ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. 32.1 Any CUSTOMER Premises (including temporary buildings) made available to the CONTRACTOR, it Sub-Contractors and the CONTRACTOR Personnel by the CUSTOMER in connection with this Contract shall be made available free of charge solely for the purpose of performing this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall have the use of the CUSTOMER Premises as licensee and shall vacate the same upon the expiry or termination (howsoever arising) of this Contract.
32.2 The CUSTOMER shall be responsible for maintaining the internal and external structure of the CUSTOMER Premises and the security of the CUSTOMER Premises in accordance with its security procedures. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all health and safety and reasonable security requirements of the CUSTOMER while on the CUSTOMER Premises and shall procure that all of its Sub-Contractors and the CONTRACTOR Personnel shall likewise comply with such requirements. The CUSTOMER shall provide the CONTRACTOR with copies of its security procedures upon request and shall afford the CONTRACTOR an opportunity to inspect its physical security arrangements.
32.3 The CONTRACTOR shall notify the CUSTOMER as soon as practicable of any health and safety hazards at the CUSTOMER Premises of which it becomes aware. The CONTRACTOR will draw these hazards to the attention of the CONTRACTOR Personnel and will instruct those persons in connection with any necessary associated safety measures.
32.4 The CUSTOMER may refuse admission to any CUSTOMER Premises and/or direct the CONTRACTOR to end the involvement in the provision of the Ordered IT Products of any of the CONTRACTOR Personnel whom the CUSTOMER believes represents a security risk or does not have the required levels of training and expertise or where the CUSTOMER has other grounds for doing so. The decision of the CUSTOMER shall be final and it shall not be obliged to provide any reasons.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer grants Heritage Cable and its employees, representatives and/or agents the right to enter Customer's premises and access Equipment, the wiring within Customer's premises and Customer's computer(s) to install, connect, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, disconnect, remove or alter the Equipment, check for signal leakage, or install or deliver Heritage Cable provided software ("Software"). Customer shall cooperate in providing such access upon request of Heritage Cable. If Customer is not the owner of the premises, Customer warrants that Customer has obtained the legal authority of the owner to authorize Heritage Cable personnel and/or its agents to enter the premises for the purposes described herein.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer grants BEAM and its employees, representatives and agents the right to enter Customer’s premises and access Company Equipment, the wiring within Customer’s premises and Customer Equipment as Company deems necessary and appropriate to install, connect, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, disconnect, monitor, remove or alter Company Equipment, check for signal leakage, or to install or deliver the Service. Company or its authorized agent may disconnect, rearrange, splice or otherwise manipulate the existing wiring in or on Customer’s premises, and drill, cut, and otherwise alter improvements on the premises (including walls, flooring, landscaping, and/or other surfaces) in order to install, maintain, or repair the Service. Customer shall cooperate in providing such access upon request of Company. If Customer is not the owner of the premises, Customer warrants that Customer has obtained the permission of the owner of the premises for Company’s personnel to enter the premises to install, maintain, and repair the Service and to make any alterations that Company deems appropriate for the work to be performed. BEAM's failure to remove its Equipment shall not be deemed abandonment thereof. If, in BEAM’s sole determination and discretion, the installation and maintenance of Service requested at Subscriber’s premises are or may become hazardous or dangerous to our employees, the public or property, BEAM may refuse to install and maintain such Service.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer shall allow IdeaTek access into Customer premises to install, maintain or repair, upgrade and remove IdeaTek equipment. Customer shall provide IdeaTek's employees and representatives with a safe working environment while on Customer’s premises. In the event, IdeaTek’s employees and representatives do not feel the premises are safe or suitable for conducting work, installation or maintenance of the services may be declined. If Customer is not home at the time of a service call, Xxxxxxxx agrees that any other adult resident or guest at Customer residence may grant IdeaTek access to the premises. Should Customer not own the premises, Customer agrees to, obtain the premise owner’s permission to install IdeaTek’s equipment (including, without limitation, equipment attached to the outside of the premises) prior to installation if required. Customer shall indemnify IdeaTek from any and all claims that may be asserted against IdeaTek by the premise’s Owner or other person in connection with the installation of IdeaTek equipment and provision of the Services.