ACRONYMS Sample Clauses
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Contract:
4 A. AB 109 Assembly Bill 109, 2011 Public Safety Realignment 5 B. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 6 C. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
5 B. ASRS Alcohol and Drug Programs Reporting System
6 C. CCC California Civil Code
7 D. CCR California Code of Regulations 8 E. CEO County Executive Office 9 F. CFR Code of Federal Regulations 11 H. CHS Correctional Health Services 12 I. COI Certificate of Insurance 13 J. D/MC Drug/Medi-Cal
ACRONYMS. Other terms that are capitalized and not defined in this Agreement will have the meaning in the Act. For convenience of reference only, Attachment 21: Acronyms provides a list of acronyms used throughout this Agreement.
ACRONYMS. CLEC - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CO - Central Office (BellSouth) DS3 - Facility that carries 28 T1s (672 circuits) ECC - Emergency Control Center (BellSouth) NMC - Network Management Center SWC - Serving Wire Center (BellSouth switch) T1 - Facility that carries 24 circuits
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. AES Advanced Encryption Standard 5 B. AOD Alcohol and Other Drug 6 C. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. AA Alcoholics Anonymous 5 B. AB 109 Assembly Xxxx 109, 2011 Public Safety Realignment 6 C. ABC Allied Behavioral Care
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Agreement:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
5 B. CCC California Civil Code
6 C. CCR California Code of Regulations
7 D. CEO County Executive Office 8 E. CFR Code of Federal Regulations
ACRONYMS. ABD Aged, Blind, and Disabled XXXXX Xxxxxxx, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health AMA American Medical Association APM Alternative Payment Model APRN Advanced Practice Registered Nurse ASAM American Society of Addiction Medicine CAHP Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers CANS Ohio Children’s Initiative Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths CCE Care Coordination Entity CDJFS County Department of Job and Family Services CEO Chief Executive Officer CFO Chief Financial Officer CFR Code of Federal Regulations CFT Child and Family Team CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program CICIP Care Innovation and Community Improvement Program CIO Chief Information Officer CMHSP Community Mental Health Services Provider CME Care Management Entity CMO Chief Medical Officer CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services COA Certificate of Authority CPC Comprehensive Primary Care CPSE Claims Payment Systemic Error CSP Coordinated Services Program CY Calendar Year eCQM Electronic Clinical Quality Measure EDI Electronic Data Interchange EHR Electronic Health Record EPSDT Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment EQRO External Quality Review Organization EVV Electronic Visit Verification FDR First Tier, Downstream, and Related Entities FFS Fee-for-Service FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center HCBS Home and Community-Based Service HIC Health Insuring Corporation HIE Health Information Exchange HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act IMD Institution for Mental Disease IMS Incident Management System LISW Licensed Independent Social Worker LPCC Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor LSW Licensed Social Worker MAGI Modified Adjusted Gross Income MAT Medication Assisted Treatment MCO Managed Care Organization MFCU Medicaid Fraud Control Unit MHPAEA Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act MPS Minimum Performance Standards MRSS Mobile Response and Stabilization Services NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners NCQA National Committee for Quality Assurance NPI National Provider Identifier OAC Ohio Administrative Code ODI Ohio Department of Insurance ODM Ohio Department of Medicaid OMHAS Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services OMES Ohio Medicaid Enterprise System ORC Ohio Revised Code PCP Primary Care Provider PDSA Plan-Do-Study-Act PHI Protected Health Information PIP Performance Improvement Project PMPM Per Member Per Month QAPI Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement QI Quality Improvement RHC Rural Health C...
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in their 3 entirety throughout this Agreement:
ACRONYMS. 2 The following standard definitions are for reference purposes only and may or may not apply in 3 their entirety throughout this Contract:
4 A. ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
5 B. CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids 6 C. CAP Corrective Action Plan