Check Orders Sample Clauses

Check Orders. We offer both personal and business checks through our authorized vendor. Many styles offer carbonless duplicates which allow you to keep a copy of the original check. If you require proof of payment, a photocopy of the original check is available by request for a fee (two free per month). Like a cancelled check, a photocopy is a legally acceptable proof of payment and may be used for other recordkeeping purposes. We ask that you use checks from our authorized vendor. We may be unable to assist you if you encounter problems using another check vendor and may have to refuse to accept those checks if our systems cannot read or process them.
Check Orders. We offer both personal and business checks through our authorized vendor. Most styles offer carbonless duplicates which allow you to keep a copy of the original check. If you require proof of payment, a photocopy of the original check is available by request for a fee. Like a cancelled check, a photocopy is a legally acceptable proof of payment and may be used for other recordkeeping purposes. You may also print your cleared checks from online banking for free within 18 months of the date the checks cleared by clicking on the check number and select print from your browser.
Check Orders. All checks, withdrawal forms and deposit slips must be on forms which are acceptable to us. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information on such forms and on your printed checks. Our liability, if any, for any printing errors on forms obtained through us is limited to the cost of replacement. We are not responsible for errors or losses resulting from improper printing on forms not obtained through us or approved by us in advance.
Check Orders. As a convenience to you, we will submit your initial order and reorders for personalized checks to the printer named on the face of the order. If the printer accepts the initial order or reorders, the printer will mail the checks either directly to you or to you in care of us. You authorize us to charge your checking account for the cost of delivered checks ordered, plus applicable sales tax and shipping costs as set forth in the Service Charge Schedule for Consumer Accounts. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information shown on your checks whether you order them through us or elsewhere.
Check Orders. Weare not responsible for errors or losses you may incur due to the improper printing of forms not obtained through us or approved by us in advance. Items that require additional processing due to unapproved checks may be subjected to a processing fee (see BANKING SERVICES AND FEES), and we reserve the right to request
Check Orders. All checks, withdrawal forms and deposit slips must be on forms which are acceptable to us. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information on such forms and on your printed checks. Our liability, if any, for any printingerrorsonforms obtainedthroughus islimitedto thecostofreplacement.We arenotresponsibleforerrorsor lossesresultingfromimproperprintingonformsnot obtainedthroughus or approvedbyus inadvance.
Check Orders. You may reorder checks and/or view and order new check styles available through the Credit Union. We will not process check order requests if you do not have a checking account at the Credit Union. You may search for drafts that have cleared your account. You may also list clearings by date cleared or by check number. The oldest check available will vary but dates will go back, at a minimum, to your last regular statement date.‌‌ From time to time, we will announce additional services which are available through our Internet Home Banking service. Your use of these services will constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions presented at the time they are announced. We reserve the right to limit access or cancel on-line access at any time. Our business days are Monday through Friday. Holidays are not included. Our Internet Home Banking site is designed to operate using World Wide Web technologies and protocols which are adaptable to a wide range of systems. The home banking section uses SSL encryption and requires a browser with a current (unexpired) Thawte Root CA Security Certificate. Some older browsers may not be able to connect to the site without first updating the browser security certificate. Our server uses 40 to 128 bit encryption, depending on the user’s browser. We use cookies to help us administer the home banking section. Some browsers allow you to reject cookies from servers. If you don't allow us to set a cookie upon entering the site, you will not be able to log in. The cookie we set contains information we need for security, and allows us to 'time out' your authority to view information. We place the cookie with instructions that it can only be sent to a server in our Internet Home Banking domain ( A cookie cannot be used to extract data from your PC. We do not store your Access Code, User Id or Password in your cookie. The cookie we set will 'time out' your access authority to the home banking section. Until it times out, you can come back to our e-Banking pages without logging in. After the time out period, you will need to log in again. Remember, most browsers will let you use a BACK button to view previously visited documents, even if your viewing authority has expired. For this reason, the only way to keep others from viewing your account balance is to exit the browser when you are finished with your session. This is especially important if you are using a public or shared computer.‌ Our Internet Home Banking database i...
Check Orders. You shall place check orders with those suppliers that meet the quality and processing requirements established by the Bank.

