Work Continuation. Subcontractor will continue the Work during any dispute resolution proceedings, formal or informal, if so directed by MSS.
Work Continuation. Vendor will continue the Work during any dispute resolution proceedings, formal or informal, if so directed by MSS.
Work Continuation. It is agreed and understood that there will be no strike, work stoppage, slowdown, picketing, or refusal or failure to fully and faithfully perform job functions and responsibilities, or other interference with the operation of the District by the Exclusive Representative or by any of the Exclusive Representative's officers, agents, representatives, or members during the term of this Agreement, including compliance with the request of other labor organizations to engage in such activity.
Work Continuation. 1. It is agreed and understood that strikes, work stoppages, "sick-ins," "slow-downs," picketing in furtherance of a strike and the failure and/or refusal to faithfully and fully perform assigned job responsibilities and duties are contrary to the letter and spirit of this Agreement. The Association agrees that neither it, nor its members or nonaffiliated unit members shall encourage, condone, participate in or otherwise support any such strike, work stoppage, "sick-in," "slow-down," picketing in furtherance of a strike or failure and/or refusal to faithfully and fully perform assigned job responsibilities and duties.
2. The Association recognizes its duty and obligation under the law to comply with the provisions of this Agreement. In the event of any strike, work stoppage or other interference with the operation of the District, the Association agrees that it will publicly disclaim the activity and encourage participating unit members to cease their activity.
Work Continuation. Subcontractor agrees to continue the diligent performance of the Work and to proceed in accordance with the directives of Collage in the event of a dispute or controversy of any nature. Failure to proceed shall constitute a material breach of the Contract, regardless of the ultimate outcome of the dispute, it being understood and agreed that any controversy between the parties shall not constitute a basis to delay, suspend, disrupt or hinder the work, unless otherwise directed in writing by Collage.
Work Continuation. It is agreed and understood that strikes, work stoppages, "sick-ins," "slow-downs," picketing in furtherance of a strike and the failure and/or refusal to faithfully and fully perform assigned job responsibilities and duties are contrary to the letter and spirit of this Agreement. The Exclusive Representative agrees that neither it, nor its members or nonaffiliated unit members shall encourage, condone, participate in or otherwise support any such strike, work stoppage, "sick-in," "slow-down," picketing in furtherance of a strike or failure and/or refusal to faithfully and fully perform assigned job responsibilities and duties.
Work Continuation. If a supervisor or designee determines a work continuation situation exists, then the supervisor or designee will assign the overtime to the employee(s) currently assigned to that task and the employee(s) will complete the job without the use of the overtime call-out list. • The job was not pre-planned and/or the supervisor did not have prior knowledge of the need for overtime (e.g. an employee unexpectedly left work early.) An employee who called off at the beginning of his shift or within the first half of his shift would not qualify. • The job needs to be completed on that scheduled workday. • The job was not assigned at the end of a scheduled shift with the knowledge that the task could not be completed. • The job can be completed in a short period of time through job continuation, absent extenuating circumstances. In general, job continuation allows the employees to complete their assignment before they leave that day.
Work Continuation. The City and the Union agree that the public interest requires efficient and uninterrupted performance of all City services and to this end pledge their best efforts to avoid or eliminate any conduct contrary to this objective. Specifically, the Union shall not cause or condone any work stoppage, including any strike, slow-down, refusal to perform any customarily assigned duties, sick leave absence which is not bona fide, or other interference with City functions by employees under this Agreement and should same occur, the Union agrees to take appropriate steps to end such interference. Any concerted action by any employee in any bargaining unit shall be deemed a work stoppage if any of the above activities have occurred. Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 41.56.450, et.seq., bargaining unit employees shall have access to binding interest arbitration.
Work Continuation. The Subcontractor shall carry on the Work and maintain the schedule of work pending resolution of any claims by dispute resolution. Under no circumstances shall Subcontractor stop the Work for any reason, except as provided for in this Paragraph. The sole exception to Subcontractor’s promise not to stop the Work is the following: If Contractor fails to pay Subcontractor within ten days after Contractor has received payment from Owner for Work that was properly performed and billed by Subcontractor, and for which Subcontractor has completed all requirements that entitle it to receive such payment, Subcontractor shall give Contractor seven days written notice citing the condition that gives rise to the stop Work right, allowing Contractor the ability to cure such condition. If Contractor fails to cure the condition that gave rise to the stop Work right within the seven day cure period, then Subcontractor shall have the right to stop the Work. If Contractor thereafter makes payment, Subcontractor shall promptly recommence Work. Any extra costs incurred by Subcontractor to stop the Work and to remobilize its forces may be submitted to Contractor as a Change Order.
Work Continuation. The Union recognizes that the Fire District is engaged in a vital public service requiring continuous operation and hence recognizes its obligation under RCW 41.56.490, together with the Fire District, to work toward continued service to the District during the term of this Agreement.