Ancillary Duty. Activities Beyond the School Day Compensation 24
Ancillary Duty. Extracurricular Activity Compensation 24
Ancillary Duty. Curriculum In-service/Presentation Compensation Compensation for School District assigned tutoring, curriculum development, translating services, or remediation study tables will be paid at a per-hour rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Compensation for presentations and other in-services at which a teacher presents and which have been designated by the School District to be compensated will be paid at a per hour rate of thirty-one ($31.00). Pre-approved planning will also be compensated at thirty-one ($31.00) per hour.
Ancillary Duty. Homebound Teaching Compensation Compensation for homebound teaching assignments made by the Board shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.
Ancillary Duty. Car Allowance A teacher who is not provided with a car by the School Corporation and who is authorized in writing by the Board or its designee to use his/her own car in pursuance of assigned school duties, shall be reimbursed at the official IRS allowable rate.
Ancillary Duty. Online LTeC Courses The portions of this Section G which do not relate to wages are included for informational purposes only. Teachers who instruct via online courses beyond the contracted school day shall be compensated through contracted services agreements as independent contractors. Determining Order of Teacher Availability: Applications will be grouped according to the following criteria. Group 1 - MSDLT Teachers currently teaching courses Group 2 - MSDLT Teachers licensed, but not currently teaching courses Group 3 - Retired MSDLT Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx 4 - Non-MSDLT Teachers Please note: A lottery system will be used to place teachers in rank order within each group.
Ancillary Duty. Dual Credit Stipend Certified Teachers who teach a Dual Credit Course and meet the requirements of the Higher Learning Commission {HLC) will receive a $500.00 stipend upon successful completion of each semester.
Ancillary Duty. Car Allowance 8
Ancillary Duty. First Year Teacher Mentor Stipend The First Year Mentor Stipend will be available to all certified staff who have attended district sponsored mentor training at any time and received a certificate. Compensation will be $300.00 per semester to paid at the end of each semester.
Ancillary Duty. Special Education Special Education teachers who have additional duties assigned to them due to the absence of other teachers, will work with the building administrator and Director of Exceptional Learners. The Director of Exceptional Learners shall, in his/her discretion, grant additional compensation for these additional duties as deemed appropriate.