CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. All employees shall be classified according to previous comparable supermarket experience. Previous comparable experience shall be granted on the following basis:
A. Out of the industry for less than one (1) year will receive credit for fifty percent (50%) of their previous experience to a maximum credit of twelve (12) months' credit for previous experience.
B. Out of the industry for more than one (1) year, will receive credit for fifty percent (50%) of their previous experience up to a maximum of six (6) months' credit for previous experience. No previous experience will be considered unless it has been stated by the employee on his or her Application for Employment form. (This provision shall not apply where employees fail to indicate their previous comparable experience by agreement with Management.) New employees having previous comparable experience may be paid at a lower scale of wage than their claimed experience calls for but not less than the minimum rate established by this Agreement for an evaluation period not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of employment, providing that if the employee's services are retained, then after the forty-five (45) day period they shall receive any difference between the evaluation rate paid and the rate for which their experience qualifies them retroactive to the date their employment started, and shall receive written notification showing the credit granted for previous experience. In the event of any disagreement as to the credit granted for previous experience, such disagreement shall be considered a Grievance and the Grievance Procedure provided in this Agreement shall apply. Providing that the Employer has:
i) Provided the employee with the "New Employee" letter provided for in Section 3.02 of this Agreement not later than two (2) weeks from the date of employment, and
ii) Provided the employee with the written notification showing credit granted for previous experience within the forty-five (45) day period required by this Section, and
iii) Provided the Union with a copy of the letter showing credit granted for previous experience within the same period then no consideration will be given to any disagreement pertaining to credit for previous experience if presented later than sixty (60) days from the date of employment.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. At the discretion of the Committee, credit for prior experience in the applicable trade may be given after evaluation. Review will be made after completion of apprentices’ probationary period.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Wage rates for new and rehired employees shall be established as follows, if applicable:
15.01 New Clerk Trainees may be classified according to previous experience to a maximum of eight thousand (8000) hours on the Clerk Trainee Scale, provided:
i) it is comparable experience as determined by the owner in a retail store; and
ii) twelve (12) months have not elapsed since their last day worked.
15.02 It shall be the responsibility of the employee to supply reasonable proof of their previous experience within ninety (90) calendar days of employment. Otherwise, all claims for credit for previous experience shall be forfeited by the employee. Reasonable proof will mean that if past employment records are not obtainable, the Union records, income tax records, or other similar documents will be acceptable. The hourly rate for recognized credit will be effective from the first day of employment to a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days from date of employment.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. The committee and the representative from the Ontario Training Adjustment Board will review previous experience and determine if credit for such services will be granted to the apprentice.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Employees of the Company and those who have had previous employment experience, who desire to become apprentices and are selected, may be allowed credit in accordance with these Standards for applicable experience, after their record has been checked and evaluated by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee. Evaluated work experience must have been gained under a recognized apprenticeship program or as an employee of the Company.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Employees who are qualified by virtue of previous experience, clinical expertise, or advanced education may be paid above the beginning rate of pay for the classification at the discretion of the Employer. Applicants for nurse positions who were previously employed by the Employer in a related classification will be advised of the limitations of the applications of this Section.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. All employees shall be classified according to previous comparable drug store experience. Previous comparable experience shall be granted on the following basis:
(1) out of the industry for less than one (1) year will receive credit for fifty percent (50%) for their previous experience to a maximum credit of twelve (12) month's credit for previous experience.
(2) out of the industry for more than one (1) year will receive credit for fifty percent (50%) for their previous experience to a maximum credit of six (6) month's credit for previous experience. No previous experience will be considered unless it has been stated by the employee on his/her Application for Employment form.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. At the discretion of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Training Consultant, credit for prior experience in the applicable trade may be given after evaluation and shall not be inconsistent with the Act. Review will be made prior to the completion of the apprentice’s probationary period.
CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 56.01 Wage rates for new and rehired Employees shall be established as follows, as applicable:
(a) Employees who have previously been employed by the Employer shall receive one hundred percent (100%) credit for previous experience in a similar position.
(b) Where an Employee has gained related experience elsewhere, his or her related experience shall be taken into consideration by the Employer when determining the Employee's starting salary.