DISPUTE RESOLUTION Clauses Exemplaires

DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 15.1 In the event any dispute, claim or controversy arising under or relating to this Agreement for Goods or any Ancillary Agreement, including any dispute concerning the existence or enforceability hereof ("Dispute"), the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such dispute through friendly and good faith consultations. 15.2 If the Dispute has not been resolved through friendly and good faith consultations within thirty (30) days after a Party has served written notice on the other Party requesting such consultation (or within such further period as the Parties may agree in writing), then the dispute shall be resolved by competent courts in the location of the Buyer.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. For the Holder of this contract who is not a merchant, disputes will be brought before the competent courts. For the Holder of this contract having the status of merchant, and in the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute likely to arise between the parties shall fall exclusively under the jurisdiction of the competent court of the domicile elected by the issuing company referred to in Article I. These clauses apply even in the event of introduction of third parties or multiple defendants. French law alone shall apply to this contract.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 20.1 This Agreement is governed by French law. 20.2 The Parties agree to endeavor to seek an amicable solution to any disagreements or disputes that may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement. Failing an amicable solution within two (2) months of the date on which they arise, disagreements or disputes shall be referred to the competent courts of Paris by the more diligent Party. GENDTL est un programme permettant de générer et d’optimiser un accélérateur linéaire basé sur des structures de type DTL (Drift Tube Linac). Il s’appuie sur le transport pas à pas d’une particule de référence dans des cartes de champs électriques de cellules DTL. Le calcul électromagnétique est effectué avec le code SuperFish du Los Alamos National Laboratory. GenDTL se charge de l’interfaçage et de l’optimisation de chaque cellule à partir de critères définies par l’utilisateur. De plus, de nombreuses sorties graphiques permettent de visualiser et de sauvegarder les principaux paramètres de ce type de structure. Le fichier final de description du linac est compatible avec le code TRACEWIN (CEA). GENDTL is a code for designing a linac section based on Alvarez structures. It helps to tune the field amplitude and the phase laws of each tank of the section. The input parameters are the following : - frequency, - particle type (charge and mass), - initial and final energy, - beam current, - the drift tube geometry, - quadrupole characteristics if needed. For optimization processes, it is possible to constraint by setting a maximum field, a maximum power per tank or the phase advance per period. The computations of the code are based on the transport of generating particles which is performed with the Xxxxx Kutta algorithm (order 4). Each generated linac is described in the .dat format of the TraceWin code. A lot of chart describing the linac (power, transit time factor, field, shunt impedance…) where zoom, hardcopy, save on disk, scale change, copy-paste tools can be used. The present version of GenDTL is only win32 compatible but it has been used with an excellent stability with the wine emulator on several linux distributions (you need to install the win32 version of SUPERFISH). • RAM>1 Go, CPU clock>2000MHz ANNEXE 3 SERVICES ASSOCIES‌ La présente annexe a pour but de présenter les prestations d’assistance technique et de maintenance du Logiciel que le CEA pourra fournir au Licencié conformément aux dispositions de l’article 11 du Contrat.
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In the event of any dispute regarding the conclusion, interpretation or performance of this Agreement, the parties agree to attempt to resolve it amicably within two (2) months after the sending of any the international registered letter inviting the Parties to come together with a view to an amicable agreement. In the absence of amicable agreement, the eventual dispute will be settled before the competent court of the place where the defendant Party has its seat. The judge will then apply the law of the defendant. Made in two (2) original copies. Each Party will keep a copy of each. Pour l’Université Paris Nanterre Le Président : Xxxxxxxx XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX Date :…………………………… For […] [Function]: [first name, LAST NAME] Date: ……………………………..
