Casual Rate of Pay. If Telstra employs you on a casual basis, you will be paid a minimum hourly rate as follows. From 1 October 2012 $22.60 From 1 October 2013 $23.28 From 1 October 2014 $23.98 These rates include a 20% loading in lieu of the matters set out in the casual employees provision in Section 3 and the equivalent provisions in this Section.
Casual Rate of Pay. A Casual School Assistant will be paid an hourly rate of pay calculated as follows: Weekly Salary in Schedule 2C for 1st year of
Casual Rate of Pay. A Casual School Assistant will be paid an hourly rate of pay increased by a loading of twenty-five per cent (25%).
Casual Rate of Pay. 5.1 The rate of pay for a Casual Teacher will be not less than that prescribed by the following table: First pay period commencing on or after 1 January 2008 $ Per hour 31.97 Per day 243.00
5.2 The hourly rate of pay will be calculated to the nearest 15 minutes. 1B.
5.3 The maximum rate of pay per day is the amount specified in 1B.5.1.
Casual Rate of Pay. A Casual Employee under this Schedule is paid per hour worked an amount not less than 1/38th of the weekly rate of pay appropriate to the class of work performed plus 25 per cent.
Casual Rate of Pay. (a) The hourly rates of pay for a casual employee will be: Wage Table Junior Rate Normal Rate 21 years and over 100% $19.28 20 years 90% $17.35 19 years 80% $15.42 18 years 70% $13.49 17 years 60% $11.57 16 years 50% $9.64 Under 16 years 40% $7.71
(b) The rates of pay in the above table include a casual loading component of 20%. Accordingly casual employees have no entitlement to paid Leave, Termination payments, Redundancy or Jury Service payments.
(c) If a casual employee works on a Sunday or a gazetted Public Holiday they will be paid 150% of their relevant hourly rate of pay as set out in the Wage Table.
(d) If a casual employee works on a Public Holiday they will be paid 150% of their relevant hourly rate of pay as set out in the Wage Table.
Casual Rate of Pay. 8.1 Subject to clause 8.11, if you are a casual employee, your rate of pay will be the minimum hourly rate set out in Clause 7.1 for the relevant job grade, plus a loading of 20%, or any greater hourly rate that you and the Company may agree, plus that loading.
Casual Rate of Pay. A Casual ELC Assistant will be paid the hourly rate of pay appropriate for the class of work performed plus a loading of 25%.
Casual Rate of Pay. B.7.1 A Casual School Assistant will be paid an hourly rate of pay calculated as follows: 52.18 x 38 X 1.25 B.7.2 The 25 per cent loading incorporated in the rate of pay is in lieu of any entitlement under this Agreement to annual leave, leave loading, personal leave (including paid sick leave and paid carer’s leave) and paid compassionate leave.
Casual Rate of Pay. The rate of pay for a Casual Teacher will not be less than $216.50 per day $108.25 per half day. This rate will be adjusted as required to ensure Casual Teachers are paid not less than those employed in government schools.