Anniversary Bonus. Employees shall be entitled to an anniversary bonus in accordance with the following rates, with employment periods served with the same employer being added up: at the 25th employment anniversary 1 monthly remuneration, at the 35th employment anniversary 2 monthly remunerations, at the 40th employment anniversary 3 monthly remunerations. The bonus shall be due and payable at the end of the month during which the employment anniversary falls. The monthly remuneration shall be calculated mutatis mutandis to Item 2 of Section 14. The bonus is subject to the reservation that, in exceptional cases, enterprises suffering from economic and financial problems may consider lower remunerations. For employees who entered their employment relationship prior to 1 April 2003 the following regulation shall apply: If the employment relationship is terminated between the employee’s 35th (thirty-fifth) and 40th (fortieth) year of service, a proportion of three monthly remunerations pro rata to the employment actually served during this five-year period shall be paid as anniversary bonus. This shall not apply if the employee is dismissed for fault or quits without cause. For employees who entered their employment relationship prior to 1 February 2012 the following regulation shall apply: If the employment relationship is terminated between the employee’s 25th (twenty-fifth) and 35th (thirty-fifth) year of service, a proportion of two monthly remunerations pro rata to the employment actually served during this ten-year period shall be paid as anniversary bonus. This shall not apply if the employee is dismissed for fault or quits without cause. For employees whose employment relationship ends after 1 February 2019 the following regulation shall apply: If the employment relationship is terminated between the employee’s 20th and 25th year of service a proporation of one monthly remuneration pro rata to the employment actually served during this five-year period shall be paid as anniversary bonus. This shall not apply if the employee is dismissed for fault or quits without cause. Alternatively to the monetary entitlement, all employment anniversaries to the extent they fall due during a valid employment relationship may be converted into time credits if so requested by the employees. Conversion of such monetary entitlements shall be agreed in writing between employers and employees. Monetary entitlements (from the 35th or 40th employment anniversary may be converted, in part, in...
Anniversary Bonus. 1. After an uninterrupted period of employment, the following shall be paid on the occasion of
2. If there are operational regulations on anniversary payments or other special payments which depend only on the duration of the employment and are not granted on an ongoing basis, these shall apply instead of the above regulation insofar as they are altogether at least equally favourable.
Anniversary Bonus. For many years of service the employee shall be granted, after employment with the same business enterprise for 25 years at least 2 monthly salaries 35 years at least 3 monthly salaries 40 years at least 4 monthly salaries as a one-time appreciation payment. Moreover, the employee will be granted special leave on his/her anniversary as well as on the next day while his/her salary will be continued to be paid. By derogation from the above provision, the following shall apply to employment contracts entered into on or after 1 January 2010: For many years of service the employee shall be granted, after employment with the same business enterprise for 10 years at least 1 monthly salary 20 years at least 2 monthly salaries 30 years at least 3 monthly salaries as a one-time-appreciation payment. Furthermore, the employee shall be given a day off on the day of his/her 10th anniversary in employment and, for the 20th and 30th anniversary, on the day of the anniversary and the following day while continuing to receive pay. The anniversary days are calculated with re- gard to a 5-day working week for full-time employees and on a pro-rata basis for part-time employees, with partial vacation days being rounded up to full days. If a company offers other one-time corporate benefits in kind within the framework of anni- versaries, the employee shall have the right to choose between this benefit in kind or the anniversary bonus according to the collective bargaining agreement in effect (either/or).
Anniversary Bonus. The Eligible Principal Cardholder is entitled to be awarded with Anniversary Bonus Skywards Miles in the following manner: Emirates HLB World Elite Emirates HLB World Emirates HLB Platinum 10,000 Miles upon meeting 5,000 Miles upon meeting a 2,500 Miles upon meeting a a total Retail Transaction total Retail Transaction total Retail Transaction Anniversary Bonus (including JomPAY and Government transactions) of RM300,000 within the (including JomPAY and Government transactions) of RM200,000 within the (including JomPay and Government Transactions) of RM50,000 within the Card Anniversary in the Card Anniversary in the Card Anniversary in the preceding year. preceding year. preceding year.
Anniversary Bonus. The Commission shall grant a standardized anniversary bonus to all employees during the commemoration of its founding anniversary.
Anniversary Bonus. (a) For Cardholders whose applications were received on or after July 28, 2016: 10,000 Rewards Points redeemable for Co-Brand Partner products and services at the end of any Qualification Period in which all of the following occur: (1) the Account is enrolled in the Rewards Program for the entire Qualification Period; (2) at least $10,000 in Qualifying Credit Card Transactions is posted to the Account during the Qualification Period; and (3) the Account is in good standing per FNBO records.
(b) For Cardholders whose applications were received before July 28, 2016: 5,000 Rewards Points redeemable for Co-Brand Partner products and services at the end of any Qualification Period in which all of the following occur: (1) the Account is enrolled in the Rewards Program for the entire Qualification Period; (2) at least $10,000 in Qualifying Credit Card Transactions is posted to the Account during the Qualification Period; and (3) the Account is in good standing per FNBO records.
Anniversary Bonus. 1. On reaching an anniversary, employees are entitled to a bonus payable by the employer.
2. The anniversary bonus amounts to 50% of the gross monthly salary, with holiday pay, for 25 years of service, and 100% of the gross monthly salary, with holiday pay for 50 or 60 years of service.
3. Service in the education sector is understood to mean time spent working in the primary, secondary, secondary vocational or higher professional education sector.
4. If the employee’s anniversary falls within a period in which they are on special leave, the bonus will be paid at the end of this period of leave. It will be calculated on the basis of their gross monthly salary immediately prior to their period of leave.
Anniversary Bonus. 1. You will receive an anniversary bonus if you reach 25 and 40 years of service with your employer and legal predecessors.
2. In both cases, the bonus will amount to the salary in the month in which you reach the anniversary7.
3. Employees who will reach their 50th anniversary of service within 5 years of 1 January 2020, will receive a bonus of two gross monthly salaries upon reaching the 50th anniversary. If you started working fewer hours per week less than five years before your 50th anniversary, the bonus will be calculated over the number of hours per week that you worked before you started working less.
Anniversary Bonus. 11.1.1 An employee who has completed fifteen years of continuous employment with the Town will receive a one-time payment of five hundred dollars in the first pay period following the employee’s fifteenth anniversary date. An employee who has completed twenty years of continuous employment with the Town will receive a one time payment of seven hundred and fifty dollars in the first pay period following the employee’s twentieth anniversary date. An employee who has completed twenty-five years of continuous employment with the Town will receive a one-time payment of one thousand dollars in the first pay period following the employee’s twenty-fifth anniversary date. An employee who has completed thirty years of continuous employment with the Town will receive a one-time payment of fifteen hundred dollars in the first pay period following the employee’s thirtieth anniversary date. To be clear, the above anniversary bonuses are not repetitive (paid each year) and are not cumulative. 2018-2019 17
Anniversary Bonus. 14.1.1 An who has completed fifteen years of continuous employment with the Town will receive a one-time payment of five hundred dollars in the first pay period following the employee’s fifteenth anniversary date.