FINAL PROVISIONS Cláusulas Exemplificativas

FINAL PROVISIONS. Clause 16 Clause 17 Clause 18
FINAL PROVISIONS. The articles marketed by SNIPES are intended only for the end customer / consumer. • Should the clauses of this contract be ineffective or lose their effectiveness, the rest of the contract shall remain in force. The invalid clause shall be replaced by a clause which comes as close as possible to the intention of the contracting parties.
FINAL PROVISIONS. (1) This Agreement is an integral part of the Main Contract and is effectively concluded upon the conclusion of the Main Contract. Regarding the term and termination of this Agreement, the provisions of the Main Con- tract apply. Should there be any inconsistencies with regard to data protection provisions between this Agreement and other agreements between the Parties, in particular the Main Contract, the provisions of this Agreement will prevail.
FINAL PROVISIONS. Article 32 - The members, directors, advisers and coordinators do not respond actively or passively, individually, jointly or severally for the social obligations assumed by the association.
FINAL PROVISIONS. (1) Any contradicting terms or terms deviating from these GTC will not be accepted, unless FREE NOW expressly approves their applicability. Should any provision of these GTC be invalid or unenforceable or should they contain a gap, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the invalid provision or for the fulfillment of the gap, a provision shall apply that comes closest to the economic purpose of these GTC.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 16.1 This Agreement is governed by the Portuguese law.
FINAL PROVISIONS. (1) Any contradicting terms or terms deviating from these GTC for Taxi Carriers will not be accepted, unless FREE NOW expressly approves their applicability in writing. Should any provision of these GTC for Taxi Carriers be invalid or unenforceable or should they contain a gap, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the invalid provision or to fill a gap, a provision shall apply that comes closest to the economic purpose of these GTC.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 19.1. The acceptance of the insurance shall be
FINAL PROVISIONS. This document is effective from the date of its publication and may be changed at any time and at any discretion. This Policy comes into effect on the date it is published, whereby any other provisions stating otherwise are revoked. The addressees of this Policy are aware that failure to comply with it and failure to comply with the applicable laws and other BRF policies, such as the BRF Transparency Manual, may be subject to internal disciplinary procedures, according to the Consequence Policy, without prejudice of any legal measures applicable. Any other cases not covered by this Policy must be reported and resolved by the Compliance Division and/or the BRF Transparency Committee, as appropriate. Also, seeking to maintain the Company’s ethical standards and monitor commercial relations with Third Parties, and to help preventing and detecting all forms of Corruption, BRF supports and encourages People to report any practices that may represent a violation or potential violation of this Policy, the Integrity System, or that are at odds with the national and foreign laws applicable. Reports must be filed in the Transparency Channel provided by BRF in the domains below. • Reports can be filed by telephone, website or e-mail. In countries where the laws allow it, anonymous reports can also be filed. When making a report, as many details as possible should be provided to assist in the investigation. BRF does not accept any form of retaliation against anyone who has reported a concern with good faith and responsibility, even if their complaint proves to be unfounded, as set forth in the Corporate Policy of Reports and Non-Retaliation. BRF, through the Compliance Division, undertakes to conduct a fair, unbiased, independent, careful and responsible investigation of any complaints received, and to take all disciplinary and/or legal measures applicable, when necessary.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 24.1 – Participation in this bid implies in the agreement of the bidders with all the terms and conditions