Salary Guides. To check your salary schedule placement: MPS Home Page 🡪 “Careers” tab 🡪 “Internal” link
Salary Guides. 5 The purpose of the District Salary Schedule shall be to secure new employees who are personally competent 6 and professionally well prepared, encourage the professional growth of employees while in service, and 7 retain the most competent employees in the school system. The salary schedules are presented in Appendix 8 A.
Salary Guides. Article 4512 Salary Advancement and Placement A 30-year salary schedule is in effect for all teachers other than those on the BA Channel. These other Channels (BA+15, MA, MA+15, MA+45) were added to encourage teachers to continue formal education after their degrees had been granted. Graduate level courses which have been taken in the past or may be taken in the future must be approved by the Superintendent or designee if they are to be counted toward the other channel classifications. The top of the BA schedule is Step 14 and no further advancement may be made without 15 additional college hours or Type II credits. The top of the BA+15 schedule is Step 20 and no further advancement may be made without a Master’s Degree. Teachers who have previously been held at the top of the BA and BA+15 schedule for two or more years, who then qualify for a change of channel, will move over to the appropriate channel and down two steps at the time of change. Original Placement on Salary Schedule The Superintendent recommends the placement of newly-employed teachers upon the salary schedule. Teachers without previous teaching or related experience are recommended for placement at the fifth step on the salary schedule. Current practice is that teachers with prior teaching and/or related experience are placed on the salary schedule by the Superintendent after careful evaluation of training, experience and recommendations. Original placement on the salary schedule will be subject to the following guidelines: ● One year's credit for each year of full-time contractual teaching for the eight years prior to employment by the District. A maximum of eight years' credit may be given. ● No staff member will be placed on a step lower than 5. ● Steps 1-4 will only be taken into consideration with granting credit for experience. ● The Superintendent may make exceptions to credit for experience in instances of exceptional need. Documentation of the need and exception will be maintained in the employee file and the Superintendent's office. Normal Advancement
Salary Guides. Salary schedules are attached hereto as Schedule A.
Salary Guides. The Board believes that all teachers, supervisors, and administrators are professional employees who should be adequately compensated. Every reasonable effort will be made to maintain the organization and the administrative and supervisory personnel necessary to implement this policy. It is the Board’s intent to provide:
Salary Guides. Credit for Experience or Service
Salary Guides a) The base salary shall be $33,400.00 for the 2016-2017 school year.
b) If specifically requested in writing by an employee, and agreed to by the superintendent, said employee may be paid an amount less than he/she would be based on his/her placement on the salary schedule. Under such circumstances, the employee may establish the amount and the duration of the agreement. Said amount will be divided by the number of months in the agreement with each payment being dispersed once a month as part of the regular payroll. At the end of the agreement, the employee will commence being paid according to his/her placement on the salary schedule with no additional remuneration due.
Salary Guides. 1. No step on these guides shall fall below minimum wage as established by the government of the United States. When hiring a new paraprofessional, credit for previous experience may be granted up to a maximum of five (5) years.
2. In order to receive incremental movement on the salary guide, an employee must have been in a pay status for at least 1/2 of the scheduled work days during the previous school year. Pay status is defined as all days the employee worked or was on a paid leave of absence.
Salary Guides. A. Anyone qualifying for a higher degree column during 2006-2007, 2007-2008 or 2008-2009 school year shall receive the appropriate educational benefit compensation as outlined in C. below. The salary base cost of $7,860,082 for the 2005-2006 school year will generate a 5.33% increase in the 2006-2007school year ($418,942). The salary base cost of $8,279,024 for the 2006-2007 school year will generate a 5.33% increase in the 2007-2008 school year ($441,272). The salary base cost of $8,720,296 for the 2007-2008 school year will generate a 5.33% increase in the 2008-2009 school year ($464,792).