OBJECT Cláusulas Exemplificativas

OBJECT. This insurance contract provides for indemnification, up to the guarantee amount fixed in the insurance policy for the damages caused by the lack of performance within the agreed term of corrective measured indicated by the insured to the policy holder and necessary for the correction of any dysfunction taking place due to exclusive liability of the policy holder.
OBJECT. {PAPER TITLE}, hereinafter referred as “the work”. The authors of the work transfer its copyright to SBC. The authors declare and guarantee that the work is original and of his own, with the exception of some passages of text, figures and data whose source is clearly referenced, and, when necessary, accompanied by reproduction authorization issued by the copyright holders. The authors ensure that the work has not been published in any other vehicle and does not contain anything that is unlawful, defamatory, or whose publication results in violation of any confidentiality commitment. SBC recognizes and retains the copyrights of the work and allows the authors to reproduce or authorize third parties to reproduce, in part or in whole, any material extracted from this work, in the original form or modified, since the source and the rights of the SBC are properly referenced. Copies of the work must not be used in any ways that implies endorsement of the SBC, nor may be offered for sale without the express permission of SBC. The author that signs this agreement ensures that he is the agent authorized to perform this task by the other co-authors.
OBJECT. 1.1 SELLER hereby agrees to sell and BUYER hereby agrees to buy the Semi- submersible/Jackup Unit named PETROBRAS-[….] hereinafter called the UNIT with its respective equipment and appurtenances, which is presently located at […] (hereinafter referred to as SITE). Article 2 –
OBJECT. 1.1 These General Conditions of Supply (the “General Conditions") are applicable to all offers, quotations, and purchase orders related to the supply of services or goods, between Clarios Energy Solutions Brasil Ltda– CNPJ 01.376.079/0001-12, established in the city of Sorocaba, State of São Paulo, at Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xx. 0000 – District of Eden – XXX 00.000-000, or Clarios Brasil Serviços Eireli - CNPJ nº 02.433.020/0001-81, established in the city of Sorocaba, State of São Paulo, at Avenida Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, nº 540, salas 61 a 68 – District of Xxxxxxxx,
OBJECT. Under this contract, IPN and the Beneficiary settle the conditions, rights and obligations arising from the non-refundable grant paid by IPN to the Beneficiary of the project selected by the SPARK 4 Business Tender Evaluation Board (TEB) for a SPARK 4 Business project.
OBJECT. The purpose of this work plan is to promote the public competition "Reinventing Cities São Paulo 2024" in partnership with the C40 network for the selection of urban design projects for urban and sustainable requalification of public areas in the city of São Paulo.
OBJECT. 1.1 SELLER hereby agrees to sell and BUYER hereby agrees to buy the UNIT with its respective installed equipment and accessories on board, which is presently located at Campos Basin – Badejo Field, hereinafter referred to as SITE.
OBJECT. Article 1º. This Code of Conduct of Luzone Law Firm aims to establish the fundamental norms of the firm, determining it's way of acting within the ethical principles of the advocacy, as well as stipulate and stimulate ethical values between the members, partners, suppliers, service providers and public bodies and clients. Single paragraph. This Code should be interpreted according to the provisions of the Code of Ethics, the Statute of Advocacy, General regulations, the Proceedings and other principles of moral, social and professional integrity of the Bar Association of Brazil, as well as the Anti-Corruption Laws.
OBJECT. 1.1. The present Agreement has as its object the Market Maker Activity in the stock market managed by B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), through the buy and sell orders in order to promote liquidity for the following securities (Securities):
OBJECT. 1.1. This additional coverage has the purpose of exclusively guaranteeing to the insured, up to the maximum limit of indemnification, reimbursement of damages demonstrably incurred in relation to the labor and social security obligations under the liability of the Policy Holder arising from the Principal Contract, in which there is judicial ruling convicting the Policy Holder to the payment and the insured is convicted subsidiary or jointly and that the amounts have been paid by the latter as a result of a conviction becoming final, and the res judicata status of approved calculations or in the event of agreement between the parties with prior consent of the insurer and the consequent approval by Court.