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 19.1 This Agreement is governed by French law. 19.2 The Parties agree to endeavor to seek an amicable solution to any disagreements or disputes that may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement. Failing an amicable solution within two (2) months of the date on which they arise, disagreements or disputes shall be referred to the competent courts of Paris by the more diligent Party. XXXXXXXXX est un programme permettant de générer et d’optimiser une section basée sur des structures supraconductrices d’un accélérateur linéaire de faisceau de particules chargées. Il s’appuie sur le transport pas à pas d’une particule de référence dans des cartes de champs électriques des cavités accélératrices. Ces cartes pouvant soit être importées soit être générées par le code lui-même (composante électrique axiale). Il permet de définir et d’optimiser les différentes parties d’un accélérateur (Nombre de cavités, changement de famille, nombre de cellule par cavité…) par un processus itératif. L’utilisateur désigne les paramètres q’il souhaite voir optimiser. De plus, de nombreuses sorties graphiques permettent de visualiser et de sauvegarder les principaux paramètres de ce type de structure. Le fichier final de description de la machine est compatible avec le code TRACEWIN (CEA). GenLinWin is a code for designing an independently phased cavities section. It helps to tune the amplitude and the phase of each cavity of the array. The input parameters are the following: · frequency, · particle type (charge and mass), · initial and final energy, · beam current, · intermediate characteristic in the linac (exit of intermediate sections). A section is described with a geometrical ß, the number of cells per cavity, the number of cavities per cryomodule, the number of cryomodule per focusing period. Distances between elements can be easily defined. The field profile on the beam axis can be represented with an external file of by using a sophisticated model which allows to take into account the drift tube effect (length and aperture). This model is very useful in case the code is used to optimize the characteristics of the cavities with the presence of fringe fields. Different types of resonators have been successfully described with this model: quarter and half wave resonators, elliptical cavities. For optimization processes, it is possible to constraint by setting a maximum field, a maximum power per cavity or the phase advance per period. The transition between sections can...
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 20.1 This Agreement is governed by French law. 20.2 The Parties agree to endeavor to seek an amicable solution to any disagreements or disputes that may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement. Failing an amicable solution within two (2) months of the date on which they arise, disagreements or disputes shall be referred to the competent courts of Paris by the more diligent Party. Le code Toutatis a été écrit pour simuler facilement et avec une bonne précision le transport de faisceau intense de particules chargées dans une cavité RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole). Le code a été conçu afin de minimiser les hypothèses pour rendre compte des conditions de transport. Les champs électriques sont calculés à l'aide de maillage 3D. La méthode de calcul est celle des différences finies. Elle est accélérée par une technique multigrilles. Les champs électriques calculés sont valables dans la zone axiale de la cavité et permettent de rendre compte de la charge d'espace, des effets de charges image, du champ électrique radio fréquence du à la cavité. Le maillage des électrodes permet d'étudier l'impact de leur géométrie. Les défauts de structure tel que le désalignement, un mauvais usinage des électrodes, des désaccords de cavité peuvent être simulés. L'intégrateur du mouvement des particules est symplectique. Le temps est le paramètre indépendant pour cette intégration. Plusieurs fichiers de résultats sont produits lors de la simulation. Ils rassemblent l'évolution de plusieurs paramètres statistiques caractérisants le faisceau (émittances, énergie moyenne,...). Des fichiers de distributions de particules exploitables avec le code PlotWin sont également générés. The Toutatis code has been written in view of easy and precise simulation of the transport of charged particle beams into an RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) cavity. The code has been designed to minimize hypothetical situations in order to take into account transport conditions. The electric fields are calculated using a 3D mesh. The calculation method is that of finite differences. A multimesh technique is used for acceleration. The electric fields calculated are valid in the axial zone of the cavity and enable accounting for the space charge, the effects of the image charges, of the radio frequency electric field caused by the cavity. The meshing of the electrodes enables studying the impact of their geometry. Structural defects such as misalignment, improper machining of electrodes, cavity misalign...
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The following is added to the end of this section:
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The following is inserted at the end of 1.12.4:
DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The following replaces the third sentence of 1.12.4: