Adds definition
Examples of Adds in a sentence
Telephone No/s.: Fax No/s.: E-mail Add/s.: Mobile No.: It is understood that notices/s transmitted in any of the above-stated telephone/fax numbers and/or e-mail address/es are deemed received as of its transmittal and the reckoning period for the reglementary periods stated in the bidding documents and the 2016 revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 shall commence from receipt thereof.
Telephone No/s.: Fax No/s.: E-mail Add/s.: Mobile No.: It is understood that notices/s transmitted in any of the above-stated telephone/fax numbers and/or e-mail address/es are deemed received as of its transmittal and the reckoning period for the reglementary periods stated in the bidding documents and the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 shall commence from receipt thereof.
Adds lines 28 and 35.If the school district received distributions from an equalization tax imposed under former Chapter 18, Education Code, add the NNR tax rate as of the date of the county unit system's abolition to the sum of Lines 28 and 35.
Special Adds are changes that are not specifically covered by the terms of the Contract but inclusion is found to be in the best interest of the State.
Regular Adds must be submitted to OGS for prior approval, and must be accompanied by a justification of reasonableness of price.
Special Adds are subject to pre-audit by the Office of the State Comptroller.
The intent of an all-inclusive Price is such that no Adds or Change Orders will be necessary.
Monthly: Board President Adds "destruction of closed meeting audio recording" as an agenda item to an upcoming open meeting.
For categories (i) and (ii) Auto Adds: Contractor shall automatically update the Contract price list and may proceed with selling Products without prior approval of either OGS or the Comptroller.
This addendum to the original PCC agreement dated between PCC and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Cabinet for Health and Family Services does the following: Adds the Adoption Scope of Work to the original agreement and allows the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to reimburse the Second Party for these additional services as appropriate.