Annual Vacation Leave 7.1 The purpose of annual vacation leave is to enable each eligible employee to return to work physically and mentally refreshed. In the administration of this section, administrative personnel shall be guided by this stated purpose. The time at which an employee shall take vacation leave during the calendar year shall be determined with due regard for wishes of the employee, and particular regard for the needs of the department. In the event one (1) or more municipal holidays falls within a vacation leave, such days shall not be charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly for those employees eligible for such holidays. Employees may accumulate vacation leave up to a maximum of two (2) years vacation accrual. An additional year may be accumulated with Department Head approval. Such approval shall be recorded in the employee's personnel file. An employee who fails to take accrued vacation leave within the time herein prescribed shall lose such accrued vacation leave. The additional year accrual maximum will expire after 12 months, at which time the maximum will return to two (2) years. An employee who is in unpaid status for 44 or more hours in a pay period shall not accrue vacation leave for that pay period. Upon being separated from City service, an eligible employee shall be entitled to compensation for any accrued but unused vacation calculated at the rate of pay at the time of termination. The vacation/holiday sign-up for Police Services Aide, Administrative Specialist-Police, Police Service Technician and Dispatcher, will be posted in the authorized work locations of the respective police divisions no later than November 1, to be completed by December 1, for the next calendar year. 7.2 The following vacation leave provisions do not apply to hourly or part-time employees. Vacation leave for each full-time employee shall be accrued and credited for the pay period in which it is earned. An employee holding a full-time position shall be entitled to vacation leave which shall accrue at the rate of twelve (12) days for each calendar year of service performed. If a newly hired employee possesses five (5) years of experience in the field in which he/she is hired, he/she shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of fifteen (15) days for each calendar year of service performed. The City shall evaluate employees hired before February 1, 2002 who have not yet performed five (5) full years of City service, to determine if they possessed the required experience when they were hired. If so, their accrual rate will be changed to fifteen (15) days. If not, their accrual rate will be changed from ten (10) days to twelve (12) days effective January 1, 2002. In the year in which an employee holding a full-time position completes five (5) full years of City service, such employee shall be entitled to fifteen and three-quarters (15¾) work days of vacation for service performed. For each full year of full-time City service completed thereafter, three-quarters (¾) of a work day vacation shall be added up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) work days of vacation. Employees with contiguous previous City service, other than full-time permanent, shall receive service credit for vacation accrual of up to five (5) years when combined with current seniority. If a part-time employee is hired as a full-time employee, years of service for vacation accrual will be adjusted at the rate of 50% for total hours worked as a part-time employee. YEARS OF SERVICE DAYS/HRS OF VACATION ACCRUAL 0-4.99 completed yrs of svc. 12/96 or 15.00/120 5.00-5.99 yrs of service 15.75/126 6.00-6.99 yrs of service 16.50/132 7.00-7.99 yrs of service 17.25/138 8.00-8.99 yrs of service 18.00/144 9.00-9.99 yrs of service 18.75/150 10.00-10.99 yrs of service 19.50/156 11.00-11.99 yrs of service 20.25/162 12.00-12.99 yrs of service 21.00/168 13.00-13.99 yrs of service 21.75/174 14.00-14.99 yrs of service 22.50/180 15.00-15.99 yrs of service 23.25/186 16.00-16.99 yrs of service 24.00/192 17.00-17.99 yrs of service 24.75/198 18.00 or more yrs of service 25.00/200 Accrual rates change in the pay period in which the employee’s anniversary date falls. Employees shall be allowed to sell up to 100 hours of vacation per year. Time may be sold twice annually in June and December.
Vacation Schedules (a) Employees shall submit their vacation requests to the supervisor on or before: (1) December 1st for the period January 1st through April 30; and (2) April 1st for the period May 1st through December 31st. (b) An employee who does not exercise her seniority rights by the cut-off dates stipulated above, shall not be entitled to exercise those rights in respect to any vacation time previously selected by an employee with less seniority. (c) An employee who relocates to another work location where the vacation schedule has already been completed will not be entitled to exercise her seniority rights for that year only. However, every effort shall be made to grant vacation at the time of the employee's choice.
Vacation Leave 11.1 Employees will retain and carry forward any eligible and unused vacation leave that was accrued prior to the effective date of this Agreement.