Vomiting. Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes or skin)
Vomiting. Diarrhea
Vomiting. 1 or more times within 24 hours. You must keep your child at home for a minimum of 24 hours after the last vomiting episode.
Vomiting. Any child who vomits during the course of the school day or who vomited at home in the 24 hours prior to the school day will be sent home immediately.
Vomiting. Children vomit more readily and easily than adults and often with much less discomfort. Children may vomit as a result of problems not directly related to the bowel or stomach. The cause may not be infectious. Young children sometimes vomit because of a fever, especially a high one. If the child also has episodes of diarrhea, you may suspect an infectious cause.
1. When a child vomits, we will separate him/her from the group and watch for other signs of illness.
2. If diarrhea or more vomiting occur, we will inform the child’s parents as soon as possible. Parents will keep the child home until he/she has completely recovered.
3. If the child appears to have pain in the abdomen, we will inform the parents immediately. Parents will pick up the child immediately and seek medical assessment.
4. We will clean the area where the child vomited as soon as possible. Wash hands thoroughly.
5. After an episode of vomiting, we'll give the child small drinks of diluted fruit juice. We won't offer solid food or milk.
Vomiting. Death I, the owner or agent of the pet identified above, certify:
Vomiting. Diagnose and manage vomiting.
Vomiting. In case of vomiting after administration of binimetinib, the patient should not re-take the dose and should take the next scheduled dose.
Vomiting. Sore throat with fever
Vomiting. Students who vomit at school must be picked up for the remainder of the day and are required to stay home the next day. Students must be symptom free without the aide of medication prior to returning to school. Conjunctivitis: (Inflammation or infection of the mucous membrane around the eye.) Students with thick white, yellow, or green discharge from either eye must be picked up from school for the remainder of the day. In order to return to school, students must have received medication for a minimum of 24 hours, be symptom- free, or have a physician’s statement verifying that they are not contagious. Ringworm: Students who have ringworm on the face or scalp must have a physician’s statement verifying receipt of treatment and that they are not contagious. Students who have ringworm on any other part of the body must be receiving treatment and have all lesions covered while at school. All Saints kindly asks that all students who are ill be picked up within an hour after the initial call has been made. Our students ordinarily have homework. This may be written or study work. Homework is designed to strengthen and review skills learned in class. It also encourages good study habits and allows students to explore and review material previously presented in the classroom. Parents need to encourage good homework habits and assist their kids when needed. Below are suggested guidelines for total daily homework: K-1: 20 minutes 2-3: 30 minutes 4-5: 45 minutes 6-8: 60-75 minutes Please realize that the time will vary according to the nature of the assignment and the ability of the student. If your child(xxx) consistently spends more than the suggested time on homework, please contact his/her teacher for assistance. Parents are requested to see that homework is completed in an atmosphere conducive to study and the student’s learning style. When a student misses school due to illness, the following policy will apply regarding making up homework and missed classwork. The student, especially in the middle school, will be responsible for obtaining his/her missing work assignments from the teacher on the day he/she returns to class. The student will have the same number of days as missed to complete the work, unless specified otherwise by the teacher. That is, if the student was absent three (3) days, he/she will have three (3) days after the return to school to complete the work. Long- term projects and make-up tests must be discussed with, or scheduled with, the indivi...