Certification of Illness. 13 a. Sick leave of four (4) consecutive working days or less may be 14 permitted without requiring the employee to submit a licensed 15 physician's certification of sickness or illness provided the Chief 16 has other satisfactory evidence of bona fide illness. The granting 17 of sick leave for not more than four (4) days without the necessity 18 of a licensed physician's certification is in all cases discretionary 19 with the Chief and shall be subject to such verification as he or she 20 sees fit to require.
21 b. When sick leave extends beyond the fourth consecutive working 22 day of absence, a statement from a licensed physician or dentist 23 (when appropriate) certifying the nature and duration of the 1 sickness and the anticipated date of return is required in all cases. 2 There shall be no payment for sickness in excess of four (4) 3 consecutive working days until certification is received by the 4 Chief.
5 c. Employees receiving sickness disability benefits shall periodically 6 submit reports regarding the nature of the sickness. Said reports 7 shall include the physician's estimate of the date the employee will 8 be able to return to duty. The Chief, keeping in mind the nature of 9 the sickness, shall determine the interval between reports.
10 d. An employee, upon returning to work after receiving sickness 11 disability benefits, shall submit a licensed physician's report 12 certifying that the employee is able to return to duty.
13 e. The words "physician" and "dentist" as they occur herein are
Certification of Illness. The Administration may require that any employee absent for more than five consecutive days procure a physician's certification of illness or disability. Failure to obtain such certification shall constitute a sufficient basis for disciplinary action.
Certification of Illness. The Administration may require that any employee applying for use of "illness and disability leave" for any particular day(s) of absence procure a doctor's certification of illness or disability for the day(s) absent. Failure to obtain such certification shall constitute a sufficient basis for disciplinary action. The Board may require any employee to submit to a physical or mental examination by an appropriate practitioner selected by the Board for purposes of verifying an employee's eligibility for leave, or to verify an employee's ability to safely and satisfactorily perform their assigned duties. Any such examination shall be at the expense of the Board.
Certification of Illness. The Board has the right to request certification of illness by a physician.
Certification of Illness. The Administration may require that any employee applying for use of "illness and disability leave" for any particular day(s) of absence procure a doctor's certification of illness or disability for the day(s) absent. Such certification shall be presumed to be mandatory for all absences of more than three consecutive workdays unless waived by the Superintendent. Failure to obtain such certification shall constitute a sufficient basis for disciplinary action.
Certification of Illness. Physician's certification of illness, or a signed statement from the certificated employee certifying illness, shall be required at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Certification of Illness. N.J.S.A. 18A:30-4 In case of sick leave claimed, the board of education may require a physician’s certificate to be filed with the secretary to the board of education in order to obtain sick leave.
Certification of Illness. 20 a. Sick leave of four (4) consecutive working days or less may be 21 permitted without requiring the employee to submit a licensed 23 has other satisfactory evidence of bona fide illness. The granting 1 of sick leave for not more than four (4) days without the necessity 2 of a licensed physician's certification is in all cases discretionary 3 with the Chief and shall be subject to such verification as he or she 4 sees fit to require.
5 b. When sick leave extends beyond the fourth consecutive working
Certification of Illness. 17 a. Sick leave of four (4) consecutive working days or less may be 18 permitted without requiring the employee to submit a licensed 20 Chief has other satisfactory evidence of bona fide illness. The 21 granting of sick leave for not more than four (4) days without the 22 necessity of a licensed physician's certification is in all cases 1 discretionary with the Police Chief and shall be subject to such 2 verification as he/she sees fit to require.
3 b. When sick leave extends beyond the fourth consecutive working 4 day of absence, a statement from a licensed physician or dentist 5 (when appropriate) certifying the nature and duration of the 6 sickness and the anticipated date of return is required in all cases. 7 There shall be no payment for sickness in excess of four (4) 8 consecutive working days until certification is received by the 9 Police Chief.
10 c. Employees receiving long term disability benefits shall periodically 11 submit reports regarding the nature of the sickness. Said reports 12 shall include the physician's estimate of the date the employee will 13 be able to return to duty. The Police Chief, keeping in mind the 14 nature of the sickness, shall determine the interval between reports.
15 d. An employee, upon returning to work after receiving long term 16 disability benefits, shall submit a licensed physician's report 17 certifying that the employee is able to return to duty.
18 e. The words "physician" and "dentist" as they occur herein are
Certification of Illness. A certificate from an employee's doctor may be requested to verify a lengthy or unusual illness or to insure that the employee has sufficiently recovered to return to work.