Educational Materials. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, workbooks, supplementary materials, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, shop equipment, audiovisual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires, and similar supplies and equipment, are the tools of the teaching profession. The parties will confer from time to time for the purpose of improving the selection, quality and use of such educational tools, and the Board will promptly undertake the implementation of all joint decisions made by its representatives and the Association within the budgeted amounts appropriated therefore. The Board agrees to at all times keep the schools reasonably equipped and maintained, as provided in the annual budget.
1. Each school should have:
a. Adequate chalkboard and bulletin board space in every classroom;
b. Copies, exclusively for each teacher's use, of all texts and, where available, teachers' editions and manuals used in each of the courses to be taught;
c. A dictionary appropriate to classroom needs in each classroom in grades 7 through 12;
d. Adequate attendance books, paper, pencils, pens, chalk, erasers, and other subject material required in daily teaching responsibility;
e. Sufficient duplicating, typing, and copy equipment, kept in good operating order, and appropriate supplies for such equipment.
2. The District agrees to provide high speed, high volume (for example: Risograph) copiers for teacher use as follows:
a. For elementary schools:
i. Elementary schools with student bodies of 599 or fewer shall be provided with one (1) high speed, high volume copier and sufficient related supplies;
ii. Elementary schools with student bodies of 600 or more shall be provided with two (2) high speed, high volume copiers and sufficient related supplies.
b. For middle schools:
i. Middle schools shall be provided with high speed, high volume copiers;
ii. Sufficient related supplies.
Educational Materials. Except for courses designated by the administration to be taught in a consistent or sequential fashion using a specified set of texts, programs or other instructional resources, faculty unit members will select the texts, programs or other instructional resources for the courses for which they are professionally responsible, provided that these are consistent with the course descriptions. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide adequate equipment and materials required for each approved course of study.
Educational Materials. The Board will give a building allocation to each site based on enrollment to be used for books and instructional materials. Staff will be actively involved in planning for these materials and book needs such as summer school, homebound and regular or special needs students. Teachers will not be required to provide basic school supplies such as pencils and notebook paper.
Educational Materials. A gift from a relative, meaning those people related to the individual as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, great aunt, great uncle, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother- in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister, and including the father, mother, grandfather, or grandmother of the individual's spouse and the individual's fiancé or fiancée.
Educational Materials. Each driver shall receive educational materials that explain:
1. the alcohol misuse prevention requirements;
2. the School District’s policies and procedures;
3. the identity of a contact person knowledgeable about the materials;
4. factual information on the effects of controlled substance use and alcohol misuse on personal life, health and safety;
5. where help can be obtained, including information regarding the School District’s Employee Assistance Program;
6. categories of employees subject to testing;
7. a description of prohibited conduct and the circumstances that trigger testing;
Educational Materials. FMI shall provide the Training Materials to Genentech in hardcopy form and in electronic form for use in preparing the Educational Materials. Genentech shall be responsible, in collaboration with FMI, for developing the content and appearance of the Educational Materials, to be used by Genentech as part of the Education Support Program. In preparing the Educational Materials, Genentech will draw upon relevant information included in the Training Activities, upon the relevant expertise of the PREP Team and other Genentech and Roche experts, and upon external sources of scientific and medical information that Roche/Genentech determines to be competent and reliable. The Educational Materials will include only scientific and medical information regarding CGP that Genentech determines to be competent and reliable and will make a fair and balanced presentation of the positive and negative attributes and uncertainties of CGP. Genentech shall provide a copy of the Educational Materials to FMI for review and comment; provided, however, Genentech shall have final decision making authority regarding the Educational Materials.
Educational Materials. Informational materials directly related to the presentation topic.
Educational Materials. PBS will provide the Chapter with access to membership educational materials for Chapter members.
Educational Materials. SPECIALTY PHARMACY may create its own educational materials concerning UT Product (“Educational Materials”) for distribution by SPECIALTY PHARMACY in accordance with this Agreement and SPECIALTY PHARMACY’s obligations as a health care provider and pharmacy; provided, however, that all such Educational Materials shall: (i) be consistent with the contents of UT Product package insert approved by the FDA; (ii) comply with the conditions and requirements of all applicable state pharmacy regulations mandating the provision of patient educational materials on prescription drugs and their administration, and (iii) not be used by SPECIALTY PHARMACY to promote, market or sell Product. To the extent that SPECIALTY PHARMACY desires to include UT trademarks or Product branding within any Educational Materials, then SPECIALTY PHARMACY must obtain UT’s prior written approval of such materials before dissemination to any third party.
Educational Materials. The term “