Insurance Musterklauseln
Insurance. LMS does not bear any insurance risk for the exhibitor. The exhibitor is explicitly referred to their own insurance options.
Insurance. 11.1. The vendor shall take out, at its own expense, sufficient liability insurance in respect of losses for which it or its agents or vicarious agents are responsible. The level of cover for each loss shall be disclosed to Flint on request. The contractual or legal liability of the vendor shall remain unaffected by the extent and level of its insurance cover. 11.2. Xxxxx shall insure any items lent or leased to it by the vendor against fire and explosion damage. 11.3. The vendor shall immediately inform Xxxxx of any insurance it has taken out with regard to the services to be rendered by it, in particular of erection all risks insurance, contractor’s all risks insurance and/or builder’s risk insurance.
Insurance. Each Party shall carry and maintain in force at all times during the Agreement comprehensive general and professional liability and other insurance, in each case in amounts and subject to terms that are customary for companies of its size in its industry and to the extent commercially reasonably available in its jurisdiction.
Insurance. The Supplier shall procure and maintain a general public liability insurance (including a product liability insurance and a recall insurance), an extended product liability insurance (E&O) and an environmental liability insurance on an occurrence basis with limits not less than € 5,000,000 per occurrence. Upon request, the Supplier shall provide to Vishay Certificates of Insurance evidencing the insurance coverage and reflecting the effective date of such coverage.
Insurance. The organisers and the insurers have made the necessary arrangements as foreseen in the current sporting code of the hosting ASN.
Insurance. 1. Der Auftragnehmer hat das Bestehen einer Haftpflichtver- sicherung mit einer Mindestdeckungssumme von 5 Mio. € pro Schadensfall nachzuweisen. Die Versicherung ist bis zur vollständigen Erfüllung des jeweiligen Vertrags aufrecht zu erhalten. 1. Supplier is obliged to prove that he has effected a busi- ness liability insurance with a minimum blanket coverage of € 5 million per case. This insurance shall be maintained until complete fulfilment of the relevant contract.
2. Die Versicherung ist durch Übermittlung einer entspre- chenden schriftlichen Bestätigung des Bestehens des Ver- sicherungsschutzes durch den Versicherer nachzuweisen. Der Auftragnehmer hat uns über jede Änderung der Bedin- gungen mit Auswirkungen auf die vertraglich vereinbarte Deckung unverzüglich schriftlich zu unterrichten. 2. The insurance shall be proven by submission of a written confirmation of coverage of the insurer. Supplier shall imme- diately inform us in writing about any changes of the insur- ance conditions with effect to the agreed coverage.
Insurance. In the event of accidents, loss, theft or improper operation of the rented vehicle, or in the event of any breach of contractual obligations herein, you shall be liable for the repair costs incurred as a result thereof or, in the case of a total write-off, for the replacement value of the rented vehicle less its residual value, unless you can demonstrate that you are not at fault for the damage or loss. Additionally, you shall be liable for additional losses and costs such as any reduction in value, towing, and recovery costs, as well as expert’s fees to assess vehicle value or damages. You are responsible for all injury, damage and loss you cause to yourself or others. You will provide liability, collision and comprehensive insurance covering you, us, and the Vehicle. If state law requires us to provide auto liability insurance, we provide auto liability insurance (Policy) that is excess to all other valid and collectible insurance whether primary, secondary, excess or contingent. The Policy provides bodily injury and property damage liability coverage with limits no higher than minimum limits set by the financial responsibility laws of the State whose laws apply to the loss. You and we reject PIP, medical payments, no-fault, uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage and other optional protection, where permitted by law. To the extent such protection is imposed by law, that protection will be for the minimum limits required by law. The Policy is void if you breach this Agreement or fail to cooperate in a loss investigation by us or our insurer. This is a contract for rental of the Vehicle. We may repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. We may monitor the Vehicle through telematic devices. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from all judgments, claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle. We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. Renters and Authorized Drivers are responsible for all damage or loss Renters or Authorized Drivers cause to others. Renters and Authorized Drivers agree to provide autoliability, collision, under-insured and uninsured policies, and comprehensive insurance covering Renters, Authorized Drivers, and us as a thi...
Insurance. In addition to the framework contract, the supplier is obligated to maintain extended product liability insurance with a loss amount of at least 5 million euros per claim and at least 10 million maximum loss amounts per year. The conclusion of a motor vehicle recall insurance is recommended. The Supplier shall adequately insure unfinished parts of Handtmann stored at its premises at the replacement value at least against the risks of fire and water damage under the usual conditions and to maintain insurance cover for the entire period of the loan.
Insurance. Der Lieferant ist verpflichtet, für die Dauer der Vertragsbeziehung zu Novartis (einschließlich etwaiger Garantie- und Verjährungsfristen) Haftpflicht- und Produkthaftpflichtversicherungsschutz zu branchenüblichen Konditionen und mit ausreichenden Deckungssummen zu unterhalten. 19.1 For the duration of its contractual relationship with Novartis (including any warranty and limitation peri- ods), the Supplier shall be obliged to maintain an ad- equate level of cover for third party liability insurance and product liability insurance on customary terms for its industry sector.
Insurance. Der Lieferant muss eine Betriebs- und Produkt- haftpflichtversicherung (einschließlich Deckung für USA / Kanada) mit einer Gesamtdeckungssumme von mindestens 5.000.000 EUR (fünf Millionen Euro) je Personen-, Sach-, Produkt- oder Vermögensschaden zu führen; die Deckung ist zu erweitern auf Produktrückrufkosten mit einer De- ckungssumme von mindestens 3.000.000 EUR (drei Millio- nen Euro), jedoch beschränkt sich die Haftung des Lieferan- ten nicht auf die Versicherungssumme. Auf Verlangen von Eberspächer legt der Lieferant jährlich eine Versicherungs- bestätigung dieser Versicherung vor, in der die Deckungs- summen konkret genannt sind. The supplier is obliged to maintain public and product liabil- ity insurance (including coverage for USA / Canada) with a limit of indemnity of at least 5,000,000 EUR (EUR five mil- lion) in total per occurrence for personal injury, property damage, product-related damages and financial loss; Sup- plier shall extend coverage to include product recall cost with a limit of indemnity of at least 3,000,000 EUR (EUR three million) however, Supplier’s liability shall not be limited to the amount covered by insurance. Supplier shall provide Ebespächer upon request with an insurance confirmation, specifically mentioning the required cover sections, on an- nual basis.