Week Cycle Sample Clauses
Week Cycle. Note: The Company and the Union recognize that beginning January 2006 there will be 2 distinct Friday Off Schedules as follows: Schedule A – Friday, January 6, 2006 and every consecutive 4th Friday thereafter. Schedule B – Friday, January 13, 2006 and every consecutive 4th Friday thereafter.
Week Cycle. If an employee is assigned to a different shift during the cycle as defined above, then for the purposes of earned days off, their cycle will continue on the shift to which they have transferred. If, at the completion of their working cycle, they have not received days off considering both part cycles in the ratio of one-half (1/2) of the total number of calendar days in the period from the start of the cycle on their old shift to the end of the cycle on their new shift, then they will receive premium pay for the missed days off as defined in Article 6.01. This agreement is subject to the provisions of Article
Week Cycle. Note: The Company and the Union recognize that beginning January there will be distinct Friday Off Schedules as follows: Schedule A Friday, January and every consecutive Friday thereafter. Schedule B Friday, January and every consecutive Friday thereafter. Hour Shift Employees The two or three consecutive regularly scheduled twenty four (24) hour periods to which each employee is entitled and shall be as per shift schedule. Hour Shift Employees The consecutive regularly scheduled twenty four (24) hour periods to which each employee is entitled and shall be as per shift schedule. Hour Day Employees The consecutive regularly scheduled (24) hour periods to which each employee is entitled and shall be as per the day schedule inclusive of Saturday and Sunday.
Week Cycle. It being understood that all Janitor may not follow the same schedule, but in any case will be scheduled off for a Saturday and Sunday and a Friday in each week cycle. Hour Shift Employees The two or three consecutive regularly scheduled twenty four (24) hour periods to which each employee is entitled and shall be as per shift schedule. Hour Shift Employees The consecutive regularly scheduled each employee is entitled and shall be as per shift schedule. For employees who receive one Friday off in each week cycle. And where a off falls in an employee's vacation period, then the employee will be allowed to take a Compensation at a time which is mutually agreeable between the employee and the employee's supervi- sor. i This Compensation Day will be paid at eight (8) hours straight time in the pay period during which it is taken. An employee will not be asked nor will the employee volunteer to work employee's designated Compensation Xxx except an employee may be asked to work in emergencies, and will not be charged with refusal if the employee declines. Xxx refers to the twenty-four
Week Cycle. It being understood that all Janitor may not follow the same schedule, but in any case will be scheduled off for a Saturday and Sunday and a Friday ineach week cycle. ' Hour Shift Employees The two or three consecutive regularly scheduledtwenty four (24) hour periodsto which each employee is entitiledand shall be as per shift schedule. Hour Shift Employees The consecutive regularly scheduled twenty four (24) hour periods to which each employee is entitled and shall be as per shift schedule.
Week Cycle. It being understood that all Xxxxxxx XX’s may not follow the same schedule, but in any case will be scheduled off for a Saturday and Sunday and a Friday in each 3 week cycle.
Week Cycle. If an employee is assigned to a different shift during the cycle as defined above, then for the purposes of earned days off, his cycle will continue on the shift to which he is transferred. If, at the completion of his working cycle, he has not received days off considering both part cycles in the ratio of one-half (1/2) of the total number of calendar days in the period from the start of the cycle on his old shift to the end of the cycle on his new shift, then he will receive premium pay for the missed days off as defined in Article 6.01. This agreement is subject to the provisions of Article 6.11 re: pyramiding of overtime.