PAYMENT TERMS Clausole campione

PAYMENT TERMS. Payments must be made in compliance with the currency, terms and modalities as indicated in the proforma/final invoice. Should payments fail to be made within the agreed terms, interest fees are applicable to the customer as set by the Law Decree 9.10.2002 No. 231. In case payments are overdue, Fadini reserves the right to hold back orders and stop deliveries without notice and no refund claims for damage are accepted. Payments, in the terms as agreed by the parties from time to time, are meant to be valid only if made by the customer in respect of said terms and time and are considered as accomplished once they are finally credited on Fadini account with the designated bank. Payments made under terms and modalities other than those indicated, are at own risk of the customer.
PAYMENT TERMS. 6.1. Payments must be made exclusively to Inarca under the agreed conditions or those stated in the order confirmation. Any payments made to agents or other intermediaries of Inarca will not have full discharge of liabilities for the Customer until they are fully cashed by Inarca.
PAYMENT TERMS. The payment terms are agreed by the parties save, in any case, the application of Legislative Decree n. 231/2002, and successive modifications, on "combating late payments in commercial transactions". ritardi di pagamento nelle transazioni commerciali”. Intervenuta la scadenza del termine per il pagamento senza che il Compratore abbia adempiuto, il Venditore ha diritto di sospendere temporaneamente tutte le consegne relative all’ordine in corso, nonché ha la facoltà, ex art. 1454 c.c., di intimare per iscritto al Compratore di effettuare il pagamento fissando un ulteriore termine per l’adempimento, decorso infruttuosamente il quale il Venditore potrà ritenere il contratto risolto. Il compratore decade dal beneficio del termine, con la conseguenza che il pagamento sarà immediatamente esigibile, ove ricorra una delle ipotesi previste dall’art. 1186 c.c. Nel caso di consegna effettuata a più riprese, i pagamenti decorrono dalla data di ciascuna fattura. Rimane ferma, in ogni caso, l’automatica decorrenza degli interessi dal giorno immediatamente successivo alla scadenza del pagamento, secondo quanto disposto nel precedente comma. The terms of payment are waived when one of the cases provided for by art. 1186 c.c. occurs, resulting in immediate payment due. In the case of multiple deliveries, payment terms are effective from the date of each invoice. Intervened the deadline for payment without the Purchaser having fulfilled, the Seller has the right to temporarily suspend all deliveries and , pursuant to art. 1454 c.c., give notice in writing to the Buyer to make payment by setting a further deadline for compliance, unsuccessfully course which the Seller may consider the contract terminated. In any case, the automatic interest runs from the day immediately following the deadline for payment, as stated in the preceding paragraph.
PAYMENT TERMS. (a)Green Channel Firms : 90% against provisional receipt of stores by consignee, after delivery of stores by Green Channel firms on selfcertification with OEM warranty/Guarantee certificate and balance 10% on acceptance of stores by consignee within 60 days of receipt of stores.
PAYMENT TERMS a) Customer will pay Xxxxxxx:
PAYMENT TERMS. 5.1 The lessor shall submit an invoice either before commencement of the work or hire or at the end of the rental period, or – in 5. Termini di pagamento 5.1 Il locatore presenterà una fattura, indifferentemente, prima dell’ inizio del lavoro, o noleggio, oppure alla conclusione del periodo case of leasing- at the end of each week/month; 5.2 The lessee shall pay all of lessor’s invoices within 30 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in writing; 5.3 The lessee is not allowed to set of any invoices or claims for whatever reason, unless the lessor has given written permission to do so; 5.4 If the lessee fails to pay the invoices within the said 30 days, the lessee will be automatically legally in default. The lessee will then be liable for the applicable legal interest or the interest stipulated within the contract, whichever is higher. If the lessee fails to pay after receipt of a letter of demand send by the lessor, the lessee will also be liable for collection-fees and extra judicial costs; 5.5 If the lessee is in breach of any of the terms of the contract, or becomes insolvent or bankrupt, or enters into any financial arrangement with his creditors, or places the rented equipment at risk, the lessor may enter the premises where the rented equipment is located and recover it from the lessee. The costs for recovery will be for the account of the lessee; 5.6 In the event of a breach of the contract on the side of the lessee, the lessee will settle all outstanding invoices immediately whether they are due or otherwise; 5.7 In case the lessee is represented by more than one party, all are jointly and severally liable for payment of the invoices of the lessor. locativo, o - nel caso di leasing - alla fine di ogni settimana/mese; 5.2 Il locatario pagherà tutte le fatture del locatore entro 30 giorni dalla data della fattura, salvo diverso accordo scritto; 5.3 Al locatario non è permesso il ritardo nel pagamento di fatture o reclami per qualsivoglia motivo, a meno che il locatore gli abbia dato il permesso scritto per agire in tal modo; 5.4 Se il locatario non riesce a xxxxxx le fatture nei 30 giorni suddetti, xxxx automaticamente e legalmente inadempiente. Il locatario, pertanto, xxxx obbligato a riconoscere l'interesse applicabile per xxxxx o l'interesse stipulato all'interno del contratto, anche se questo dovesse essere più elevato. Se il locatario non riesce a xxxxxx dopo aver ricevuta la lettera con la richiesta di saldo trasmessa dal locatore, ...
PAYMENT TERMS. (a) Unless agreed otherwise, payment terms shall be as set forth in Seller`s quotations.
PAYMENT TERMS. 9.1 The payment shall be made by wire transfer within the due date set forth in the Purchase Order, elapsing from the end of the month in which the invoice is received. In any case, the payment shall be subject to the delivery of the Products to RBM. In no case RBM shall be liable for delayed payments if the latter result from the fact that invoices are issued incorrectly or late by the Supplier.
PAYMENT TERMS. For all options described in this prpoposal. Peayment terms stay as per previous contract at 120 days from the date of the invoice. The billing will be thru a single invoice billed to CRUI directly.
PAYMENT TERMS. The Buyer shall make payment at Seller’s head office in Fiorano, Modena, Italy in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. For no reason may the Buyer delay or suspend the payment, notwithstanding any claim, including, without limitation, any claim for any alleged defect, fault or irregularity in the Merchandise, without prejudice to the right to claim any amounts that the letter can prove to have been unduly paid. Acceptance by Seller of any check, draft, promissory note or other instrument will not constitute payment until Seller has collected the full amount in cash. In the event of any delay in payment, even partial, Seller shall have the right to suspend deliveries and may, at its option require immediate payment of all sums owned by the Buyer, or guarantees or terminates the Contract. In the event Seller does not receive any payment by the due date, the Buyer shall pay to Seller interest on the unpaid amount, from the due date to the date payment is actually received by Seller, at a rate equal to five percent above the official rate of the Bank of Italy during such period or the highest rate permitted by law, whichever is less. Irrespective of any payment or credit terms specified or agreed to by Seller, Seller may, in its sole discretion, at any time, require payment in cash before shipment of any or all of the Merchandise. If Xxxxxx believes that the Buyer’s ability to make the payments required by the Contract is or may become impaired, Seller may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Contract, the Buyer remaining liable to pay for any Merchandise already shipped. In the event that the Seller takes proceedings to cash any sum due by Buyer or avails itself of any right pursuant to this contract, including title retention, Xxxxx must refund Seller of all express, charges and fees arising out of judgement.