Buffers. All areas of the Landfill which are used for the disposal of waste shall have at a minimum buffers in accordance with VDEQ Regulations. Additionally, except for the entrance road property, at a minimum the Landfill property shall have a perimeter buffer of not less than 200 feet adjacent to properties with a residence that is not owned by Green Ridge or its subsidiary or affiliate. Provided, however, there will be a minimum 50 foot buffer on the entrance road property, as identified on Exhibit A. The entrance road property may also include a Convenience Center, trailer parking/storage, scales, hardware, gate and related uses and structures. There shall be a minimum 100 foot buffer along any other portion of the perimeter of the Landfill property. The location of buffers are generally depicted on Exhibit A. Buffers shall be left undisturbed except for the minimum area required to be cleared for access roads, utility easements, monitoring xxxxx and other environmental structures, and screening berms. Natural vegetation shall be maintained in such buffers and supplemented where necessary with evergreens to insure four season screening of operations. Additionally, the areas of the Landfill’s Disposal Unit Boundary as defined by VDEQ shall be sited:
a. not less than 300 feet from the nearest now – existing residence, not owned by Green Ridge or its affiliate.
b. not less than 500 feet from any well or spring being used for drinking water as of the date of this Agreement until the well or spring is no longer used for drinking water through no fault of the Operation of the Landfill.
c. not less than 100 feet from any perennial stream or river as of the date of this Agreement, and
d. not less than 50 feet from any public road as of the date of this Agreement.
Buffers. Great Northern shall provide a buffer area around each Mine Site of a minimum of fifty (50) feet along bordering property lines and public highways. If a berm is placed within this fifty (50) foot buffer area and it lies along a public highway, the bottom edge of the berm shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from the edge of the right-of-way and shall be seeded down and covered with erosion matting.
Buffers. A 3m undisturbed buffer will be maintained along property boundaries and right-of-ways except where daylighting occurs.
Buffers. The compliance date of any requirement under § 1240.11 will be the date of the termination of the con- servatorship of the Enterprise (or, if later, the effective date of this part).
Buffers. Five (5) changes of shirts and pants per week on a rotating laundry cleaning service
Buffers. A. The standard buffer widths in Table 2-1 have been established in accordance with the most current, accurate, and complete scientific and technical information available. They are based on the category of wetland and the habitat score as determined by a qualified wetland professional using the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington.
B. Vegetative buffers shall be measured perpendicular from the wetland boundary as surveyed in the field. The buffer for a wetland created, restored, or enhanced as compensation for approved wetland alterations shall be the same as the buffer required for the category of the created, restored, or enhanced wetland. Only fully vegetated buffers will be considered. Lawns, walkways, driveways, and other mowed or paved areas will not be considered buffers or included in buffer area calculations.
C. The use of the standard buffer widths requires the implementation of the measures in Table 2-2, where applicable, to minimize the impacts of the adjacent land uses.
D. If an applicant chooses not to apply the mitigation measures in Table 2-2, then a 33% increase in the width of all buffers is required. For example, a 75-foot buffer with the mitigation measures would be a 100-foot buffer without them.
E. The adequacy of these standard buffer widths presumes the existence of a relatively intact native vegetative community within the buffer zone that is deemed adequate to protect the identified critical area.
1. If the vegetation is degraded, then revegetation may be considered with any adjustment to the buffer width.
2. Where the use is being intensified, a degraded buffer may be revegetated to maintain the standard width.
F. No refuse shall be placed in the buffer. Category I: Based on total score 75 ft Add 15 ft Add 45 ft Add 75 ft Category I: Forested 75 ft Add 15 ft Add 45 ft Add 75 ft Category I: Bogs and Wetlands of High Conservation Value 190 ft Category I: Alkali 150 ft Category II: Based on total score 75 ft Add 15 ft Add 45 ft Add 75 ft Category II: Vernal pool 150 ft Category II: Forested 75 ft Add 15 ft Add 45 ft Add 75 ft Wetland Category Buffer width if wetland scores 3-4 habitat points Additional buffer width if wetland scores 5 habitat points Additional buffer width if wetland scores 6-7 habitat points Additional buffer width if wetland scores 8-9 habitat points Category III (all) 60 ft Add 30 ft Add 60 ft Add 140 ft Category IV (all) 40 ft Lights Direct lights away from wetland Noise • Locate activi...
Buffers. In addition to requirements of Section 4(f) above, Landscape buffers shall be consistent with the Conceptual Master Plan. Landscape buffers shall be ten (10) feet along the property boundary except for the area of parking at the north end of the access drive that adjoins the Project’s eastern property line, as shown on the Conceptual Master Plan.
Buffers. Within any nonresidential zone (the CD, B-1, B-2A, B-2B, B-2C, B-3, B-4, OR-1, OR- 2, OR-3, or and CMO) zones, in which an application for development abuts a residential zone or use, a buffer shall be provided. No development is permitted in the buffer area.
a. When the property of a nonresidential use, a multifamily housing development, or any combination thereof abuts the R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, or R-7 zones or a residential use or zone on the side or rear, a strip of land shall be designated as a buffer and so indicated on the plat, measuring either 20% of the average width or depth of the property or 50 feet, whichever is less. shall be designated as a buffer area and so indicated on the plat. Buffer areas shall be contiguous with residential property lines and shall be of uniform width. In no case shall the width of the buffer area be required to exceed 50 feet, and if the buffer area is less than 20 feet wide, the The applicant shall erect a six-foot-high stockade or other wood fence, or equivalent and a dense evergreen planting within the buffer area. a minimum of six feet in height with the buffer area and at a point parallel to the lot line of the abutting residential lot and at a distance appropriate for the landscaping treatment in the buffer area.
b. Fencing installed within the buffer area shall be set back from the property line at least 5 feet, and landscape screening shall be provided between the fence and the property line abutting the residential use or zone. Trees and shrubs shall be planted between the fence and residential line and shall be planted in a zigzag pattern not more than six feet apart at center, except where otherwise authorized by the approving authority.
c. In the remaining buffer area, a solid and continuous landscape screen shall be planted and properly maintained to conceal the parking area, eliminate the glare of automobile lights throughout the year, and screen the building from the abutting residential areas.
d. All tree plantings within the buffer area screen shall consist of evergreen trees, such as hemlock, Xxxxxxx fir, Norway spruce, etc. Trees shall be planted in an area five feet to 20 feet from the residential line in a zigzag pattern and not more than six feet apart, except where otherwise authorized by the approving authority. Evergreen trees shall not be less than five feet high when planted and not less than twenty feet high at maturity, and the lowest branches shall not be more than one foot above the groun...
Buffers. 1. Lifts shall be provided with buffers at the bottom limit of travel of the car, in accordance with SANS 1545-6 [5].
2. The buffers shall be thoroughly inspected before implementation.
Buffers. All areas of the Landfill which are used for the disposal of waste must have the following buffers: 500 feet from the nearest existing (as of the effective date of this Agreement) residence; 500 feet from any existing church, school or recreational area; 1000 feet from any existing well, spring or other ground water source of drinking water; 200 feet from any regularly flowing surface water; and 200 feet from any existing public road. All buffer areas will be left undisturbed except as necessary for access roads and monitoring xxxxx.