Xxxxxx Parent definition

Xxxxxx Parent means Xxxxxx International, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its successors and assigns.
Xxxxxx Parent means a substitute caregiver who assumes the daily caretaking responsibilities for children in DCBS custody who have been placed in their home. Guardian means an individual appointed by the court to be responsible for a minor if a parent is unable to care for a child due to death, incarceration, or physical or mental incapacity. A parent may be able to designate this guardian according to Kentucky guardianship law if the parent is capable of making a reasonable choice. A child may also nominate someone to be his or her guardian if the child is fourteen (14) years of age or older and capable of making a reasonable nomination. High Fidelity Wraparound is an approach to Behavioral Health Services designed to meet needs that are prioritized by the youth and family, improve their ability and confidence to manage their own services and supports, develop or strengthen their natural supports, and integrate the work of all child servicing systems and natural supports into one streamlined plan. Individual Health Plan (IHP) means the plan developed for a Medically Complex Child to assess the needs of the child and is updated every six (6) months. An IHP meeting is convened every three
Xxxxxx Parent means Xxxxxx Industries plc, an Irish company, and, subject to the provisions of Article Twelve, shall mean its successors and assigns.

Examples of Xxxxxx Parent in a sentence

  • Such immediate family members shall be defined as the faculty member’s: Spouse (includes common-law spouse and same-sex partner), Parent, Step-Parent, Xxxxxx Parent; or the Child, Step-Child, or Xxxxxx Child of the employee or his/her Spouse.

  • The purpose of the Xxxxxx Parent Shared Leave Pool (“FPSLP”) is to allow employees to voluntarily donate their leave to be used as shared leave for any eligible employee who is a licensed xxxxxx parent pursuant to RCW 74.15.040 and is caring for a xxxxxx child or is preparing to care for a xxxxxx child in their home.

  • Such family member shall be defined as the employee’s: Spouse (includes common-law spouse and same-sex partner); Brother or Sister; the Parent, Step-Parent, Xxxxxx Parent, or the Child, Step-Child or Xxxxxx Child of the employee or his/her Spouse; the Grandparent, Step-Grandparent, Grandchild, or Step- Grandchild of the employee of his/her Spouse; or a relative of the employee who is dependent on the employee for care and assistance.

  • The purpose of the Xxxxxx Parent Shared Leave Pool (FPSLP) is to allow employees to voluntarily donate their leave to be used as shared leave for any eligible employee who is a licensed xxxxxx parent pursuant to RCW 74.15.040 and is caring for a xxxxxx child or is preparing to care for a xxxxxx child in their home.

  • All Resource Xxxxxx Parents, and all employees of CONTRACTOR who have access to confidential records and data must sign and adhere to the attached “Contractor Employee Acknowledgment and Confidentiality Agreement Form” (Exhibit D-1) and/or the “Resource Xxxxxx Parent Acknowledgment and Confidentiality Agreement” (Exhibit D-4).

More Definitions of Xxxxxx Parent

Xxxxxx Parent. W.A. Xxxxxx Company, a Delaware corporation.
Xxxxxx Parent means a substitute caregiver who assumes the daily caretaking responsibilities for children in DCBS custody who have been placed in their home. Guardian means an individual appointed by the court to be responsible for a minor if a parent is unable to care for a child due to death, incarceration, or physical or mental incapacity. A parent may be able to designate this guardian according to Kentucky guardianship law if the parent is High Fidelity Wraparound is an evidence-based approach to Behavioral Health Services designed to meet needs that are prioritized by the youth and family, improve their ability and confidence to manage their own services and supports, develop or strengthen their natural supports, and integrate the work of all child and family service systems and natural supports into one individualized plan. Individual Health Plan (IHP) means the plan developed for a Medically Complex Child to assess the needs of the child and is updated every six (6) months. An IHP meeting is convened every three
Xxxxxx Parent. A substitute caregiver who assumes the daily caretaking responsibilities for children in BCF custody who have been placed in their home. Fraud – an intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself or some other person. It includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable Federal or State law. Gift (Marketing) – any promotional item or incentive offered by an MCO to members or potential members. Grievance – an expression of dissatisfaction, either in writing (formal) or orally (informal), regarding any aspect of service delivery provided or paid for by the MCO, other than those MCO actions that are subject to appeal. The term grievance also refers to the overall system that includes grievances and appeals handled at the MCO level and access to the State fair hearing process. Grievance Process – the procedure for addressing an enrollee’s grievances and complaints. Grievance System – includes a grievance process, an appeals process, and access to the State’s fair hearing system. Health Home - a designated provider (including provider that operates in coordination with a team of health care professionals) or a health team selected by an eligible individual to provide health home services as defined in Section 1945 of the Social Security Act. Chronic condition health homes are available for eligible individuals with certain chronic conditions. West Virginia’s requirements for health homes are defined in the Medicaid State Plan. Health Plan – another term used to refer to an MCO. Also referred to as a Plan. Home Health Carehealth care services a person receives at home, including limited part-time or intermittent skilled nursing care, home health aide services, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medical social services, DME, medical supplies, and other services. Home Visitation Program – a program of DHHR’s BCF within the Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health that involves partnerships at federal, state and community levels to assist families in meeting their parenting goals. Programs are available at no cost to families across the state. Hospice Services – services to help people who have a terminal prognosis live comfortably. A terminal prognosis means that a person has a terminal illness and is expected to have six months or less to live. A specially trained team of professionals and caregivers provide care for the whole person, including p...
Xxxxxx Parent. Means that an adult may act as a Parent if: (a) The natural Parent's authority to make educational decisions on the child's behalf has been extinguished under Tennessee law; and (b) The Xxxxxx Parent: (i) Has an ongoing, long-term parental relationship with the child; (ii) Is willing to make the educational decisions required of Parents under the IDEA; and (iii) Has no interest that would conflict with the interests of the child.
Xxxxxx Parent means the Original Xxxxxx Parent as long as WGH Plc is not listed and WGH Plc when WGH Plc becomes listed, it being expressly agreed that, as long as Xxxxxx Parent is not holding Securities or as soon as Xxxxxx Parent ceases to hold Securities, Xxxxxx Parent shall be a mere Ancillary Party for the sole purpose of Section 1, Section 9, Section 10, Section 14, Section 17, Section 19 and Section 20;
Xxxxxx Parent means the person, and including his or her spouse if 25 the spouse is a resident of the same household, providing care, custody, and 26 control of a xxxxxx child in a licensed xxxxxx family home or licensed small 27 family home, in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 1527(d).
Xxxxxx Parent means a person, other than the child’s parent, stepparent or legal guardian, but including a relative within the third degree to the child’s parent or stepparent, who is certified or approved to board children who are in the care, custody or guardianship of an authorized agency or OCFS and who are placed for temporary or long-term care.