Related to Check Orders

  • PURCHASE ORDERS AND INVOICING All invoices shall at a minimum, include the items listed below and any additional information identified in the Authorized User RFQ and resulting Authorized User Agreement:  Contract Number;  Contractor/Reseller Name;  NYS Vendor ID;  Manufacturer Part Number (SKU);  Product Name;  Product Description;  Quantity;  NYS Net Price for each Product;  Specific designation of special price(s) which may be better than the NYS Net Contract Price; and  Invoice Total.

  • Task Orders A. Some tasks and Services will be assigned to the Consultant through issuance of Task Orders. After the tasks and Services are identified and communicated to the Consultant by Valley Water Project Manager, Consultant will prepare a proposed Task Order (see Standard Consultant Agreement, Appendix Three Task Order Template). The proposed Task must identify the following: 1) Description of the services, including deliverables; 2) The total Not-to-Exceed Fees for Consultant to complete the services, including estimated number of hours per assigned staff to complete the services; 3) Proposed staff that will be assigned to complete the services, including resumes if not previously provided to Valley Water’s Project Manager; 4) Estimated cost of each other direct cost and reimbursable expense, including any applicable fees; 5) Schedule for completing the services; and 6) Copies of applicable state and federal permits required to complete the services, unless previously provided to Valley Water. B. Consultant agrees that the Not-to-Exceed Fees specified in a proposed Task Order will be the product of a good faith effort in exercising its professional judgment. After an agreement has been reached on the negotiable items, the finalized Task Order will be signed by both Valley Water’s authorized representative referenced in the Standard Consultant Agreement, Appendix One Additional Legal Terms (Appendix One), and Consultant’s authorized representative. C. Consultant must not commence performance of work or services on a Task Order until it has been approved by Valley Water’s authorized representative and Notice to Proceed has been issued by Valley Water Project Manager. No payment will be made for any services performed prior to approval or after the period of performance of the Task Order. The period of performance for Task Orders will be in accordance with dates specified in the Task Order. No Task Order will be written which extends beyond the expiration date of this Agreement. The total amount payable by Valley Water for an individual Task Order will not exceed the amount agreed to in the Task Order.

  • Stop Work Orders A. The JBE may, at any time, by Notice to Contractor, require Contractor to stop all or any part of the Services for a period up to ninety (90) days after the Notice is delivered to Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree (“Stop Work Order”). The Stop Work Order shall be specifically identified as such and shall indicate it is issued under this provision. Upon receipt of the Stop Work Order, Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the Services covered by the Stop Work Order during the period of stoppage. Within ninety (90) days after a Stop Work Order is delivered to Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the JBE shall either (i) cancel the Stop Work Order; or (ii) terminate the Services covered by the Stop Work Order as provided for in this Agreement. B. If a Stop Work Order issued under this provision is canceled or the period of the Stop Work Order or any extension thereof expires, Contractor shall resume the performance of Services. The JBE shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule, the Contract Amount, or both, and the Agreement shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if: i. The Stop Work Order results in an increase in the time required for, or in Contractor’s cost properly allocable to the performance of any part of this Agreement; and ii. Contractor requests an equitable adjustment within thirty (30) days after the end of the period of stoppage; however, if the JBE decides the facts justify the action, the JBE may receive and act upon a proposal submitted at any time before final payment under this Agreement. C. The JBE shall not be liable to Contractor for loss of profits because of a Stop Work Order issued under this provision.

  • Minimum Orders Client may order Manufacturing Services for batches of Products only in multiples of the Minimum Order Quantities as set out in Schedule B to a Product Agreement.

