Building Inspection Sample Clauses
Building Inspection. Idaho or ICBO certification for building inspection required.
Building Inspection. Safety and identification clothing as required. Portion of safety footwear purchased every year for the amount of one hundred and fifty ($150.00) dollars. Necessary safety equipment per Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. regulations.
Building Inspection. Buyer(s) hereby acknow ledges that there has been no representation by Seller, or real estate broker, or sales person, regarding the condition of the premises, and agrees to purchase the w ithin property in an “AS-IS“ condition. Buyer(s) acknow ledges that any and all conditions or defects disclosed by Seller's inspections, as per the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, shall not be considered negotiable items and the premises are to be conveyed in ”AS-IS“ condition as revealed in said inspection. Buyer(s) are hereby given the opportunity and has the obligation, at their ow n expense, to have the property inspected by a qualified home inspection service to determine the presence of any ”Major Structural“ and ”Major Mechanical“ defects, (w hich includes electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling and roofing). In the event any system cannot be tested due to climatic conditions, Seller makes no representation w ith regard to the condition of any such system, and no escrow w ill be allow ed w ith respect to same. For the purpose of the Contract, the terms ”Major Structural“ or ”Major Mechanical“ defect shall be defined as any one (1) defect for w hich the cost to repair or replace exceeds $300.00. It is agreed that Buyers’ inspection shall not be for the purpose of identifying previously disclosed defects or conditions, as the presence of these defects or conditions have been included in the purchase price. It is further agreed that Buyers’ inspections shall not be for the purpose of identifying the need for routine maintenance or cosmetic defects. If ”Major Structural“ or ”Major Mechanical“ defects are found, Buyer(s), or Buyers’ attorney if applicable, w ill provide Seller (and Seller's attorney, if applicable) w ith a copy of the w xxxxxx report and a letter identifying such items w ithin ten (10) calendar days f rom execution of Contract. Seller w ill be given ten (10) calendar days to notify Buyer(s) as to w hether or not Seller agrees to address any undisclosed ”Major Structural“ or ”Major Mechanical“ defects. Buyer(s) w ill then have f ive (5) days to accept or decline the Seller’s decision. Lack of a response f rom the Buyer(s) w ill constitute acceptance on the Buyers’ part. If Seller and Buyer(s) cannot reach a mutually satisfactory Contract, Buyer(s) may cancel this Contract by giving Seller w xxxxxx notice. Seller shall refund the deposit, together w ith all accumulated interest, if applicable, and this Contract shall terminate and the parties and broker(s) shall have no...
Building Inspection. Caretakers required to provide a weekend building inspection shall be paid forty dollars ($40.00) for each inspection or the caretaker may choose to take three (3) hours time in lieu for each inspection. Caretakers providing weekend building inspection shall be paid for mileage in accordance with Article 19.03 "Travel Allowance".
Building Inspection. Employees assigned to a pre-scheduled building inspection outside their normal workday or normal workweek shall be compensated for such inspections at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) times their basic hourly rate. Employees shall be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours or the actual time worked for such assignment.
Building Inspection. Cold Weather Call-out / Severe Weather Check
a) Employees required to provide a weekend building inspection shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours as per the provisions outlined in Article 11.06.
b) Employees providing weekend building inspections shall be paid mileage in accordance with Article 19.03 “Travel Allowance”.
c) Claims for all building inspections must be done by completing and submitting the Building Inspection form to the direct supervisor within ten
Building Inspection. Management will make at least two inspections during remodeling. Building staff will inspect and, if necessary, open walls to inspect and repair pipes. The building will repair any walls it opens and will apply one coat of primer. Shareholders should arrange for the first building inspection early in the project so that remodeling work will not be delayed. Initials: Contractor Shareholder
Building Inspection. As of the date of this agreement, the Buyer has conducted the inspection deemed necessary by Buyer.
Building Inspection. Building Inspection functions and service for the town shall be provided by the Village and Village Staff. The Village shall also undertake the enforcement of building code provisions for the Town.
Building Inspection. The City will also inspect the dwelling unit prior to Tenant’s occupancy to ensure the dwelling unit is not infected with bed bugs. The City will also provide the Tenant with bed bug educational materials in accordance with 33 A.R.S. § 1319.