Earned Days Off. Variable hours of work arrangements will be set up and administered to ensure that the Earned Days Off are accounted for.
Earned Days Off.
9.1 Subject to approval by the principal or immediate supervisor, a teacher shall be able to access his/her EDOs on any day of the year, to a maximum of five (5) consecutive school days.
9.2 A teacher shall be able to use a maximum six (6) EDOs per year.
9.3 A teacher can carryover six (6) EDOs per year.
9.4 A teacher may request partial or complete payment for EDOs at any time during the school year. Payment shall be made the month following receipt of the request. Extra-Curricular Activity Extra-curricular hours can be claimed for extra-curricular time up to fifteen (15) minutes prior to the first xxxx and fifteen (15) minutes following the last xxxx of the School Day. Extra-curricular time involves direct supervision of students participating in activities that have been recognized and approved by the Director (or designate).
1. Extra-Curricular Teachers have the opportunity to earn up to a maximum of three hundred (300) hours in an academic year.
a) A maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) hours may be accessed as Earned Days Off, in full or partial days, at a rate of one (1) day for every sixty (60) hours.
b) Hours not accessed as Earned Days Off will be paid out, in full or partial days, at a rate of 1/197 of Class IV Step 1 of the Provincial Collective Agreement for every sixty (60) hours.
c) Any hours in excess of six (6) days will be paid out.
2. The maximum number of hours that will be recognized as extra-curricular time on school days is eight (8) and on non-school days is fourteen (14).
3. At the teacher’s discretion, any accumulated hours that are between zero (0) to sixty (60) may be carried over to the next year.
Earned Days Off. Ten (10) Fridays in the months of June, July and August (the beginning and end dates of the ten (10) Fridays in the summer shall be determined by mutual agreement each year).
Earned Days Off. Teachers employed by the SECPSD will have the opportunity to earn a maximum of three (3) full EDO’s each academic year through a combination of noon supervision and extracurricular activity (ECA). A maximum of two (2) EDO’s may be used in the current year with the third EDO used to populate the carry-over bank or become part of the payout process. For every thirteen (13) hours of noon hour supervision teachers will earn one (1) EDO
Earned Days Off. Response shift employees, except float shift employees, shall be afforded one (1) twenty-four hour shift off with pay termed an Earned Day Off (E.D.O.) every fourteenth (14th) shift which shall not be counted as “hours worked.” Bargaining Unit Seniority will be used for the annual EDO selection process. The Shift Commander on each shift will be given an EDO selection sheet on October 1 of each year and will be given fifteen (15) calendar days to have the employees assigned to his shift make their EDO day of the week selection. The Shift Commander will forward the completed EDO selection sheet to the Fire Chief once all of the employees on his shift have made their selection, or by October 15, whichever comes first. The Fire Chief will post the final approved EDO schedule in a timely manner after receipt of the finalized EDO selection list from the Shift Commander. In the event overtime becomes available on a shift that a Response Shift employee is scheduled to be off on EDO, the employee on EDO shall have the first option to work the overtime regardless of their position on the overtime list. If two (2) or more employees have the same EDO, the eligibility to work the overtime shall be determined by seniority.
Earned Days Off. The fifteenth (15th) day will be the Employee’s Earned Day Off (EDO). XXX’s cannot be banked for future use. EDO’s are to be taken on either Monday or Friday subject to operational need. The Employer retains the right to reschedule an EDO based on operational need.
Earned Days Off. 12.1 Teachers may accumulate Earned Days Off (EDOs) for volunteering to do extra-curricular supervision and/or noon supervision.
Earned Days Off a) Employees will have the right to earned days off (EDO) provided levels of service and productivity can be maintained without additional costs. Employees who disagree with their EDO schedule may appeal in writing to the next appropriate level of authority. Eligible employees currently working a thirty-five (35) hour paid work week will be required to work fourteen (14) days at seven and a half (7.5) hours per day to earn one (1) day off. After completing fourteen (14) work days at seven and a half (7.5) hours per day, employees will accumulate an earned day off (EDO) at seven (7) hours paid as designated by a rotational schedule established by the department. However, this may not be suitable in every work area in which case alternative work schedules may be developed. Eligible employees currently working a thirty-eight (38) hour paid work week will be required to work nineteen (19) days at eight (8) hours per day to earn one (1) day off. After completing nineteen (19) work days at eight (8) hours per day, employees will be eligible for an earned day off (EDO) at 7.6 hours paid as designated by a rotational schedule established by the department. However, this may not be suitable in every work area in which case alternative EDO schedules may be developed.
b) Part-time employees may be considered for Earned Day Off (EDO) eligibility on a case by case basis where in the opinion of the Employer it would be operationally feasible to do so.
Earned Days Off. The Employer and the Union agree that for the duration of this collective agreement all regular full-time employees who have completed the probationary period will work in accordance with an earned days off schedule throughout the year upon mutual agreement: Employees hired between July 1 – December 1 are eligible to earn 2.5 days of EDO time only for that year.
(a) Each employee and their immediate supervisor shall establish a mutually agreeable schedule for the employee to work an additional one-half (.5) hour per day which time shall be banked to provide for earned days of leave as set out under sub- paragraph (b) below. During the period the employee is working the additional one- half (.5) hour of work per day the regular work day shall consist of seven and one- half (7½) hours between the hours of 0800 and 1700 for which the employee will be paid for seven (7) hours. The maximum time that may be banked to provide for earned days of leave as set out under sub-paragraph (b) below is thirty-five (35) hours (five (5) days).
(b) An earned days off schedule will be in effect throughout the year upon mutual agreement.
(c) The employee's start and finish times shall be assigned by the Employer and will be effective the date of implementation of this provision. In addition, the Employer shall establish an earned days off schedule throughout the year upon mutual agreement. In assigning days off, the Employer will consider employee preferences by seniority.
(d) In response to reasonable requests of the Employer, employees will work an earned day off to cover for a regularly scheduled employee who is ill, on vacation, or otherwise unavailable, and will be granted a substitute day off. This day off shall be considered to be the employee's scheduled day off for the purposes of clause 7.08.
(e) The number of days to which an employee is entitled is dependent on the amount of time which the employee has banked pursuant to sub-paragraph (a) above. An annual adjustment for each employee will be made to reflect whether they have received time off which has not been earned or have earned time for which time has not been taken. The method of repayment shall be mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee.
(f) Employees who leave part-way through the year will have adjustments made to their final pay to reflect whether they have received time off which has not been earned or have earned time for which time has not been taken. This earned day off schedule will ...
Earned Days Off. Employees shall be allowed to accumulate time at a rate of one half hour per day at straight time and be permitted to take one full day off in lieu of these accumulated hours. The hours shall be accumulated at the start of a shift, the end of a shift or during a one hour lunch period. Participation in this program shall be voluntary.