Limitation Musterklauseln

Limitation. The Customer’s claims for defects shall lapse in one year beginning with the handover or delivery of the goods with the exception of the claims for damages specified in VII. 1. and arising under the German Product Liability Act. This shall not apply, if the Company fraudulently concealed the defect or insofar as it guaranteed the quality of the item. Article 478 of the Ger- man Civil Code remains also unaffected.
Limitation. Deviating from clause 11.8 of the General PO Terms and Conditions, the period of limitation for claims for defects shall be five years.
Limitation. 14.1 Obvious defects of the rented vehicle the renter has to notify AWOMI immediately in writing. For this purpose, it is essential to timely dispatch of the notification by the renter. For compliance with the promptness, it depends on the timely dispatch of the notification by the renter. If AWOMI cannot remedy, because there was no notification by the renter, the renter has no claim.
Limitation. All claims against the Carrier shall be barred by limitation within 12 months, unless compulsory regulations of CMR or other mandatorily applicable regulation fields provide for differing limitation periods. The limitation period starts to run as soon as the entitled person gets knowledge about the claim, at the latest however, with the delivery of the goods forwarded. Sollte eine der vorstehenden Bestimmungen unwirksam sein, so wird hierdurch die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen nicht berührt. Die Parteien sind verpflichtet, die unwirksame Bestimmung durch eine wirksame Bestimmung zu ersetzen, die dem wirtschaftlichen Ergebnis der unwirksamen Bestimmung möglichst nahekommt. In case any provision in these Terms and Conditions are invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected thereby. The parties agree to replace the invalid/void term by one which serves the intended economic purpose of the contract as closely as possible.
Limitation. For consumers, the statutory limitation periods shall apply, unless a different limitation period has been expressly agreed for used goods. If you are an entrepreneur, the warranty for used goods is excluded and for new goods it is 1 year. Excluded from this is the right of recourse according to § 478 BGB. The shortening of the limitation period expressly does not exclude liability for damages arising from injury to life, limb or health or in the case of intent or gross negligence. The provisions of the Product Liability Act shall also remain unaffected.
Limitation. (1) The mutual claims of the contracting parties shall become statute- barred in accordance with the statutory provisions, unless otherwise stipulated below.
Limitation. 7.5 Einschränkung. Upgrades may require Customer to agree to additional or alternative terms and conditions other than as set out in this Agreement. Upgrades können die Zustimmung des Kunden zu Lizenzbestimmungen erforderlich machen, die über die vorliegende Vereinbarung hinausgehen oder Teile der Vereinbarung ersetzen. In the event iGrafx does not provide additional license terms for the relevant Upgrade, the license terms applicable to the Software shall apply to such Upgrade. Falls iGrafx keine zusätzlichen Lizenzbestimmungen für ein Upgrade vorlegt, gelten die für die Software gültigen Lizenzbestimmungen auch für das entsprechende Upgrade. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to warrant or imply that Upgrades will be developed for any iGrafx product or, if developed, when such Upgrades will be made commercially available. Nichts in dieser Vereinbarung soll als explizite oder implizite Verpflichtungserklärung verstanden werden, dass Upgrades für die Produkte von iGrafx entwickelt werden oder wann derartige Upgrades, falls sie entwickelt werden, für den gewerblichen Einsatz verfügbar sein werden.
Limitation. All claims against the Carrier shall be barred by limitation within 12 months, unless compulsory regulations of CMR or other mandatorily applicable regulation fields provide for differing limitation periods. The limitation period starts to run as soon as the entitled person gets knowledge about the claim, at the latest however, with the delivery of the goods forwarded.
Limitation. Besondere Einkaufsbedingungen für Planung, Überwachung und DATUM 18. Mai 2020 gutachterliche Tätigkeiten der TenneT TSO GmbH Special Terms of Purchase Order for Planning, Monitoring and Expert Assessment Services of TenneT TSO GmbH
Limitation. Subject to applicable law, no action, regardless of form, arising out of this Agreement may be brought by Customer more than two (2) years after the cause of action arose.