ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Contract:
4 A. AB 109 Assembly Bill 109, 2011 Public Safety Realignment 5 B. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 6 C. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
5 B. ASRS Alcohol and Drug Programs Reporting System
6 C. CCC California Civil Code
7 D. CCR California Code of Regulations 8 E. CEO County Executive Office 9 F. CFR Code of Federal Regulations 11 H. CHS Correctional Health Services 12 I. COI Certificate of Insurance 13 J. D/MC Drug/Medi-Cal
ACRONYMS. Other terms that are capitalized and not defined in this Agreement will have the meaning in the Act. For convenience of reference only, Attachment 21: Acronyms provides a list of acronyms used throughout this Agreement.
ACRONYMS. CLEC - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CO - Central Office (BellSouth) DS3 - Facility that carries 28 T1s (672 circuits) ECC - Emergency Control Center (BellSouth) NMC - Network Management Center SWC - Serving Wire Center (BellSouth switch) T1 - Facility that carries 24 circuits TSP - Telecommunications Service Priority
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. AES Advanced Encryption Standard 5 B. AOD Alcohol and Other Drug 6 C. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. AA Alcoholics Anonymous 5 B. AB 109 Assembly Xxxx 109, 2011 Public Safety Realignment 6 C. ABC Allied Behavioral Care
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
5 B. CCC California Civil Code
6 C. CCR California Code of Regulations
7 D. CEO County Executive Office 8 E. CFR Code of Federal Regulations
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Agreement:
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Contract:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
5 B. CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids 6 C. CAP Corrective Action Plan
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
5 B. ASRS Alcohol and Drug Programs Reporting System 6 C. AES Advanced Encryption Standard 7 D. BCP Business Continuity Plan 8 E. CCC California Civil Code