Overtime Desired definition

Overtime Desired lists will be established by craft, section or tour in accordance with Article 30, Local Implementation.
Overtime Desired lists shall be by section and/or tour
Overtime Desired list from the previous quarter shall have their names automatically placed on the list for the next quarter, and their names shall remain on the list un- less they provide the Employer with written notice of their de- sire to remove their names from the list. B Lists will be established by section and/or tour in accordance with Article 30, Local Implementation. C When during the quarter the need for overtime arises, full-time regular employees with the necessary skills having listed their names will be selected in order of their seniority on a rotating basis. Those absent, or on leave shall be passed over. In addi- tion, employees whose guarantee exceeds the overtime require- ment shall be passed over (e.g., an employee on a nonscheduled day would not be called in to perform 2 hours of overtime work); unless such guarantee is modified by the provisions of Section 8.8 concerning early release. Full-time regular employ- ees on the "Overtime Desired" list may be required to work up to twelve (12) hours in a day. In addition, at the discretion of the Employer, "Overtime Desired" list employees may volunteer to work beyond twelve (12) hours in a day. D If the voluntary "Overtime Desired" list does not provide suffi- cient available and qualified people, the Employer shall assign other employees to the extent needed. When assigning such employees, the Employer shall first utilize qualified and availa- ble full-time employees, in order of seniority, who have volun- teered to work the required overtime after their scheduled tour for that day only or who have volunteered to work their non- scheduled day(s). Employees shall volunteer for overtime as- signments after their scheduled tour for that day only by signing their name and indicating their seniority date, within the first two (2) hours of their scheduled tour of duty, on a daily "Full- Time Volunteer" list maintained in each work section on the workroom floor. The daily "Full-Time Volunteer" list shall be applied in a manner consistent with the application of the "Over- time Desired" list within the installation. Employees shall vol- unteer for overtime assignments on their nonscheduled days by signing their name and indicating their nonscheduled days and their seniority date on a Full-Time Volunteer list that is posted in each work section at the beginning of the service week (i.e., on Saturday) and must be signed by Tuesday of the service week prior to that being volunteered for. Such full-time employee vol...

Examples of Overtime Desired in a sentence

  • When needed, overtime work shall be scheduled among qualified full-time regular employees doing similar work in the work location where the em- ployees regularly work in accordance with the following: A Two weeks (i.e., 14 calendar days) prior to the start of each cal- endar quarter, full-time regular employees desiring to work overtime during that quarter shall place their names on an "Overtime Desired" list.

  • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND ORGANIZATIONAL COSTS – The costs of professional services rendered and other costs incurred in relation to the creation, administration and termination of the District and the undertaking of the projects contained within this plan are eligible Project Costs.

  • When an opportunity exists for overtime for qualified and available full-time employees, doing similar work in the work location where the employees regularly work, prior to utilizing a PSE in excess of eight (8) work hours in a service day, such qualified and available full-time employees on the appropriate Overtime Desired List will be selected to perform such work in order of their seniority on a rotating basis.

  • Two (2) weeks prior to the start of each calendar quarter, full-time regular employees desiring to work overtime during that quarter shall place their names on an Overtime Desired List.

  • Newly converted full-time employees, and employees convert- ed, transferred, or reassigned into an installation or into the Mail Handler craft within the installation, may place their names on the "Overtime Desired" list within the two weeks (i.e., 14 calendar days) following the date upon which they are con- verted, transferred, or reassigned to full-time.

More Definitions of Overtime Desired

Overtime Desired lists in Article 8 shall be by functional assignment area and/or tour.
Overtime Desired list is not nec- xxxxxx in the case of a letter carrier working on the employee’s own route on one of the employee’s regularly scheduled days.
Overtime Desired lists in Article 8 shall be by section and/or tour.
Overtime Desired list from the previous quarter shall have their names automatically placed on the list for the next quarter, and their names shall remain on the list unless they provide the Employer with written notice of their desire to remove their names from the list.
Overtime Desired lists will be established by craft, section or tour in accordance with Article 30, Local Implementation. C.1. (RESERVED) C.2.a. When during the quarter the need for overtime arises, employees with the necessary skills having listed their names will be selected from the “Overtime Desired” list.
Overtime Desired lists in Article 8 shall be by sec- tion and/or tour.
Overtime Desired lists in Article 8 shall be by pay location.