  • Purchase Orders Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Commissioner, no Product is to be delivered or furnished by Contractor until transmittal of an official Purchase Order from the Authorized User. Unless terminated or cancelled pursuant to the authority vested in the Commissioner, Purchase Orders shall be effective and binding upon the Contractor when placed in the mail or electronically transmitted prior to the termination of the contract period, addressed to the Contractor at the address for receipt of orders set forth in the Contract or in the Contract Award Notification. All Purchase Orders issued pursuant to Contracts let by the Commissioner must bear the appropriate Contract number and, if necessary, required State approvals. As deemed necessary, the Authorized User may confirm pricing and other Product information with the Contractor prior to placement of the Purchase Order. The State reserves the right to require any other information from the Contractor which the State deems necessary in order to complete any Purchase Order placed under the Contract. Unless otherwise specified, all Purchase Orders against Centralized Contracts will be placed by Authorized Users directly with the Contractor and any discrepancy between the terms stated on the vendor’s order form, confirmation or acknowledgment, and the Contract terms shall be resolved in favor of the terms most favorable to the Authorized User. Should an Authorized User add written terms and conditions to the Purchase Order that conflict with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Contractor has the option of rejecting the Purchase Order within five business days of its receipt but shall first attempt to negotiate the additional written terms and conditions in good faith with the Authorized User, or fulfill the Purchase Order. Notwithstanding the above, the Authorized User reserves the right to dispute any discrepancies arising from the presentation of additional terms and conditions with the Contractor. If, with respect to an Agency Specific Contract let by the OGS Commissioner, a Purchase Order is not received by the Contractor within two weeks after the issuance of a Contract Award Notification, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to request in writing that the appropriate Authorized User forward a Purchase Order. If, thereafter, a Purchase Order is not received within a reasonable period of time, the Contractor shall promptly notify in writing the appropriate purchasing officer in OGS. Failure to timely notify such officer may, in the discretion of the OGS Commissioner and without cost to the State, result in the cancellation of such requirement by the OGS Commissioner with a corresponding reduction in the Contract quantity and price.

  • Shipments The Vendor shall ship, deliver or provide ordered products or services within a commercially reasonable time after the receipt of the order from the TIPS Member. If a delay in said delivery is anticipated, the Vendor shall notify TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and shall provide an estimated time for completion of the order. TIPS or the requesting entity may cancel the order if estimated delivery time is not acceptable or not as agreed by the parties.

  • Purchase Order Requirements Customers shall use a Request for Quote per section 287.056(2), Florida Statutes, when making purchases off of this State Term Contract. Customers shall issue Request for Quotes to at least 25 vendors approved to provide IT Staff Augmentation services in accordance with section 287.0591(5), Florida Statutes. Customers shall order services from the Request for Quote via a Purchase Order with the Customers’ selected Contractor. The terms of the Purchase Order shall not conflict with the terms and conditions established by this Contract. In accepting a Purchase Order, the Contractor recognizes its responsibility for all tasks and deliverables contained therein, warrants that it has fully informed itself of all relevant factors affecting accomplishment of the tasks and deliverables and agrees to be fully accountable for the performance thereof.

  • Work Orders If the Contract is for indefinite quantities of Services, as specified in the Signature Document, all Work will be performed in accordance with properly executed Work Orders.

  • Minimum Order When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this contract in an amount of less than one each, the Government is not obligated to purchase, nor is the Contractor obligated to furnish those supplies or services under the contract.

  • Reimbursements and Purchase Orders Expense reimbursement is not guaranteed and, when possible, Board members should seek pre- approval of expenses by providing an estimation of expenses on the Board's standardized estimated expense approval form, except in situations when the expense is diminutive. When pre-approval is not sought, Board members must seek reimbursement on the Board's standardized expense reimbursement form. Expense reimbursements and purchase orders shall be presented to the Board in its regular bill process.