CHIP Sample Clauses
CHIP. CHIP is HHSC’s program to help Texas families obtain affordable coverage for their uninsured children (from birth through the month of their 19 th birthday). In 1999, the 76th Texas Legislature authorized the state’s participation in the federal CHIP program. The principal objective of the state legislation was to provide primary and preventative health care to low-income, uninsured children of Texas, including Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) who were not served by or eligible for other state-assisted health insurance programs. HHSC began operating CHIP in 2000. CHIP Members are currently covered through two (2) types of managed care entities – health maintenance organizations (HMOs) licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) and exclusive provider organizations (EPOs) with TDI-approved exclusive provider benefit plans (EPBPs). HMOs serve CHIP Members in eight (8), primarily urban Service Areas. EPOs serve the remaining CHIP Members, who reside primarily in the 174-county rural service area (the CHIP RSA). As of September 1, 2010, 523,895 children were enrolled in CHIP. Of these, 400,243 were enrolled in HMOs. The balance of the CHIP enrollment is in the EPOs serving the CHIP RSA. Refer to the Procurement Library for current and projected CHIP enrollment by Service Area. The CHIP Perinatal Program, a subprogram of CHIP, is for unborn children of women who are not eligible for Medicaid. The 2006-07 General Appropriations Act (Article II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 70, S.B. 1, 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005) authorized HHSC to expend funds to provide unborn children with health benefit coverage under CHIP. The result was the CHIP Perinatal Program, which began in January 2007. This benefit allows pregnant women who are ineligible for Medicaid due to income (whose income is greater than 185 percent and up to 200 percent of FPL) or immigration status (and whose income is below 200 percent of FPL) to receive prenatal care for their unborn children. Upon delivery, newborns in families with incomes at or below 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) move from the CHIP Perinatal Program to Medicaid, where they receive 12-months of continuous Medicaid coverage. CHIP Perinatal newborns in families with incomes above 185 percent FPL up to and including 200 percent FPL remain in the CHIP Perinatal Program and receive CHIP benefits for a 12-month coverage period, beginning on the date of enrollment as an unborn ...
(a) Chips shall be produced only from wood of fir, hemlock, balsam, spruce, pine, red cedar, cypress or other species acceptable to BCFP.
(b) All Chips delivered to BCFP shall be free of all foreign and deleterious matter that may adversely affect the quality of the pulp produced at the Crofton Pulpmill, or adversely affect the pulping process of the Crofton Pulpmill, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall be free of soot, cinders, fly ash, plastic material and hog fuel. In any event, the Chips shall not contain more than 0.2% bark and 0.5% rot by weight.
(1) Chipper knives shall be set to cut a chip (from knife cut to knife cut) measured on the same plane end to end, seven-eighths (7/8ths) inch in length or adjusted to the requirements of BCFP, and Xxxxx agrees to comply with the requests of BCFP from time to time for specific sizes.
CHIP. Any individual who has seen Items under this Agreement shall not be precluded from working on other projects including those that relate to similar subject matter, provided that the individual does not make reference to the Items and does not copy the substance of the Items for use on such other projects. Furthermore, nothing herein shall be construed as restricting IBM from disclosing or using any general learning, skills or know-how developed by its personnel as a result of having access to Items under this Agreement, if a person of ordinary skill in the relevant area would not regard such actions as a material disclosure or use of the specific Items. IBM may disclose the Items to its consultants and contractors with a need to know. Such disclosure shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Confidential Agreement No. C00754-X03038 entered into by the parties on 18 May 2000.
CHIP. Contractor will have the California Highway Patrol or another state’s comparable entity inspect each vehicle under law.
CHIP. The Childrens Health Insurance Program provides health insurance coverage for children that do not qualify for Medicaid, but remain in families that cannot afford to purchase health insurance.
CHIP. At E.Z. Chip’s request and expense, IBM shall apply for mask work protection in the names of E.Z. Chip and IBM jointly. Neither party shall use such mask work right otherwise than for enforcing such right against any infringer thereof. Each party agrees that the other party may proceed independently against any infringer of such mask work right. Neither party shall have a duty of accounting to the other with respect any of such proceedings or profits derived from its interest in such mask work right as a result of such proceedings.
CHIP. IBM shall not have any right without the prior written consent of E.Z. Chip to manufacture, sell or license any of the Products developed hereunder to any third party.
CHIP. It is the parties’ express intent that this Agreement is not a third party beneficiary contract.
CHIP. Children Health Insurance Program, a federal program that provides medical services to low-income children age 21 and under, through Insurers qualified to offer coverage under this program. Commonwealth Population: Individuals, regardless of age, who meet State eligibility standards established by the Puerto Rico Medicaid Program but do not qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction about any issue that is not an Adverse Benefit Determination that is resolved at the point of contact.