Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority in conformity with the principles of ethics and medical practice followed by the healthcare staff involved in the Trial in any capacity and according to the applicable laws, in particular:
(a) In the case of clinical drugs trial Or
(b) In the case of clinical trial on medical device Or
(c) In the case of observational studies on drugs
2.3 The Trial shall also be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the current rules of good clinical practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency, anti-corruption and the current data protection regulations.
2.4 By signing this Agreement, the Parties declare that they know and accept the contents of the above rules and regulations.
2.5 The Sponsor and the Principal Investigator have an obligation to protect patients’ safety and, where required in the circumstances, may take urgent, appropriate measures to protect patients’ safety such as temporarily suspending the Study (interruption of treatment for patients already enrolled or interruption of the enrolment of new patients), even without the necessary approval of the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority, subject to the Sponsor's obligation to inform the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority immediately of any new events, the measures taken, and the programme of measures to be taken in the future, and will duly complete the procedures required by the applicable laws.
(a) In the case of non-competitive inclusion of patients or
(b) In the case of a multi-centre competitive-enrolment trial
2.7 The Entity and the Sponsor will keep the Trial documentation (the “Trial Master File”) for the period of time specified in the applicable laws, that is to say twety-five years according to the provisions of EU Regulation 536/2014, with respect to the conclusion of the Trial at the Entity, as required by the Protocol (cf. Art. 7). The S...
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 In signing the Agreement, 1000 Miglia and the Town establish a partnership relationship concerning the fulfillment of tasks within the United States territory.
2.2 The individual tasks will be the subject of subsequent operational agreements between the parties, in the absence of which the Town may not use the trademarks indicated in the introduction.
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 La Sperimentazione deve essere condotta nel più scrupoloso rispetto del Protocollo, nella versione vigente, accettata dallo Sperimentatore Principale e approvata dal Comitato Etico e dall’Autorità Competente, in conformità alla vigente normativa in materia di sperimentazioni cliniche di medicinali e ai principi etici e deontologici che ispirano l'attività medica dei professionisti a vario titolo coinvolti.
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 La Sperimentazione deve essere condotta nel più scrupoloso rispetto del Protocollo, nella versione vigente, accettata dallo Sperimentatore principale e approvata dal Comitato Etico e dall’Autorità Competente, in conformità alla vigente normativa in materia di sperimentazioni cliniche di medicinali e ai principi etici e deontologici che ispirano l'attività medica dei professionisti a vario titolo coinvolti.
2.3 La Sperimentazione deve essere altresì condotta in conformità ai principi contenuti nella Convenzione sui Diritti dell'Uomo e la Biomedicina, nella Dichiarazione di Helsinki nella versione aggiornata, nelle vigenti regole della Buona Pratica Clinica, e in conformità delle leggi applicabili in tema di trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione, nonché di protezione dei dati personali secondo la normativa vigente.
2.4 Con la sottoscrizione del presente Contratto, le Parti dichiarano di conoscere e accettare il contenuto di quanto sopra richiamato.
2.5 Il Promotore, la CRO e lo Sperimentatore principale, avendo l’obbligo di tutelare la salute dei pazienti, quando ricorrano le circostanze, possono adottare urgenti e adeguate misure a tutela della sicurezza dei pazienti, quali la sospensione temporanea dello studio (interruzione del trattamento per i pazienti già coinvolti nella sperimentazione, ovvero interruzione dell’inclusione di nuovi soggetti), con le modalità previste dall’art. 38 del Regolamento (UE) 536/2014, fermo restando l’obbligo di informare immediatamente il Comitato Etico, l’Autorità Competente ed i centri di sperimentazione, oltre che i partecipanti allo studio in merito ai nuovi eventi, alle misure intraprese e al programma di provvedimenti da adottare, completando tempestivamente le procedure previste dalla vigente normativa. Il Promotore, avuta comunicazione dallo sperimentatore di un evento avverso grave, comunica tempestivamente alla banca dati elettronica tutte le reazioni sospette avverse gravi e inattese nei termini di cui al comma 2 dell’art. 42 del Regolamento (UE) 536/2014, anche ai sensi del comma 3 mediante segnalazione.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in for...
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Institution with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority in conformity with the laws applicable to clinical trials on medicinal products and the principles of ethics and medical practice followed by the healthcare staff involved in the Trial in any capacity.
2.3 The Trial shall also be conducted in accordance condotta in conformità ai principi contenuti nella Convenzione sui Diritti dell'Uomo e la Biomedicina, nella Dichiarazione di Helsinki nella versione aggiornata, nelle vigenti regole della Buona Pratica Clinica, e in conformità delle leggi applicabili in tema di trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione, nonché di protezione dei dati personali secondo la normativa vigente.
2.4 Con la sottoscrizione del presente Contratto, le Parti dichiarano di conoscere e accettare il contenuto di quanto sopra richiamato.
2.5 Il Promotore e lo Sperimentatore Principale, avendo l’obbligo di tutelare la salute dei pazienti, quando ricorrano le circostanze, possono adottare urgenti e adeguate misure a tutela della sicurezza dei pazienti, quali la sospensione temporanea della Sperimentazione (interruzione del trattamento per i pazienti già coinvolti nella sperimentazione, ovvero interruzione dell’inclusione di nuovi soggetti), anche in assenza delle necessarie approvazioni dal parte del Comitato Etico e dell’Autorità Competente, fermo restando l’obbligo per il Promotore di informare immediatamente il Comitato Etico e l’Autorità Competente, oltre che i partecipanti alla Sperimentazione in merito ai nuovi with the principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the current rules of good clinical practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency, anti-corruption and the current data protection regulations.
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Institution with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority in conformity with the laws applicable to clinical trials on medicinal products and the principles of ethics and medical practice followed by the healthcare staff involved in the Trial in any capacity.
2.3 The Trial shall also be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the current rules of Good Clinical Practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency, anti-corruption and the current data protection regulations.
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority in conformity with the laws applicable to clinical drugs trials and the principles of ethics and medical practice followed by the healthcare staff involved in the Trial in any capacity.
2.3 The Trial shall also be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the current rules of good clinical practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency, anti-corruption and the current data protection regulations.
2.4 By signing this Agreement, the Parties declare that they know and accept the contents of the above rules and regulations.
2.5 The Sponsor and the Principal Investigator have an obligation to protect patients’ safety and, where required in the circumstances, may take urgent, appropriate measures to protect patients’ safety such as temporarily suspending the Study (interruption of treatment for patients already enrolled or interruption of the enrolment of new patients), even without the necessary approval of Tutto ciò premesso, tra le Parti si conviene e si stipula quanto segue:
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The subject of the agreement is the collaborative effort in sampling, processing and analyzing samples obtained from wolf carcasses in order to answer mainly to questions relating to the ‘urbanization’ effect on the Italian wolf population.
Subject of the agreement. The Sponsor/CRO hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
Subject of the agreement. 2.1 The Sponsor hereby entrusts the Entity with the execution of the Trial under the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and any subsequent amendments, and with the amendments to this Agreement/budget resulting from such amendments formalised by the necessary deeds of amendment, duly signed.
2.2 The Trial is to be conducted in strict compliance with the Protocol, in the version in force as accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority in conformity with the laws applicable to clinical drugs trials and the principles of ethics and medical practice followed by the healthcare staff involved in the Trial in any capacity.
2.3 The Trial shall also be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, the updated version of the Helsinki Declaration, the current rules of good clinical practice, and in accordance with the applicable laws on transparency, anti-corruption and the current data protection regulations.
2.4 By signing this Agreement, the Parties declare that they know and accept the contents of the above rules and regulations.
2.5 The Sponsor and the Principal Investigator have an obligation to protect patients’ safety and, where required in the circumstances, may take urgent, appropriate measures to protect patients’ safety such as temporarily suspending the Study (interruption of treatment for patients already enrolled or interruption of the enrolment of new patients), in the manner provided for by art. 38 of Regulation (EU) no. 536/2014, subject to the Sponsor's obligation to inform the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority immediately of any new events, the measures taken, and the programme of measures to be taken in the future, and will duly complete the procedures required by the applicable laws. The Sponsor, having received communication from the investigator of a serious adverse event, promptly communicates to the electronic database all serious and unexpected adverse reactions within the terms referred to in paragraph 2 of art. 42 of Regulation (EU) 536/2014, also pursuant to paragraph 3 by reporting. 2.6(b)(In the case of a multi-centre competitive-enrolment trial):As the Trial involves the competitive enrolment of patients, the Entity expects to include approximately 7 patients, with a global maximum of 600 patients eligible for the Trial, and limited to the terms provided for by the Sponsor. The enrolment period ma...