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. You authorize Reliance Connects and its employees, agents, contractors, and representatives to enter your premises at which the Service will be accessed (the “Premises”) in order to install, configure, maintain, inspect, repair and remove the Reliance Connects Equipment. All such access will occur during normal business hours or by appointment. You warrant that you are the owner of, or a tenant in, the Premises, and that you have the authority to enter into this Agreement. If you are not the owner of the Premises, upon request, you will supply us with the owner’s name and address, evidence that you are authorized to grant access to the Premises on the owner’s behalf, and (if requested by Reliance Connects ) written consent from the owner of the Premises.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer grants Doylestown Cable and its employees, representatives and/or agents the right to enter Customer's premises and access Equipment, the wiring within Customer's premises and Customer's computer(s) to install, connect, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, disconnect, remove or alter the Equipment, check for signal leakage, or install or deliver Doylestown Cable provided software ("Software"). Customer shall cooperate in providing such access upon request of Doylestown Cable. If Customer is not the owner of the premises, Customer warrants that Customer has obtained the legal authority of the owner to authorize Doylestown Cable personnel and/or its agents to enter the premises for the purposes described herein.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. 33.1 Any CUSTOMER Premises (including temporary buildings) made available to the SERVICE PROVIDER, it Sub-Contractors and the SERVICE PROVIDER Personnel by the CUSTOMER in connection with this Contract shall be made available free of charge solely for the purpose of performing this Contract. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall have the use of the CUSTOMER Premises as licensee and shall vacate the same upon the expiry or termination (howsoever arising) of this Contract.
33.2 The CUSTOMER shall be responsible for maintaining the internal and external structure of the CUSTOMER Premises and the security of the CUSTOMER Premises in accordance with its security procedures. The SERVICE PROVIDER shall comply with all reasonable security requirements of the CUSTOMER while on the CUSTOMER Premises, and shall procure that all of its Sub-Contractors and the SERVICE PROVIDER Personnel shall likewise comply with such requirements. The CUSTOMER shall provide the SERVICE PROVIDER with copies of its security procedures upon request and shall afford the SERVICE PROVIDER an opportunity to inspect its physical security arrangements.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer grants Optimum and its employees, agents, contractors, and representatives all necessary rights of access to enter and within Customer's premises, including access to space for cables, conduits and equipment, the wiring within Customer's premises and Customer's computer(s) and other devices, to install, deliver, connect, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, disconnect, remove or alter any and all facilities, check for signal leakage or install or deliver Equipment and Software provided by Optimum. Customer shall cooperate in providing such access upon request of Optimum. If Customer is not the owner of the premises, Customer warrants that Customer has obtained the legal authority of the owner to authorize Optimum personnel and/or its agents to enter the premises for the purposes described herein. Optimum’s failure to remove its Equipment shall not be deemed an abandonment thereof. Customer shall provide a secured space with electrical power, climate control and protection against fire, vandalism, and other casualty for Optimum’s equipment. Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer's equipment is compatible for the Services selected and with the Optimum network.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. The properly authorized agents of Prairieland may have access to the premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting the Customer’s installation and examining, repairing, or removing Xxxxxxxxxxx’s steam meters on this property.
ACCESS TO CUSTOMER PREMISES. Customer grants Cable and its employees, representatives and/or agents the right to enter Customer’s premises and access Equipment, the wiring within Customer’s premises and to install, connect, inspect, maintain, repair, replace, disconnect, remove or alter the Equipment, check for signal leakage, or install or deliver Cable provided software (“software”). Customer shall cooperate in providing such access upon request of Cable. If Customer is not the owner of the premises, Customer warrants that Customer has obtained the legal authority of the owner to authorize Cable personnel and/or its agents to enter the premises for the purposes described herein.