install the meter. The revenue meter may require a communications link to the RTU. The Connecting Transmission Owner will specify and run those communications cables. The Connecting Transmission Owner shall complete all wiring, testing and commissioning of the RTU.
No Transmission Delivery Service The execution of this Agreement does not constitute a request for, nor agreement to provide, any Transmission Service under the NYISO OATT, and does not convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or Point of Delivery. If Developer wishes to obtain Transmission Service on the New York State Transmission System, then Developer must request such Transmission Service in accordance with the provisions of the NYISO OATT.
Transmission Delivery Service Implications Under ER Interconnection Service, Interconnection Customer will be eligible to inject power from the Generating Facility into and deliver power across the Transmission System on an “as available” basis up to the amount of MW identified in the applicable stability and steady state studies to the extent the upgrades initially required to qualify for ER Interconnection Service have been constructed. After that date FERC makes effective MISO’s Energy Market Tariff filed in Docket No. ER04-691-000, Interconnection Customer may place a bid to sell into the market up to the maximum identified Generating Facility output, subject to any conditions specified in the Interconnection Service approval, and the Generating Facility will be dispatched to the extent the Interconnection Customer’s bid clears. In all other instances, no transmission or other delivery service from the Generating Facility is assured, but Interconnection Customer may obtain Point-To-Point Transmission Service, Network Integration Transmission Service or be used for secondary network transmission service, pursuant to the Tariff, up to the maximum output identified in the stability and steady state studies. In those instances, in order for Interconnection Customer to obtain the right to deliver or inject energy beyond the Point of Interconnection or to improve its ability to do so, transmission delivery service must be obtained pursuant to the provisions of the Tariff. The Interconnection Customer’s ability to inject its Generating Facility output beyond the Point of Interconnection, therefore, will depend on the existing capacity of the Transmission or Distribution System as applicable, at such time as a Transmission Service request is made that would accommodate such delivery. The provision of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service or Network Integration Transmission Service may require the construction of additional Network or Distribution Upgrades.
Transmission Charge The cost for transporting electricity from the generation source to your electric distribution company. For most electric customers who select a new supplier, transmission costs will be included in the charges from your new supplier. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates retail transmission prices and services. This charge will vary with your source of supply.
Transmission Facilities The NTO owns certain transmission facilities over which the ISO will have day-to-day operational control to maintain these facilities in a reliable state, as defined by the Reliability Rules and all other applicable reliability rules, standards and criteria, and in accordance with the ISO Tariffs, ISO Related Agreements and ISO Procedures (“ISO Operational Control”). These NTO facilities shall be classified as “NTO Transmission Facilities Under ISO Operational Control,” and are listed in Appendix A-1 of this Agreement. The NTO also will be responsible for providing notification to the ISO with respect to actions related to certain other transmission facilities. These facilities shall be classified as “NTO Transmission Facilities Requiring ISO Notification,” and are listed in Appendix A-2 of this Agreement. Transmission facilities may be added to, or deleted from, the lists of facilities provided in Appendices A-1 and A-2 herein by mutual written agreement of the ISO and the NTO owning and controlling such facilities. Currently listed facilities will be posted on the ISO’s OASIS.
Data Transmission The procedures for transmitting load obligation data to PJM for DS Supplier’s DS Load shall be as set forth by PJM.
Data Transmission Control Except as necessary for the provision of the Cloud Services in accordance with the Agreement, Personal Data must not be read, copied, modified or removed without authorization during transfer. Where data carriers are physically transported, adequate measures are implemented at SAP to provide the agreed-upon service levels (for example, encryption and lead-lined containers).
CONNECTING TRANSMISSION OWNER’S INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES As depicted on the one-line diagram in Attachment 3, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Interconnection Facilities consist of the following constructed or installed between the POI and PCO, as well as metering and telecommunications located at the Bakerstand Solar Collector Substation.
Loop Transmission Types 3.1 Subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 of this Attachment, Verizon shall allow CBB to access Loops unbundled from local switching and local transport, in accordance with this Section 3 and the rates and charges provided in the Pricing Attachment. Verizon shall allow CBB access to Loops in accordance with, but only to extent required by, Applicable Law. The available Loop types are as set forth below: