LIST OF ACRONYMS. 3RP Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan ACF Action Contre la Faim ACTED Aid Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development AFD Agence Française de Développement AICS Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo CBO Community-Based Organisation CSO Civil Society Organisation DGCS Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo DoA Document of Action EC European Commission EU European Union EUTF European Union “Madad” Trust Fund FRC French Red Cross GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH IC Italian Cooperation IDPs Internally Displaced Persons INGO International Non-Governmental Organisation JRP Jordan Response Plan for the Syria Crisis KRG Kurdistan Regional Government KRI Kurdistan Region of Iraq LCRP Lebanon Crisis Response Plan MAECI Ministero italiano degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale MOIM Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities MOMA Jordanian Ministry of Municipal Affairs MOP Ministry of Planning of KRG MOPIC Jordanian Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation XXXX Xxxxxxxx Ministry of Social Affairs NSC National Steering Committee PGS Programme Governance Structure PMU Programme Management Unit PSS Psycho-Social Support PTA Parents and Teachers Association RSCP Resilience & Social Cohesion Programme SGBV Sexual and Gender-Based Violence TDH Terre des Hommes TS Technical Secretariat UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene This is an open call for proposals launched by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (hereinafter “AICS”) in the frame of the EU funded action “Resilience and Social Cohesion Programme (RSCP)”, which aims at identifying priority interventions focusing on the rehabilitation and improvement of municipal infrastructure and services. The initiative has been launched in order to contribute to the response to the Syrian and Iraqi Crisis, thus all the proposed projects must have an impact on local communities, IDPs and Syrian refugees. No transfer of funds is foreseen in the frame of this call for proposals. All the expenses occurred in the implementation of the winning projects will be directly managed by AICS mainly through work, service and supply contracts signed with the private sector (contractors).
LIST OF ACRONYMS. ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission AER Australian Energy Regulator AFC Available Flowgate Capability ARR Auction Revenue Rights BA Balancing Authority CAT Curtailment Adjustment Tool (in SPP) CEB Communauté Electrique du Benin CEM Common Energy Market CIE Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CoAG Council of Australian Governments CR Congetion Rights (SIEPAC) CRIE Regional Regulatory Agency (SIEPAC) CVT Variable Transmission Charges (SIEPAC) DAM Day Ahead Market EAPP Eastern African Power Pool EAC East African Community ECOWAS Economic Community of Western African States EECI Energie Electrique de la Côte d’Ivoire EGL Energie des Grands Lacs EIS Energy Imbalance Service EOR Independent system and market operator (SIEPAC) EPC Electricity Power Council (in CIS) ESAA Energy Supply Association of Australia FCM Forward Capacity Market FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (US) FTR Financial Transmission Rights GMS Greater Mekong Sub Region ICC Information and Coordination Center (in WAPP) ICE Intercontinental Exchange (US) ICT Independent Coordinator of Transmission (SPP) IDC Interchange Distribution Calculator IGA Inter–Governmental Agreement on Power Trade in the Greater Mekong Sub–Region IPP Independent Power Producers/Project IPSCIS Interconnected Power System of Commonwealth of Independent States JOA Joint Operation Agreement LIP Locational Imbalance Prices (in SPP) LMP Locational Marginal Price LOLE Loss of Load Expectation LSE Load Serving Entities LTTR Long Term Transmission Rights MCE Ministerial Council on Energy (Australia) MER Regional Electricity Market of SIEPAC MISO Mid-West Independent System Operator MO Market Operator MOI Memorandum Of interest NBI Nile Basin Initiative NBPTF Nile Basin Power Trade Framework NE - ISO New England Independent System Operator NEM National Electricity Market (Australia) NEMMCO National Electricity Market Management Company NERC National Electricity Reliability Council NSI Net Scheduled Interchange OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal PAC Participant Advisory Committee (Australia) PJM Regional Market of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland PMU Project Management Unit PPA Power Purchase Agreement PRSG Planned Reserve Sharing Group (in MISO) PTC Power Technical Committee PTOA Regional Power Trade Operating Agreement (in GMS) RPM Reliability Pricing Model in PJM RPTCC Regional Power Trade Coordinati...
LIST OF ACRONYMS. AIAOD - Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases CPNC - Comité patronal de négociation des collèges CQLR - Compilation of Québec Laws and Regulations. CQLR has replaced RSQ (Revised Statutes of Québec) following the coming into effect of the new Policy concerning the Compilation of Québec Laws and Regulations which has created a new method for citing laws. CSQ - Centrale des syndicats du Québec CSSP - Civil Service Superannuation Plan CNESST - Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail CVC - Crime Victims Compensation EIP - Employment Insurance Plan ESDC - Employment and Social Development Canada FTE - Full-time equivalent FPSES - Fédération du personnel de soutien de l’enseignement supérieur QPIP - Québec Parental Insurance Plan LRC - Labour Relations Committee QPP - Québec Pension Plan RAAQ - Régime d’assurance automobile du Québec RREGOP - Government and Public Employees Retirement Plan SAAQ - Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec TAT - Tribunal administratif du travail TPP - Teachers’ Pension Plan
LIST OF ACRONYMS. ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
LIST OF ACRONYMS. ADCP - Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler • CDI – Common Data Index metadata format • CF - Climate and Forecast • EMODNET – European Marine Observation and Data Network • EU – European Union • EuroFleets – EU FP7 project Towards an Alliance of European Research Fleets • Geo-Seas - EU FP7 project for a Pan-European Infrastructure for Marine Geological and Geophysical Data Management • IMOS - Australian 's Integrated Marine Observing System • INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Europe Community • IOC – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission • IODE – International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange • ISO – International Organization for Standardization • MEDATLAS • MyOcean - Ocean Monitoring • NCAR - National Centre for Atmospheric Research • NetCDF – Network Common Data Form • NODC – National Oceanographic Data Centre • ODIP - Ocean Data Interoperability Platform • ODV – Ocean Data View • OPeNDAP - Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol • SeaDataNet – EU FP6 project for a Pan-European Infrastructure for Marine and Oceanographic Data Management • UNIDATA • Upgrade Black Sea SCENE - EU FP7 project for an Upgrade Black Sea Scientific Network • USNODC - United States National Oceanographic Data Centre Grant Agreement Number: 312492 ODIP_WP5_D5.8 Manual and examples
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LIST OF ACRONYMS. AEC Centre for Adult Education AD AP Action Document Action Plan BDE Bureau for Development of Education EESP Education, Employment and Social Policy ESA Employment Services Agency ESG European Higher Education Area ERP Economic Reform Programme ESRP Employment and Social Reform Programme FA Financing Agreement FDI Foreign Direct Investment ICSP IPA II Indicative Country Strategy Paper ILO International Labour Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund INTOSAI International Organization for Supreme Audit Institutions IPA Pre-Accession Assistance ISA Institute for Social Affairs ISP Indicative Strategy Paper ISSAI International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions LLL Lifelong learning MoLSP Ministry of Labour and Social Policy XxXX Ministry of Education and Science MoF Ministry of Finance MoE Ministry of Economy MTBP Medium Term Budget Program NES National Employment Strategy NEETs Neither in employment, nor in education or training NIPAC National IPA Coordinator NQF National Qualifications Framework PAF Performance Assessment Framework PFMRP Public Finance Management Reform Programme PIFC Public Internal Financial Control PISA Programme for International Student Assessment PPL Law on Public Procurement SAA Stabilisation and Association Agreement SBS Sector Budget Support SEC State Examinations Centre SEE South East Europe SEI State Education Inspectorate SEN Special Education Needs SRPC Sector Reform Performance Contract SSO State Statistical Office SWG Sector Working Group TA Technical Assistance UNDP United Nations Development Programme VETC Vocational Education and Training Centre VNFL Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning WB World Bank
LIST OF ACRONYMS. ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials CFR - Code of Federal Regulations COC - Contaminant(s) of Concern CWA - Clean Water Act DQO - Data Quality Objectives EIS - Environmental Impact Statement EPA - Environmental Protection Agency FR - Federal Register GC/MS - Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometry GIS - Geographic information system ITM - Inland Testing Manual LPC - Limiting Permissible Concentration MPRSA - Marine, Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act MQL - Minimum Quantification Level ODMDS - Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site PAH - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyl QA - Quality Assurance QAP - Quality Assurance Plan QC - Quality Control RIA - Regional Implementation Agreement SAP - Sampling and Analysis Plan SPP - Suspended Particulate Phase SP - Solid Phase TDL - Target Detection Limit USACE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S.C. - United States Code WQC - Water Quality Criteria WQS - Water Quality Standards Preface i Signatures ii Glossary of Terms iii Acronyms vii Table of Contents viii 1.3 Modifications 1 1.4 Issue Resolution 2 1.5 Contacts 2 2. Applicability 2 3. Administrative Process 2 3.1 MPRSA Section 103 Permit 3 3.2 Navigational Projects Constructed and/or Maintained by the USACE 3 3.3 USACE Review 3 3.4 Information submitted to EPA 5 3.5 EPA Review 5 4. Tiered Testing Approach 6 4.1 Overview 6 4.2 Limiting Permissible Concentration 6 4.3 Tier I–Existing Information 6 4.4 Tier I-Exclusionary Criteria 8 4.5 Tier I-Compliance Decisions 9 4.6 Tiers II & III-New Data Evaluation 9 4.7 Tiers II & III-Compliance Decisions 11 4.8 Tier IV-Case-by-case Analyses 11 5. Sampling and Analysis Plan 11 5.1 Sampling and Analysis Plan 11 5.2 Sampling Design 13 5.3 Sampling Approach 14 5.4 Sample Collection 14 5.5 Reference and Control Sediments 15 6. Quality Assurance/Quality Control 17 7. Dredged Material Evaluation 18 8. Physical and Chemical Evaluations 19 8.2 Chemical Analysis 19 9.2 Water Quality Criteria/Standards Evaluation Using the Liquid Phase–Tier II 22 9.3 Water Column Bioassay Using the Suspended Particulate Phase–Tier III 23 9. 3.1 Suspended Particulate Phase Toxicity Test 23 9. 3.2 Test Organisms 24 9.3.3 Data Analysis 24 10. Benthic Evaluations 26
LIST OF ACRONYMS. Abbreviation / acronym Description AAC Authentication and Authorisation Control (SO module) AE Attestation Engine (TAR subcomponent) API Application Programming Interface (SO module) ATR Attestation and Remediation (SO module) BUp Backup (also a type of SC) CFG Configuration (SO module) CNF Cloud-based Network Function CPU Central Processing Unit CRI Container Runtime Interface Dx.y Deliverable number y, belonging to WP number x DPI Deep Packet Inspection (also a type of SC) FBM Fault and Breach Management (PALANTIR component) FW Firewall and Router (type of SC) GB Gigabyte GDPR General Data Protection Regulation IAM Identity and Access Management IDS Intrusion Detection System (also a type of SC) JSON JavaScript Object Notation KPI Key Performance Indicator L-SL Lightweight Shipper for Logs (type of SC) LCM Life-Cycle Management (SO module) LSPL Low Level Security Policy Language (used by SC) MON Monitoring (SO module) MSPL Medium Level Security Policy Language (processed by SC) NDS Network Data Sniffer (type of SC) NFV Network Function Virtualisation NFVI NFV Infrastructure NFVO NFV Orchestrator NNS Network NetFlow Sniffer (type of SC) NS Network Service OCI Open Container Initiative OS Operating System OSM Open Source MANO PKI Public Key Infrastructure PKG Package (SO module) POL Policies (SO module) RAF Risk Analysis Framework (PALANTIR component) RAM Random Access Memory Abbreviation / acronym Description RE Recommendation Engine (PALANTIR subcomponent) REST ReprEsentational State Transfer SB Script-Based (type of SC) SC Security Capability (PALANTIR component) SCC Security Capabilities Catalogue (SCO subcomponent) SCC-O Security Capabilities Onboarding (SCC subcomponent) SCDV Security Capabilities and descriptors validation (SCC subcomponent) SCMA Security Capabilities Metadata Access (SCC subcomponent) SCO Security Capabilities Orchestrator (PALANTIR component) SCPM Security Capabilities Package Maker (SCC subcomponent) SCR Security Capabilities Registration (SCC subcomponent) SCS Security Capabilities Search (SCC subcomponent) SDN Software-Defined Networking SEM Security Element Manager (module within a SC) SIEM Security Information and Event Management (also a type of SC) SM Service Matching (PALANTIR subcomponent) SO Security Orchestrator (SCO subcomponent) TAR Trust, Attestation & Recommendation (PALANTIR component) TI Threat Intelligence (PALANTIR component) URI Uniform Resource Identifier VDU Virtual Deployment Unit VIM Virtualised Infrastruct...
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