Fuel Index definition

Fuel Index means the Producer Price Index-Commodities for #2 Diesel Fuel compiled and 2044 published by the BLS, using the following parameters: 2045 • Not Seasonally Adjusted 2046 • Group – Fuels and Related Products and Power 2047 • Item – #2 Diesel Fuel 2048 • Base Date – 8200
Fuel Index means the index as published in Gas Daily - "Midpoint, --------- Chicago-LDCs, Large e-us" - for the day of Energy delivery to Buyer. If this index ceases to be published the Parties shall select a mutually agreeable substitute index designed to track the market price of gas in the Chicago area for large end users for next day service.
Fuel Index as used herein shall be the Lower Atlantic (PADD IC) No.2 Diesel Ultra Low Sulfur (0-15 ppm) Retail Sales by All Sellers (Cents per Gallon), published by the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. In the event the US. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration ceases to publish the fuel prices, the parties hereby agree to substitute another equally authoritative measure of change in the purchasing power of the US dollar as may be then available. "Hazardous Waste" means Solid Waste or a combination of Solid Wastes, (even though it may be part of delivered load of waste), which, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or environment when improperly transported, disposed of, stored, treated, or otherwise managed. Hazardous Waste shall include all such waste as defined by the Rules of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Chapter 62-730 F.A.C., or 40 Code of Federal Regulations 261, or both, as either or both may be amended from time to time and to the extent either or both is applicable to the Disposal of waste in Florida. Hazardous Waste is not intended to include de minimus amounts of household hazardous wastes as defined by F.A.C. 62-701.100.

Examples of Fuel Index in a sentence

  • The Fuel Cost component of Total Calculated Costs for the then-current Rate Period is multiplied by one plus the Annual Percentage Change in the Fuel Index.

More Definitions of Fuel Index

Fuel Index means the average of the twelve average monthly OPIS indexes beginning with February of the Financial Year and ending with January of the subsequent Financial Year theas set forth by the OPIS Standard Diesel Rack Prices (CARB OPIS average for San Francisco), established on the web site (xxxx://xxxxxxx.xxx) Current Year Fuel Index: the Fuel Index beginning in February of the Financial Year that precedes the year the Rate Year begins. Prior Year Fuel Index: the Fuel Index that begins one year prior to the Current Year Fuel Index. Fuel Related Expenses: all Fuel Related Expenses are to be adjusted using the Fuel Index. The initial Fuel Index for the 2007 Rate Year will was be based upon a one-time 2003 Base Year adjustment. For purposes of computing the Fuel Related Expenses in for Operating Period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 the average of the twelve average monthly OPIS indexes will become effective. IOCR: IOCR has the meaning set forth at Section 18.3(b) of this Agreement Initial Year CDP Budget Expenses: CONTRACTOR will provide a detailed proposed budget for the initial year of operations of the CDP. The AGENCY shall review and comment on the proposed initial CDP budget and the parties shall agree on an Initial Year CDP Budget. The Budget will be adjusted as provided at Section V. (a), below. Major Allowable Expenses: are limited to Wages and Related Benefits (excluding officer’s salaries and benefits), Depreciation, and New Programs/Modifications. Major Allowable Expenses include: Wages and Related Benefits: salaries and benefits (including AGENCY approved "profit sharing" retirement plans not including Officers Salaries and Benefits) as paid to employees of CONTRACTOR and payroll taxes paid on such. Benefits include fees associated with group insurance and xxxxxxx’x compensation. Depreciation on CONTRACTOR Owned Assets: expenses related to depreciation of all owned assets of CONTRACTOR including AGENCY Approved CDP Depreciable Assets but excluding CDP Non-Depreciable Assets as calculated, using an actual or historical cost, on a straight-line depreciation basis. Vehicles shall be determined to have a useful life of five (5) years for depreciation purposes. All other assets owned by CONTRACTOR , excluding structures and leasehold improvements, shall have their useful life determined upon purchase or renovation, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Structures and leasehold improvements shall be determined to have a useful life...
Fuel Index means the annual average of the diesel fuel price index for British Columbia published by Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada Table 329­0047) in respect of a Contract Year or, if not available, of such other similar index agreed between the parties as the most appropriate index for the purposes of this Payment Mechanism or, failing agreement within 21 days, as determined pursuant to the Disputes Resolution Procedure.
Fuel Index means the Statistics CanadaDiesel Fuel, British Columbia (v 53434494)” – Table 2-19 Industrial Product Price Indexes, by commodity and commodity aggregations – Petroleum and coal products;
Fuel Index means the per-term price for Core Natural Gas Service for Compression on Customer’s Premises, Schedule G-NGV1, compiled and published by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Analysis and Rate Department and reported monthly in its “Gas RateFinder” publication (xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/tariffs/GRF.SHTML). The January 2021 Fuel Index is $_____ per term, which reflects the sum of the customer charge, procurement charge, transportation charge, and public purpose program (PPP) charge for natural gas service for compression on customer’s premises as reported by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. {Note to proposer: We recognize that this is a Northern California index and welcome recommendation for a replacement index.}
Fuel Index means the Producer Price Index‐Commodities for #2 Diesel Fuel compiled and published by the BLS, using the following parameters: Not Seasonally Adjusted Group – Fuels and Related Products and Power Item – #2 Diesel Fuel Base Date – 8200 Series Identification Number – WPU057303
Fuel Index as used herein shall be the Lower Atlantic (PADD IC) No.2 Diesel Ultra Low Sulfur (0-15 ppm) Retail Sales by All Sellers (Cents per Gallon), published by the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. In the event the US. Department of Energy, Energy Information
Fuel Index means in relation to a Generating Unit, the index of fuel prices agreed or determined for that Generating Unit under paragraph 2.3 and Section 2 of Schedule 5;