Grants Manual definition

Grants Manual means a manual adopted by the Recipient pursuant to paragraph 1 (b) of Part B of Section IV of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and which sets forth selection criteria, procedures and other requirements with regard to Sub-projects selection, processing and implementation.
Grants Manual or “GM” means the manual referred to in Section I.D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as the same may be amended from time to time with the approval of the Association.
Grants Manual means the manual referred to in Section I.B.1(b) of the Schedule to the Project Agreement.

Examples of Grants Manual in a sentence

  • See the Preparedness Grants Manual for more information on funding restrictions and allowable costs.

  • All costs charged to awards covered by this NOFO must comply with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, unless otherwise indicated in the NOFO, the terms and conditions of the award, or the Preparedness Grants Manual.

  • Recipients seeking guidance on policies and procedures for managing preparedness grants should reference the Preparedness Grants Manual for further information.

  • For information on how to register to apply through, please see the Preparedness Grants Manual.

  • Federal funds made available through this award may be used for the purpose set forth in this NOFO, the Preparedness Grants Manual, and the terms and conditions of the award and must be consistent with the statutory authority for the award.

More Definitions of Grants Manual

Grants Manual means the Grants Manual to be adopted by the Recipient pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Association.
Grants Manual means the Legal Aid Services Grants Handbook issued by the Commissioner and updated from time to time (which can be found on the Ministry’s website) Legal Aid Complaint means a complaint made to the Provider or the Secretary, Commissioner or Ministry about the Provider (whether made by staff of the Ministry or a person outside of the Ministry). The complaint must relate to the Legal Aid Services or Specified Legal Services provided or which should have been provided to an aided person, but excludes a Request for Examination. Legal Aid Services has the same meaning as in section 4 of the Act. Lead Provider means the provider who is allocated (paragraph (a)) or accepts (paragraph (b)) an assignment under the definition of Assignment.
Grants Manual means the Matching Grants Program Manual published by the Innovation Fund, dated March 28, 2019, as it may be amended from time to time, which shall apply directly on mutual relations of the Parties of this Agreement; Приручник Програма суфинансирања иновација (MATCHING GRANTS Program) значи Приручник Програма суфинансирања иновација (MATCHING GRANTS Program) који је објавио Фонд за иновациону делатност, од дана 28. марта 2019. године, који може бити измењен с времена на време, и који ће се непосредно примењивати на међусобне односе Уговорних страна овог уговора; Product means technology, product or service being developed through and during the Project, including any subsequent technology, product or service based on the technology which is developed through and during the Project; Производ значи технологија, производ или услугу која се развија кроз и током Пројекта, укључујући сваку накнадно развијену технологију, производ или услугу засновану на технологији која се развија кроз и током Пројекта; Product Sale means any disposal with the Продаја производа значи свако располагање Product by which the Product Производом чиме ће се shall be deemed to have been сматрати да је Производ продат, sold, marketed or otherwise стављен на тржите или на други commercially exploited for profit начин комерцијално if the Product, or any искоришћен за стицање добити improvement, modification or ако Производ, или било које extension of it is put to the његово побољшање, benefit of a third party, whether модификација или проширење directly or indirectly, and whether користи трећој страни, било standing alone or incorporated директно или индиректно, било into or conjoined with other самостално или инкорпориран у hardware or processes, and for или повезан са другим which benefit the said third party хардвером или процесима, и за gives something of value. This коју корист трећа страна даје provision shall not apply to неку вредност. Ова одредба се transactions between the неће примењивати на Company and its parents, трансакције између Привредног subsidiaries or other affiliates, друштва и његових оснивача, except when the transaction relates to use of the Product by the purchaser, or any improvement, modification or extension of the Product, for its or any of its affiliates own use. Should any such parent, subsidiary or other affiliate resell the Product separately identified or incorporated in a system, the sales price shall be the price to third parties from the parent, subs...
Grants Manual means the Recipient’s manual for Part B.5(d) of the Project, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, and containing or referring to detailed arrangements and procedures for the implementation of Part B.5(d) of the Project, including: (i) institutional administration, coordination and day-to-day execution of activities of Part B.5(d) of the Project; (ii) disbursement and financial management;
Grants Manual means the manual prepared by the Recipient setting out the criteria, procedures and responsibilities for Sub-project selection to be carried out under Part 3.2 of the Project.
Grants Manual means the manual referred to in Section I.B.2 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.
Grants Manual means the manual setting forth detailed implementation arrangements for the provision of Establishment Grants to Eligible Nurseries and Childcare Subsidies to Established Nurseries under Part 3 of the Project, to be adopted as part of the Operations Manual in accordance with Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.